Plasma Gun Dump stat?

Thermal Resistance or Ammo?

charge rate



Yeah. You donā€™t really need to charge the gun at all. Just left click.


Charge rate affects your normal left click so I kept it at 80, itā€™s a small difference but I like knowing itā€™s shooting as fast as possible after I input. Thermal resistance didnā€™t make much of a difference for me so I play with it on 60. In the limited testing I did in the psykhanium, having 80 thermal resistance only gave me something like 2% less buildup per shot.

If you have Gets Hot then you want it to ā€œget hotā€ faster anyway, and itā€™s the difference of waiting maybe a second between shots when youā€™re close to maxing out.


I believe people have written theyā€™d want thermal resistance on 72% or something? As above that it makes to difference to shots you can fire from 0.

I use one with ammo and heat resist not maxed.
Because both do not necessarily provide a benefit, when they are maxed.

If your mag size and ammo capacity are no issue, you do not need a larger mag and more ammo.
If max heat resistance does not let you fire an extra shot before overheating, there is not much reason to get more heat resist either (although it might make a tiny difference when manually venting).

If you have 68-80 thermal resist, you get 8 shots from 0 to 100% heat and 2 shots per auto vent after reaching 100% heat.
So no point in getting an 80 on thermal resist.
At 60-66 thermal resist, you get 7 shots from 0 to 100% heat and 2 shots per auto vent.

As you see, the difference between 60 and 80 thermal resist is pretty small.
If you do not want to get through the trouble of getting a weapon that has the correct two stats at the right values, you might as well go the easy way and take thermal resist as 60% dump stat.

I tested 66 and 68 thermal resistance (charge speed was not maxed, but it might impact the amount of heat generated per shot). 66 heat resist was too little, but 68 was enough for 8 shots from 0-100 heat.
67 thermal resist might also be enough to get off 8 shots before venting.
If 67 thermal resist is enough, you could get a 73 ammo stat.
Assuming that going from 72 to 73 ammo stat will grant you 1 extra ammo per mag, you would get an extra shot per mag if you take 67 thermal resist and 73 ammo stat. But good luck getting that.


Isnā€™t this information outdated now? Hasnā€™t it changed since then?
Edit: I was thinking of charge rate as @Frish pointed out.

Apparently. I couldnā€™t possibly tell you, so Iā€™ll choose to believe Flawless.
Then again, on the rare occasions I use it, I tend to sink occasionally, so itā€™d never come up anyways.

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I think the outdated info was on charge rate, where a value of ~71 gave you the fastest time between left-click and shot fired? This has since been patched though.

My dump stat is charge speed since the actual change in speed is minor (like .1-.2s IIRC?), and since ammo affects your clip size I like it maxed (also: major Weapon Specialist enjoyer). I also kinda like the charge delay as part of the plasmagun feel so it doesnā€™t bother me :slight_smile:

Ah yes, that was it, thank you!
Charge speed here too, though I also collect ammo dump stat for fun and testing charged blessings.

Yeah make ammo the dump stat so it becomes a useless paperweight quicker.

The dump stat for plasma is ā€œskillā€.

(Donā€™t take me seriously I just couldnā€™t resist).


Isnā€™t there an ā€œinteraction between different weapon mechanicsā€ aka bug, that causes your actual damage per shot to be lower than the stat value if your Charge Rate is lower than 72% or something?

Or is that already fixed and this is now outdated information?

Scroll up a tad Plasma Gun Dump stat? - #11 by Frish

Iā€™m talking about the bug where it ties into actual damage of primary fire shots, not how fast it takes to shoot like what heā€™s talking about.

That should be quite easy to test now.
Dumpstat charge rate vs dumpstat heat/ammo.

If dmg is the same, no more problem.

Preferably charge rate vs ammo.
That way, one could also see if charge rate has a noticeable effect on the heat generated by the primary fire.

I recommend 70 Resistance and 70 Charge, resistance below 70 will make you overheat after only 7 shots, and above 70 you can shoot 8 times.

Yes, the bug was damage was tied to charge rate, but not RoF related as you said.

As of Traitor Curse P2 Patch this behaviour should no longer exist.

TLDR: Plasma Gun ā€˜normalā€™ (left click) shots do different damage based on the Charge Rate of the gun. The ideal CR is 73, but 64 and 80 are also peaks of sorts. Slightly more CR (+1-4) than those numbers is noticeably worse but slightly less (- 1-3) is only slightly worse (see table).

At the absolute worst (65 or 48 CR) youā€™ll do 5,3% less damage than a 73 CR otherwise equal gun. Into Flak armor thatā€™s worth (in weapon stats) 17 Damage or 11 Stopping Power (or 7 Damage + 6 SP).

Hereā€™s the table, going down to 47 Charge Rate. The CR and the percentage on the right are the numbers to pay attention to.


There was a mention on disco 69 thermal, 71 charge, rest 80 for ā€œoptimalā€, prob harder to get under the new system of 60/80s? Still some RNG left in the old gas tanks maybe if anyone wants to be a borg about it.