Darktide Modding Policy

Patch Notes 1.0.22

Already in the works.

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Does Fatshark have a position on the use of mods that show healthbars and damage numbers? In VT2 these mods weren’t sanctioned.


I would assume most UI related mods would be fine since they don’t affect the game mechanics themselves for you or others. If it affects gameplay mechanics like letting you see specials or books through walls then that would be a no go.

There could be other reasons they weren’t allowed in V2. Like stability or something.

I doubt they’ll formulate a position for every single mod (since that’s kind of what they didn’t have the capacity for with sanctioning). But it does abide by the rules above.

So now we can mod in the ability to see if our weapon blessings are active and what stacks they are and how long they have left?
Or is that cheating?


It doesn’t affect gameplay, so I don’t see why not.

Mods that allow buying and selling of items? Nice! I can spends weeks or months of engaging the endgame without even signing in!

Waiting for the mod that brings ratmen into the game

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Wait, so that scoreboard picture I seen floating around was actually real and not just a mockup/concept? Because if so, then that is amazing!

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Why not support mods officially FS? Via Steam Workshop. Is that too hard of a concept for you to fathom? Much like good progression design :rofl:

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It just looks like a mockup video instead of a mockup screenshot, all the numbers are still wrong.

EDIT: Just realised how negative this came across, I meant that I hope it’s coming, but that just looks like the video the screenshot was taken from and not new info (I can fully believe that those are the wrong numbers collected from the game rather than some randomly picked ones by Grasmann)

Okay. This is absolutely amazing. MODS! FINALLY!
I have a question: Will we be able to install them via Steam Workshop or are you implementing it the DRG way via a 3rd party website?
I am massively excited for this. Finally something good is happening.

Edit: “Using mods that devalue other players’ investments (time or monetary) in the game”
excuse me? since when do you care about your player base’s time? if you actually cared you had already implemented several mods i just saw in j_sats showcase video.

you literally announce something good and at the same time have the ability to make me as angry as i’ve been the past 2 months about this game. amazing work

Will they at least be hosted on Steam workshop?

So instead of improvement QoL caused by immesurabal complexity and devastating amount of technical issues and bugs ty management decided to simply re-lay all QoL troubles on the shoulders of moders? Deja-vu…


What if I only play with friends that also bypass the progression? PLEASE let me ignore this absolute crap-show of a system and just PLAY THE GAME.


Things that devalue players time?!

In Darktide!!!

I am literally agog with stunned bafflement as to how Fatshark have the audacity to criticise modders for possibly having some disrespect for players time.


oh great you cant fix your game and now you let other people do it for you, without paying them of course just like in v2
pay for the right to play with mods
also explain to me how someone can be toxic using mods ?
and while you are at it define toxic since you cant use words thats in the dictionary
edit: oh and you dont even take any responsibility for your flawed game
" sorry you lost you stuff because of mods ? cant help ya buddy but you can play in the InsertYourOwnIssueHere realm "
i swear to god if after all of this you make the new classes paid i will never look back

How about allowing mods that do let us bypass your so-called progression system? Because that would actually respect our time and give us agency, unlike the atrocious disrespectful and hateful progression and itemization system FatShark keep stuffing down our throats.


People who have paid for cosmetics others manage to get for free through mods will surely be angry. Not everyone, but some will. People are angry in other games for less. Example, when a cosmetic that has been unlocked through some difficult means and later on that difficulty gets reduced they do get mad others “didn’t work for it as they did” etc etc.

Hell, Mage Tower in WoW is a great example where the tower wasn’t even nerfed, but due to natural gear progression throughout the expansion it became easier. People looked down upon others who didn’t clear the mage tower early. They didn’t deserve it because they got carried by gear. Etc etc

And for the second bit. I don’t understand, Fatshark is clear on that you aren’t allowed to mod paid cosmetics to your inventory and you aren’t allowed to bypass progression.

You even quoted it. It also includes more stipulations to add currencies to that.
How isn’t this stating it plainly?