Zealots and Knifes


Iv also seen bad players of all types for various reasons.

If someone is really toxic I will block them in steam directly. There isnt exactly a huge player base so i find this pretty quickly limits my contact. I did the same in VT2 on PSN and hardly ever came across problem players.

Extreme solution, I know, but it seemed to work.


The first time, of course! But what do you think will happen when they have done that a couple of times? I postulate they will get bored and won’t do it again.

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Hmmm… I think you’re onto something :smiley:
I can imagine this will become boring for rushers indeed.

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I love double threads…
From here: Knife and how to balance it - #9 by Ralendil

Something I have just done to see the global move speed of all weapons:

Considering this, if we reduce the move of combat blades, a lot of weapons have to be nerfed. And I even wonder if the 0.45 area (most weapons) should not even be nerfed also if we follow the global wishes of people fed up about dagger zealots.
Are you ready to play as turtles?? :rofl:

BUT: they could lower 0.8 to 0.6, 0.94 to 0.7 and 0.98 to 0.8 while putting 0.45 to 0.4. This would be correct.
So something like that:

This would mean a nerf impacting 68% of the weapons pool.
This would also, in fact, make the 32% remaining weapons feel better, so an hidden buff…

Targeting one weapon at a time won’t stop people from playing antisocially.

If the problem is players speedrunning ahead of their groups another solution would be for the game director to punish the speedrunner. I think I read that it already tries but clearly it needs to be more aggressive.

I proposed something about this in loner thread:

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movemenet speed in this game changes in a very drastic way, i can feel the difference from a 75% mk6 power sword and a 80% to the point i’ve come to term on not setteling for less than 80%, with the 5% movement speed node it makes me run faster than most ammo hoggers

movement speed modifier might not be very important for knives since you can exploit the charge attack movement burst on a 20% mobility knife and be still quicker than the rest

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The charge attack movement bonus should be removed. This one, I would not miss it… as it is a total non sense. And note that I said removed and not “nerfed”.
As always, this is just a personal opinion

I think thats cool and i would be fine with it staying, i would only adjust some overperforming blessings, namely the ones mentioned in the other thread, precognition and riposte

most players don’t even use them though, i always played it with lacerate and uncanny

The ones I don’t use… feel free to nerf them to the ground…but I guess it will just lower the interesting blessings for daggers.

even with what I have written, I feel that the gap between 0.45 (major part of the weapons) and 0.98, is a little too much.

But for the heavy attack move bonus… really, I don’t see one reason to keep it.

its cool and unique to the weapon, removing it would be like removing the inbuilt run n gun old laspistols had, it would normalize it and it would feel the same as any other weapon loosing its originality

It spawns extra disablers at you while if the group travels fast the director has a tendency to drop a boss on you.

Now the problem is, when it’s Knife Zealot doing it the first part will be circumvented by Loner, so there won’t be extra specials spawning, and the user can just agro dump bosses, patrol or whatever else using stealth.

Knife is in large part an enabler of this playstyle, but Zealot has additional measures to make it way easier, ergo more people will be playing like this due to the low skill entry, so it will be more popular than other rushing tactics utilizing the knife.

I don’t feel it like that…
I just feel ridiculous to see people spamming heavy attacks just to rush even faster.
But again, personal opinion. And I don’t think we will agree on this :stuck_out_tongue:

Except if you apply what I proposed… then loner would not be enough efficient to run ahead far away of the group.

I’m feel similarly. 650 hours in, playing Auric Damnation, and I just don’t see the speed running problem.

Yes, sometimes players (stealth knife zealots mostly) pull ahead, but they are rarely ever that far ahead. And if they are and they aren’t dying all the time, what’s the problem exactly?

It affords a very different playstyle and that’s a good thing for the game IMHO. We don’t have to all move through the level in our little coherency bubble.

Apologies if this sounds bad, but I think players complaining about “not enough teamwork” are to some extent needing or wanting to be carried, and having players out of coherency makes them nervous.

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Unless it effects every kind of toughness gain (on kill, from talent etc.), it wouldn’t do much to the fix the issue while probably causing a bunch of other problems.

Speedrunners thrive on difficulty and challenges. Your suggestion would only give them more of it.

Honestly, I hate rushers… but such penalty on all toughness regen talents would be too much.
But the toughness regen penalty should do the contrary of the toughness regen perk, so impacting the delay and the amount of toughness regenerated.

I encountered another last evening; maybe as I had this thread in the back of my mind I was more attuned to noticing it. At times, they were about 50-100m ahead of the group. Knife carrier, yes, as it happens.

But: I was playing with a buddy on Discord and we had another very level headed Ogryn. We just didn’t try to catch up. We all just moved through the level sensibly as a small-spread threesome. The zealot guy went down to a one-hit at one point, which we were able to revive, and then : surprisingly, said knife zealot came to heel for the rest of the map.

Maybe that’s the solution. Actually hang back far enough that it’s almost irrelevant, rather than then racing (y)ourselves to catch up.

I have met one some time ago… he was rushing a little too much (so worse than what we usually see). The 2 others players wanted to floow him but have given up as he just avoided enemies and was moving forward, letting all enemies behind him.
I just typed one thing in the chat. I’ve said: “guy, don’t expect me trying to save you when you will go down”
He has decided to wait us. But if he had not, I would not have tried to revive him and putting myself in a position to be killed.

At this point, I believe that people like you are just being dishonest and try to belittle commonly acknowledged problem and insert the obligatory “skill issue” remark whenever it’s possible.

This happens quite often, I’ve even seen Zealots with 1000+ hours who spam pinged the secuiry door while the team was busy fighting a massive ambush from behind because they thought that going through an elevator or security door will despawn/drop aggro from enemies.

And as for being “nervous” while one player is constantly out of coherency and performing mediocre at best, why shouldn’t I be nervous? Why must I play in almost permanent disadvantage in the game that is intended to be a 4-player coop? Why must I fight off Rager trains in melee all the time as Vet, while our Zealot stabbing poxwalkers or basic shooters somewhere upstairs? Why whenever I play as Zealot and see a Rager train, I switch my focus to them and decapitate them as fast as possible? Probably cause I’m a noob and those are true MLG top tier players who are “carrying” those pathetic PUGs.

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