“My honest reaction” was that I’ve seen the OP raise a load of threads just since October asking how to stat-build different weapons(1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. ), to the point where I couldn’t tell if they were just resource scraping for a PS5 guide, or hadn’t played in a long time. Then came across this too
at which point I thought it ironic that they started this topic.
Anyway. Some weapons need a “nerf”.
If someone said to you we’re bringing out a level 10 competition map. You get one go at it, and if you complete the level you get £1000. The two weapons you pick I’m going to say are likely OP. People know it, even if they don’t want to admit it in case it gets changed.
Making everything “better” is an obvious fallacy. Some weapons just need to come down a notch or two; be that damage, cleave, speed, dodges, whatever. They just do; otherwise the other weapons become pretty redundant outside of some kind of gaming cosplay.