I’m currently doing the penances for zealot that I was missing and several seem entirely counter intuitive to the gameplay loop as well as encouraging destructive teamplay.
The backstab penances encourage you to break off from squad coherency and get riddled with bullets and die isolated, or pinned by a special, most if not all combat is head on and when you’re on your own in CQC enemies will continuously rotate to face you making it take longer to kill as you have to circle dance to reach their back. That’s also not addressing the fact that special/ elite enemies will rightfully be prioritized and killed by your team before you can pull off a backstab the majority of the time which encourages you to break off greater distances making rescue for your team even more difficult.
To be fair there is a perk to give partial coherency at all times, but why would you want to break off from your squad like that in the first place?
Additionally, the 15 stacks penance is another self destructive challenge which encourages you to run in circles chasing your own tail to build stacks instead of assisting your team with ongoing combat.
These penances are not impossible, but you’re essentially tasked with jumping through a bunch of hoops, while actively sabotaging yourself and your team to kill an enemy in an oddly specific way when you could simply just kill them and move on.
The design philosophy surrounding what the penances task you with doing is really bizarre with the behavior they encourage. Penances should be actual challenges, or encourage viable strategy.