Is Mobility the best "Dump" stat for ranged weapons?

or depends on the weapon?

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It depends on the weapon, but in general yes. For example, the collateral stat on the Recon Lasguns doesn’t change anything significant from 60-80 so its the dump stat on them.


More of a dump stat than mobility? Because i dont usually “move” when shooting, and if someone is in my face wont i switch to my melee anyway?

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Yes, because it literally adds imperceptible value. Additionally I believe (I know mobility changes different stats on different weapons) it still effects dodges which is always important. Doubly so on Vet and Zealot, where you want to keep Reciprocity and Dance of Death/Duelist up as much as possible respectively.

Though iirc most guns have the same dodges at 60 and 80 ? I think, anyway. So it’s more dodge distance and movement while running if that’s ever been a problem.

If your melee weapon has terrible Mobility, it’s rather handy to have good mobility on the ranged weapon, for when you gotta haul a** to your team or away from a pack of crushers.


Mobility probably has the least impact compared to other weapon aspects because everything else deals with damage. A weapon inherently gives either good or bad mobility so eeking mobility out past 60% is kinda pointless. Unless youre using a light weapon like knife/duelling sword, the player has many reasons to use mobility as the dump stat. Fatshark isnt blind to this either, visit to both weapon stores and most to all the weapons would have max mobility.

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