Darktide Modding Policy


When using mods, there are a few key points that Fatshark wants players to consider. Players found using any mods falling within any of the below categories in a way that affects other unmodded players will be subject to a prompt warning and possible ban from the game service.

  • Using mods that directly affect unmodded players’ experience of the game and/or is used to grief other players.
    • Examples: Speed hacks, outright cheating in missions, etc.
  • Using mods that affect the stability/performance of the game service.
  • Using mods that devalue other players’ investments (time or monetary) in the game
    • Examples: Bypassing progression, penances or contracts, unlocking of premium cosmetics and currencies in the game service.
  • Toxic behaviors reported as an indirect result of using mods.

Mods will have access to the same authentication level as the regular game has which means that mods are perfectly capable of managing inventories, currencies and characters as they see fit, including but not limited to:

  • deleting characters
  • selling or buying items
  • spending premium currency

The use of mods is therefore to be done at players own risk and Fatshark will not be able to help with accounts losing gear, character, or other data as a result of using Mods.

If you are having any technical issues when using mods, please contact the mod’s creator rather than the Darktide Customer Service Team. Fatshark will not offer official support for any mods created for Darktide, and is not culpable for any issues arising with updates or mismatched versions.

Similarly if you have any feedback on any mods for Darktide, we ask that you contact the mod creators rather than our Community team.


what mods? I thought modding was not going to be part of DT because of the dedicated servers?

is this in reference to the armoury exchange browser extension to check the store? (is this something you consider a mod?)


The line “Darktide will not support mods” was ambiguous in terms of “technical limitation” vs “policy restriction”.

But the technical limitation is, and will remain, simply the fact that there are no official tools. Unofficial versions will exist (already do, partially), and we were in regular exchange with Fatshark about that.

This statement now augments the above line into “modding is allowed within these parameters”. Modding through community-made tools will happen.


Does this imply that if modding becomes a thing that there’s no separation of modded and unmodded games? VT2 has Offical and modded realm so players can mod the game and cheat items in without consequence. In the worst case scenarion, it seems that in Darktide’s case FS might simply just ban players without offering any means of letting players do what they want.


I suspect they ain’t gonna pay for modded content servers so it’ll be a bit of a freeforall, with some players running mods and such while other suffer.


Vermintide 1 anyone?

If I googled every facepalm image ever made and uploaded it here there wouldn’t be enough facepalmage for this.


That is correct.
But DT also severely limits how mods can affect other players by not having access to the server.

How well they can protect item cheating on the backend-side remains to be seen.


The fact that modding is even allowed to some capacity is… just… Hallelujah. So many QOL mods in VT2 I can’t live without. I can continue hoping to see stuff like something that lets you adjust buff icon locations for example.


I started with VT2, so I need some clarification. How would an “allowed” mod which doesn’t affect other players cause suffering for others? Certain approved mods in VT2 were huge boons for situational awareness but nevertheless didn’t change the base experience for anyone else.

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In V1 there were some mods that would initiate auto kicks based on certain parameters. People would set it up to auto kick Elves or players under a certain level.

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Is polling the shop through the API every hour allowed?

Is making purchases through the API allowed?

Is purchasing offers returned by /store/storefront/credits_store_xxx but for some reason are not listed in the in-game store allowed?

Any chance FS can publish the API specs? :slight_smile:




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No one who buys a premium cosmetic item is going to be upset that they can get more paid cosmetics for free with a mod.

Take it or leave it, but my advice is that you should state plainly that modding paid items into our inventory is the bannable offense that everyone would naturally assume it is. You’ll want to fix that before folks become angry when they see they are being lied to again.

I think we would all appreciate access to a more stable game without risk of being banned. Could you elaborate on why this rule exists and if it truly extends to improved game stability?


Oh the irony :wink:


Is there a scoreboard mod?


Sign me up!

that would actually make me play the game again.

a big step in the right direction. QoL mods gonna help


A mod can technically only cheat paid skins for the player using it.
Everyone else will see them differently.
If you actually want the skin in your inventory, so others can see it you have to get a valid id from the server.
Which means you have to buy it.

As already said the possibilities for mods are very limited when it comes to gameplay-changes and changes that affect other players.
By design because of the dedicated servers.

I’m working on one.


Wow, I’d love to see some kind of UI Tweaks equivalent in the future if it is possible.