“Plz Devs nerf this weapon/skill/blessing! I have 4000 hours in game I find to too easy ”
My honest reaction:
Yeah but dueling sword is a pain in the ass to play alongside of and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a combat axe, power sword, or anything else.
Ad hominem, sorry. Please make an argument next time that doesn’t involve “it’s a PVE game lol who cares about balance” or “Most people don’t play Auric Maelstroms constantly”. EVERYONE playing this game is trying to have fun with it. Someone’s definition of fun being “backbreaking difficulty” does not make it invalid.
I’m just here for Uncle Baby Billy.
Imagine being this tilted someone wants to take away your powertrip in a game based on playing with miniature toys
I like our resident range fudd
It’s just so borked
Ok let’s have a sword that just replaces the power sword but it’s super fast
It does horde clear and can 2 shot crushers like come on fs
i agree with the sentiment, tons of balance asks lately, honestly, i hope FS just keeps ignoring them
game makes 0 sense since patch 13 that screwed up this game balance, so better off just saving the fun
Idk why a toothpick kills the most heavily armored enemies the best. Rapier in vermintide was nowhere near as strong, even crit headshots were incapable of 1 shotting CWs.
They technically are capable of that but you’re basically running a meme build to achieve it. And you have to commit to the second charge level of the heavy naturally.
Rapier is very strong in VT2, but it feels reasonable there. You could probably write an essay on all the little differences between the games that make Rapier ok and DS not ok. Advantages the mobility confers in DT, amount of finesse boosting available, suite of survivability and utility you can have access to at the same time etc.
players saying to just leave broken stuff in because it’s “fun” once again ignoring the people who have their own enjoyment screwed because of said things
Really, really tired of seeing “Hurr durr it’s fun” as a defense of it. I find it not fun. Guess we have to fight to the death.
its one’s enjoyment for another, people screaming that they feel oppressed by the gamers carrying their games with overpowered builds is so stupid and silly from my pov
and they are usually so bad at the game that they are like uncarriable even by those
There’s other ways to get your power fantasy fix, even within the game.
There are not really ways to get a challenge fix. Just because you can shut off and be annoyed-
Well you keep editing in more insults literally as I watch so whatever, not bothering to finish my thoughts.
you thoughts are a copy paste of so many i’ve read on the forums that i dubit they are your own
the n1 problem for people actually playing this game is finding decent team mates
people on the forums that are outraged by others telling them about overpowered stuff on a videogame and addres that as the mother of all evils and projecting their feelings to the point of accusing overpowered builds of killing the playerbase have me fed up
and fortunately devs have started to realize all this, its only a shame that they did so after so many months of overbalancing this game to the point weapons don’t behave anymore like in the original concept and its a damn shame
What a shite response. I didn’t even return to the game until recently. I glance occasionally at the forums while doing other stuff if I think about it (And generally only glance at a topic or two).
I literally have gotten bored of the game again within a couple of weeks, doing auric damnation, due to how absurdly broken player power levels can be. There’s a whole lot of steps just to wade through to even enjoy the game if you’re good at it, from hopefully not getting players abusing hard meta, to hard meta players who then ruin matches by being overconfident little goobers, to the poor server performance (still), etc.
This has nothing to do with what the anomalous forums have told me and everything to do with the in game experience being pretty frickin’ bad right now if you’re not someone who enjoys watching someone else melt the map while holding M1 down.
i agree, thing is i know exactly when was the point who broke the game was, because i’ve followed all the way trough since closed beta
and things right now power creep wise are not far from what they were in patch 13
but i’m also well aware that they can’t go back, they can’t undue patch13, they can only just keep breaking it more so i’d save it as it is now hoping they never touch balance again in the future
Good thing I’ve literally said this. (In regards to the biggest issue being the talent trees)
Guess it’s easier to just assume you know my thoughts and be condescending about it though.