After using the Plasma Gun for more than 10 matches of Difficulty 3-5. It does suffer and mostly in higher difficulties. Due to specials spawn rate.
Plasma Gun: Weapon that uses both Ammo, and Heat mechanism, which a player would need to manage both Heat & Ammo, that is used to engage the heaviest targets.
Venting Is Nearly Useless
An option used to vent out heat after shooting. But if the heat is at 38% or higher, venting will inflict self damage to health. also venting slows down the player and disable sprinting.
Plasma Gun with 70% in Thermal Resistance & 70% in charge rate, would increase Heat up to 38-40% on a charged shot. that means venting is nearly never safe to use.
Its nearly Venting is never used during a mission
Charged Shot Have NO Real Benefit
Use of 3x the ammo for 2.9x the damage. While also generation of more heat.
Testing on a Crusher at Diff 4, requires 18 Ammo with Charged shots or Non-Charged shots. Charged shots did generate 9% more heat.
3.Weak Passive Venting
Passive Venting is very slight and is barely noticeable,sometimes its even forgotten , and can never be relied on.
Inconsistent DPS (due to short Salvo)
with a 78% Thermal Resistance (The modifier which affects the heat generated per shot), you can only do 3 charged shots , or 8 normal shots at max.
From the Flaws, as a sharpshooter you cant perform your role, you would counter 2-3 specials, then need to vent all the way to 0%, which takes about 3 seconds while also sacrificing your HP.
yet also countering Shooters consumes huge amount of ammo and time, which makes the plasma gun have nothing really to achieve.