Knocked over enemies sometimes bounce up instantly when hit, skipping over the need to climb to their feet. I noticed this with northmen frothers in particular (Legend and Cata), after knocking them over with shields and other high stagger weapons (usually opportunist). Basically, one player would bash them to the ground - if nobody attacked them they’d slowly climb back up to their feet. If someone pushed and/or attacked them, sometimes they’d instantly just glitch back to a standing position even if they had just been knocked to the ground, and start their attack combo.
With Kruber’s Bret longsword you sometimes get locked into the riposte/parry stance, especially if you just quickly hold mouse 1 for a heavy then release instead of holding it for a bit longer then releasing. Fumbling with input buffer settings seems to counteract this, but it’s annoying as it differs from host to host and still sometimes seems to happen - on some hosts I could set it to 0.2 which was comfortable, on others I had to crank it up to 0.4 to fix the problem and then I’d start having issues with other weapons (eg in chaos wastes where you can switch them). Bret longsword is a great weapon but this problem makes it incredibly frustrating to use, I can’t think of any other weapon that does this (maybe Saltz flail? Anything with a heavy that can be held indefinitely I imagine could be at risk).
I have gotten Faithflight as a red crossbow drop twice now since the CW update (I don’t know if this problem is older or not) and, unlocks with other reds, neither time has unlocked the skin for me, I still only see Levity in the list when I go to apply an illusion. I’m concerned if I apply Levity to them I’ll lose the Faithflight skin.
Handmaiden seems to have the extra half a stamina shield bug again, it occurs on all weapons like last time:
This seems to be the ‘stagger overwrite’ bug, where a low stagger attack can overwrite or cancel the stagger status of a high stagger attack. This is a very old bug that has been reported multiple times over the years but is yet to be addressed:
I have gotten Faithflight as a red crossbow drop twice now since the CW update (I don’t know if this problem is older or not) and, unlocks with other reds, neither time has unlocked the skin for me, I still only see Levity in the list when I go to apply an illusion. I’m concerned if I apply Levity to them I’ll lose the Faithflight skin.
Another old bug. I believe Faithflight appears as a blue illusion, not a red one.
Handmaiden seems to have the extra half a stamina shield bug again, it occurs on all weapons like last time:
Another very old bug or intended but undocumented feature. It is listed in A List of Everything You Wish Fatshark Told You It’s probably intended, since stamina is one of Handmaiden’s schticks.
Confirmed intended!
Yeah, I seem to remember reporting it back around the days of WoM or so and I think back then it was still considered a bug, since I seem to remember the extra half shield getting removed for a while later. Now I wasn’t sure if FS decided to make it a permanent bonus for her or not.

Another old bug. I believe Faithflight appears as a blue illusion, not a red one.
Just checked and confirmed, it appears as blue, not red as it should appear. Not so bad but still confusing.
That leaves the stagger overwrite and Kruber’s longsword getting locked into riposte stance (honestly the most disruptive one if you like using Bret LS).
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