Is the Heavy Sword the worst melee weapon in the game?

I understand an unpowered slashing blade being bad agaisnt armor but needing 2 or more light attacks for poxwalkers? two heavy attacks for unarmored dregs? with 80 percent damage on HERESY? Really? How is this weapon not buffed yet???


One shots groups including ragers with horizontal heavies. How are you building it?


Considering you are keep creating separate thread for every weapon to ask about dump stat i would say you should learn about modifiers and stats first before making balance statements


Oneshots almost all elite enemies with a headshot with Headtaker stacks on zealot and even better on vet due to +30% weakspot and +15% elite damage


No it is not the worst. But it is surely not also the better weapon you can pick IF you are in need of a versatile weapon. By example, as sword, a chainsword is more versatile.

In fact, the HS is great (even the best) against hordes. You can also one swing any lesser enemies with heavy hits.
But it suffers from a several drawback, the carapace.
Except this, this is an incredible weapon and you can deal a lot of insane damages.

Also, of course, the perception of this weapon depends of your class. On zealot, this is a good weapon… even if you have to take something against carapace as ranged.
And, at contrary of catachan sword, this one can be used with several combinations/builds.
Catachan works good with critical build, but, and this is only memories cause I did not play it for a long time, it works badly with anything else…


You can spam a special attack + block cancel against carapace.

And Devil Claws are good with any build.

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You can kill a crusher with an HS. True. I did it. Would I go against 8 crushers with my HS and alone? no.

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2 of them you can easily oneshot with FotF+Duellist, I had a lot of situations when I was cornered by a crusher patrol and still managed to deal with them alone.


try head taker and deathblow on a Mk IX


Ogryn Power Maul


Try something like this Heavy sword - Build for Darktide - Darktide WH40k ,before the locked and loaded i really tought that MKIX was the best sword but now im in love with the MKVI, some blessing could be change to have less truoble fighting carapace, but i think FoTF is enough fot that, and some others blessings/perks can be changed to be more effective against unyielding too, but that is why i bring the bolter, instead of bringing surgical, i use Pinning Fire with Fire Frenzy so just shoot one or two bullets into a horde and now u have +75% more damage to deal easily with Monstrositys.

Tbh, MKVI has always been my favorite. The VII is as same damages level of the IX.
But VI, can stagger dreg ragers, and that’s great.

I agree. However, this is one build on zealot. And not something that applies to all classes.
And still, this is situational and this weapoh has a dawback with carapace.

At first I thought this was a troll thread

Heavy sword is probably one of the best weapons in the game

edit: Let me just expand on this:

  1. Deathblow makes it an incredibly powerful and dangerous cleaving weapon against all sorts of difficult enemies
  2. As others have mentioned, headtaker + deathblow basically makes the weapon god-tier
  3. You can build it many different ways and the weapon has some amazing combos weaving light and heavy attacks

I hope this helps you


imo the Xacto blades are the worst weapons

Thanx for the advice :metal:

Definitely not the best weapon, but a decent one. 2 shots mutant, ragers and hounds, one shots flamers, snipers,etc. Pair with chastise and it’s can one shots almost anything. It’s the weapon I’ve used for 85% of my playtime and have taken through every no ammo maelstrom run. It struggles against crushers but still very useable. You’re going to need to take headtaker and deathblow for the blessings.

It was really bad. Then it got buffed and it was really, really good. Didn’t feel overpowered and had a very defined niche by being anti-maniac and anti-horde and strengthening those qualities with some good choices, with a clear weakness against armor and being ‘good enough’ against Ogryn enemies.

Then everything else got buffed way more and now it’s just okay—mediocre if you compare it to some of the recently buffed weapons. I still think it’s a great weapon but I consider it a relic of when balance was heading toward a better direction.

If you want me to say what melee is the worst in the game, probably Ogryn Club or Power Maul. I also think Knife is pretty bad now that Duelling Sword is available on everyone.


I acknowledge that it takes some time to learn about the weapons and mechanics of this game because there are hidden mechanics that aren’t explained. however, due to the large number of inexperienced players, I believe weapons like the bolter and plasma, which are originally strong, will not be nerfed, but instead will be further buffed and become OP.


I’ll say this though ; for a weapon clearly advertised as ‘anti-horde’, it can’t really handle a lot of hitmass without Rampage, or its better sibling, Deathblow (I switched them out to try Chained Deathblow ; not worth it) : it kinda sucks against mixed armored hordes. And obviously, real bad when you throw in some Bulwarks or Carapace. And let’s just say the new Bladed Momentum ain’t helping much with this flaw, with how long it takes to set up full stacks.

With a Chainaxe Mk12 I can easily achieve similar horde control, without a crippling weakness against Armor.

Heavy swords, kinda like Devil’s Claw, do feel like relics from 2 years ago compared to the most recently adjusted weapons.

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