Change Loner -> Become Batman

I think, if we want to go on this path, rushers have also to be addressed.

I would propose that if someone is behind the group, and the players don’t wait him for X seconds (and he is still alive), it would put a reduction on toughness regen. Like a -25% of the coherency of the group (1 behind/4 players = 25%).
If the group is split in two, the guys that are running in front would get the penalty than the others would not (so a -50% on regen toughness for the guys that rush).
Final, if a zealot goes away of coherency and is ahead, he would still get a coherency of 2, but with a -75% malus on toughness regen.
This would encourage players to play as a team and not try to rush to the end.

This would solve AND rushers, AND dagger zealot that never wait.

Then now loner. I agree with KJeraD. He is right, and pointed the main problem.
Loner should give an advantage to all players.

I agree but it should be option 1 OR option 2. Not both. I think the second option would not bring anything to the game, while the first would make this aura like all others.
So, I would prefer the option 1.

Edit: option 1 but without cumulative bonus. No aura has a cumulative bonus (designed here by multiple auras)