Came onto the Forums (after a long needed hiatus) to simply gripe about this exact point.
Every other change they did from what I can tell is pretty great. I’m sad about the Ogryn nerfs but haven’t felt them to much and the buffs seem to off set them a decent amount, but beyond that this by far has annoyed me to the point of wanting to make a ‘return’ just to yell about it.
In a game so heavily skewed toward team synergy and team play in general (mainly for dealing with disablers, but still), this ‘Aura’ is just actively a terrible addition to the team. If this was a solo pip off in the corner I wouldn’t care AS much, but this being a AURA and still being one even after all these changes, and not only that having a penance associated with it literally telling people ‘grief your team it’s worth it I swear’ is just so friggen bad. You can’t even get it done quick either, you HAVE to get backstab kills instead of just kills away from your team so you get people like myself that want to get the funny class penance number back to full marks actively just trolling their team running away from them to try and get this penance finished and it’s like bro this playstyle of play died off like so long ago why is this my AURA?!?
At least if it was a pip, replace the stagger pip just before it or something (cause that one literally has no purpose), then you could say ‘ohh I use it for clutch plays when my team goes down but still play with them and try and succeed’. But this being your AURA literally just encourages the Zealot to grief, sprint ahead far past the team, die to a trapper/dog/what have you, and then go ‘gg go next’ and leave. It’s just, why? Why double down on this? Why not make it into literally ANYThing else that actually encourages you to be a useful member of your squad?
Benediction at this point + Holy Relevant is just strictly a better pick anyway, the only reason you ever pick Loner is because you want to be ‘risky’ and take more damage points, but even then half the time going down the middle for beacon will be better as at least that Does something. This Aura just, sucks. It’s playsyle is terrible. Aura’s in literally every other case are team wide helpful buffs that you AND the rest of your team get.
This ‘Aura’ only YOU can ever get the ‘benifit’ of, and said ‘benefit’ is like 1-2 toughness regen a second, woow, wonderful. That will certainly stop the 5 maulers I just ran into BY MYSELF from taking me to see the emperor, just, whyyyyyyyyy.
Ok that’s all.
(on a side note, if they wanted to make it actually worth it to run while still keeping it an aura, calling it ‘Emperors Touch’ or something and having it read ‘you are always in coherency with your allies’ would be infinitely better and actually be solid. Maybe a bit broken to, but it would at least play into the play style of ‘I’m going to go on ahead alone’ while still allowing your team to keep your coherency, and technically allow THEM to actually get something by having it that even when THEY are alone they still ‘feel your presence’ and keep 2 coherency going. Feel that would be infinitely better.)