Zealots and Knifes

I’ll just leave this here:

This is just wrong :disappointed:

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Well, vets can’t rush like zealot or at least not as good. I’m not saying we should nerf zealot but maybe fine tune. Personally, I rarely see a play who rushes way too far. Maybe once a week and I’m ok with it. I’m not sure what it’s like outside Auric Mael.

Holy cringe. The self-promotion is so real.

Since you apparently screenshot every end-mission screen, and even mark time-stamps, I think we could use a dozen more for this thread to clearly make sure how awesome you are. I am sure this has a lot to do with rushers having to rely on an imbalanced weapon :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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You have seen nothing. Thankfully it’s not nearly as common as Zealots doing it.

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I agree with this post.

But let’s coming back civil, polite and on discussion.

My opinion is that the problem is not zealot + knife (at least about rushing), as a lot can rush and not only dagger zealot.
Speaking of daggers (combat blade), I tend to think that, yes, the movement speed could be nerfed.
It should be better than with a tactical axe, but not with a so huge difference.
Don’t remember who pointed that to me in the other discussion on the same topic, but must say I have been convinced by the numbers.
The dagger movement speed is too much, and this should be nerfed.
But as always, I fear the worst that FS could nerf it to the ground. And this would be a disaster.

Yeah learn. You have a lot to learn.

I am learning so much by looking at those tables. Could you please a couple of more? I never thought a human being was capable of such fantastic performance!

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Sure thing

I genuinely think this is the terminal stage of Main Character Syndrome LMAO

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I personally think there’s not too much that can be done about folks rushing ahead from a mechanical perspective, and nothing about a hyper mobile loadout necessarily encourages anti-teamplay. If you nerf knives, folks will go to the next most-mobile weapon and continue their shenanigans.

The only issue I see here that is a solvable problem is Loner, which to me seems to be both underpowered and contrarian to the rest of the game’s class design.

1.) It’s innately weak. Many folks would argue that coherency as a whole is a fairly weak mechanic (I would disagree, but that’s a different topic altogether) but of all the auras, this one is the least impactful.

2.) Its the only Aura that doesn’t provide passive support for the team.

3.) It encourages being outside of coherency, which the rest of the game actively works to punish.

I feel like a rework or replacement of Loner would be ideal. An example:

If we wanted to keep the “Stay outside of coherency” bit, how about having the aura build stacks while outside of coherency (Such as by killing Elites and Specialists), and then trigger an effect when you return to coherency (Such as providing a more noticable boost to toughness regen for both you and your team)

This would keep the theme, but also encourage zealots to not only faff about alone, but also swoop in when the team needs them the most, kick butt and then vanish again. Like Batman!


I doubt it will fix anything. Ppl who know how to split, will split. When I play shovel, I also split. It’s just an excuse when they die and there are quite a lot of blamers who can’t get better so they’re gonna blame on someone. And a splitter is a good target because they feel like the other 2 will back them up. Just a loser mindset.

I don’t want fixing this situation, cause, in my opinion, dagger zealot is not the problem.
So many players are rushing, and less than 10% are dagger zealots.

I just point only one thing… yes movement with daggers is a little too much and this could be nerfed without hurting the survivability of the zealots.

But wouldn’t it be better to nerf zealot move spd skill? There are vets and psykers who use the wep for mobility/survivability.

Again, we have to define "rushing’ so special people won’t get triggered and started spamming their scoreboard screenshots again.

Running forward and focusing high-value targets is not rushing, it’s playing the melee class correctly.

Reading guides, picking Zealot, all the movespeed and dodge skills and a knife, then GTFO from the team coherency to never be seen again outside of elevators, security doors and objective rooms is RUSHING. I don’t get where you have taken this number, that less 10% of rushers are knife zealots, because it’s almost exclusively them, since the combination of skills + overpowered weapon makes this playstyle very easy to execute. And there is stealth to dump aggro as a cherry on top.

While this is not as common, as let’s say just bad players or rage-quitters, I get people like this in every 4-5th game on average. And the experience is pretty much the same as @Nish described earlier.

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check values. I had not in mind when I was defending dagger movement. You can see them on gamelanterns.
This is too much the difference between tactical axes and daggers.

About the movement skill of zealot, I cannot be objective. I use it on 80% of my builds. anything I could say would be under my own experience and as I would hate to see it nerfed…
Must say, that my feeling is that, no it should not be nerfed. But between 0.45 (tactical axe) and 0.98 (daggers), the gap is huge!
For reference, catachan is 0.45, combat axe 0.45, a recon lasgun 0.8, a bully club 0.23, revolver 0.8.
So, as you see, the simple nerf of daggers movement would also need adjustments on other weapons (as you can see with recon lasgun).

To be honest, I don’t care of this cause I have learnt to survive alone, and my goal is to train enough to be able to survive alone without my team. On my zealot, I actually play without using medicae, returning to the old until the death + now loner. Just cause of rushers.
I don’t even try to change the behavior of the players, I know this is a lost cause.
I will just adapt.

But, yes, they could nerf a little the daggers move… however it would require to adjust everything else.

We must have a different definition.
For me rushers are the guys that do not wait others and go forward and do not try to play as a team. And this, this is not only dagger zealot. Sorry… it is a lot of players.
And so a lost cause to try to change that… unless Fatshark put something that incitates them to stop rushing. I believe that the skull were sort of this… but noone try to get the martyr skulls.

Maybe what could be better could be something if you rush, you get massive enemy spawn.
So something like :
If player pass the point A before 10 minutes, launch a nightmare spawn. And off course, several conditions like that to slow players with massive spawns and incitate them to slow down.
But would it be fair? I don’t think it would be appreciated.

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Ah, I see. Well, to me those are just bad players who don’t care about teamplay.

Rushers, in my opinion, are those who have read or watched some sort of a power-gamer guide on how to become a one-man army, specificaly made the best build available and went to public matching to “carry some noobs”.


Sadly this will backfire drastically.

First, the spawns, even while being dynamic, are still random at their core. You can quickly breeze through a huge portion of the map because spawns were generious and teamwork was on point. Punishing this with a huge horde of dangerious enemies would be bad.

Second, rushers would just use stealth and dump those spawns anyway.

There was an idea something like “marked for treason” or whatever when players leaves coherency with alive teammates for a long time, they get some debuffs and get executed afterwards, but it’s pointless too.

I think the best decision would be just nerfing knife first, in particular it’s speed and dodges.
And if to dig deeper, I am all for slowing down the pace of the game in general, like was mentioned in the start of thread.

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I don’t think that’s a good idea. If he dies, the massive enemies will go to the team and it’s not very easy to code either. Sometime someone get left behind because they are looking for amo and other loots and that could be a problem.

Personally, I rarely ever see a rusher that is too bad to the point of trolling. I think I’m about 1.6k hours and I’ve seen those for only 10-20 times I think. It’s not often at all. Do I think FS should fix it? Not really. Can players kick them when they see one? Yes.

I have said it… I don’t think also.
But actually the bug that existed by the past (infinite horde) doesn’t exist sadly.
So, there is nothing that should push players to rush. And this is not the patrols spawn that are a game changer, even in auric.
Maybe the simple solution is to scale ordos / exp on the time spent on the map.
Less time, less ordos…

I think that’s a great incentive but I doubt FS will. Ngl, it’s not an easy topic. There are a few people who ruin the game with knife and speed, there are also some ppl who are great with it and help the team. I’ve seen a lot of good knife players ngl.

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