Mods and how Fatshark should handle them, in your opinion

Regarding the recurring threads about mods and how they should be banned, limited or whatever, I propose to try to see what is the opinion of the community about this topic.

  • Mods have not to be verified or allowed. Every player is free to play with them, or not. Nobody should enforce restrictions on others.
  • Mods should be totally banned and everybody has to play with the same darktide
  • Mods should be managed and validated by Fatshark that could allow a few that we could play with (restricted management by Fatshark - so what is not authorized is forbidden)
  • Mods should be hosted by Fatshark that could forbid a few of them (open management - what is not forbidden can be used)
  • Fatshark should implement ALL QOL mods and allow players to use all of them ( they woyld be implemented as turned off by default)
  • I want the old VT2 system so servers with restricted use of mods
  • I donā€™t care of this question. Up to Fatshark to decide.
0 voters

I wish QOL would be implemented but probably wonā€™t
Just psych ward makes the game so much better.

Wouldnā€™t mind a modded realm as we had in V2 if it would make it possible to have a darktide version of onslaught


they havenā€™t sanctioned mods since 2019 or so in VT2 so that would be doubly terrible to see happen here. just use your own player discretion of how much difficulty youā€™d like to leave in tact, and then not complain about the game not being hard enough if you are literally playing with something on the level of spidey sense.


I proposed the options, even the ones I consider not realist, to not make a biased poll. This said, I agree with you totally.

So long as Darktide provides a significantly poorer un-modded experience, it should be open season (within reason). Iā€™d probably still play without mods, but Iā€™d miss them a lot.

An approved mod queue sounds nice, but also means a gigantic backlog every patch. Iā€™d rather have the freedom and deal with the consequences.

That said, for a developer, being able to view a list of popular QoL mods is valuable data and I hope they use it to improve vanilla UX. The priority is currently finishing the game, and I respect that, but please donā€™t neglect the polish!

Besides, you have all those lovely console players who canā€™t mod to wooā€¦ :money_mouth_face:


There are some mods that i think break the rules laid out by Fatshark and a few that i think should be completely banned. Most mods are completely fine though. Ideally, we wouldnt need mods.

All QOL mods (IE numeric UI) should be in the base game.


Thereā€™s so many ā€˜we made this basic QOL feature for youā€™ mods that they should be implemented, and also I frankly donā€™t care if someone plays with mods that arenā€™t obvious cheats.


It is not realistic to ask FS to put ALL qol mods into the game.
But there are quite a few that they really should put in.


I really want servers with restricted use of mods(not QoL ones)
Imagine if there will be a mod that letā€™s up to 12 people play in one match - this will be fun!

The modding setup we have now is absolutely ideal for the dedicated servers weā€™ve got running the game.

With the exception of exactly 3 mods that I am aware of that (2 of which arenā€™t on Nexus, and the 3rd is totally fine and there, because FS interacts with the modding community), absolutely none of the minuscule number of people who have problems with mods could reliably tell you if a teammate is playing with the mods they think should be banned.

And the sanctioning system from VT2 simply didnā€™t work well, leaving so many mods out of the reach of all but the most diehard players (who were fine playing without the normal progression systems). I would hate to go back to that.


I wanted to think about classes of mods as we have these discussions:

Informational & Combat UI Mods
These do provide an advantage by improving access to certain information (and/or greater specificity of information) and also often by improving the usability and efficiency of digesting information on the UI. Yes, they provide an ā€œadvantage,ā€ BUT itā€™s pretty minimal and I have no issue with such mods.

Some specific examples:

  • Numeric UI & Crosshair HUD (and other similar HUD tweaks)
    While also providing tons of customization and QoL improvements, these mods inherently improve the quality and effectiveness of information displayed on the screen. Knowing how many effective dodges you have left? Thatā€™s an advantage. Knowing exact ammo % for your teammates to optimize use of ammo? Thatā€™s an advantage. Having toughness/health bars or coherency indicators near your center of screen for better visibility and hit tracking? Thatā€™s an advantage. HOWEVER - I donā€™t think this mods should be disallowed at all, and I donā€™t really feel the advantages really have that much impact.

  • Healthbars
    Yes, it provides additional information and visual clarity that can feed into tactical decision making. Yes, itā€™s an advantage. How big of one? Probably not much. The litmus test is whether you could tell whether another player using this mod was actually using it or not. Chances are youā€™d never know. I have no issue with it.

  • Spidey Sense / Collectable Finders / etc.
    Similar to the above - yes itā€™s an advantage by providing novel information that otherwise might be missed. But again, no real issue from me if people want to use these mods. Youā€™d likely never know if someone was using it or not.

Non-Combat QoL Mods
All of the moda that improve functionality and navigation of the mourningstar (i.e. hub hotkeys, Psych ward, mission sorter), inventory (i.e. item sorting, direct to hadron, blessing trackers, buy/sell by rating etc.), more loadout slots, true level, etc. The overwhelming number of these should be incorporated into the base the game and are no brainers. But some of them also cut against FSā€™s design ethos (i.e. hub hotkeys undercuts running around the mourning star to see cosmeticsā€¦). I think all of these are fair game to use, and rightfully so.

New Features & Systems
These are mods that add fully new systems to the game. Some provide advantages, some provide new tools and features, some affect your gameplay, others donā€™t. A couple to highlight:

  • Scoreboard + related game summary mods
    Despite all the controversy about having a scoreboard or not (I use ovenproofā€™s scoreboard in full disclosure) I havenā€™t seen ANY evidence across my 620+ hours of playtime that there is toxicity emanating from having a scoreboard. I just donā€™t see it. I see vey little toxicity period in the community, and what little I do see I donā€™t think a scoreboard would or wouldnā€™t change toxic people from being toxic in the first place. What I can say, that I know a handful of players that basically refused to play DT until there WAS a scoreboard (the mod is fine for them) because they just want the feedback on their performance since itā€™s a core part of the ā€œloopā€ of playing to improve. Anywayā€¦

  • Weapon Customization
    Amazing system that adds so much personality to the game. Yes, you can mod weapons for advantage (better sights, putting flashlights on guns that donā€™t have them, etc.) but these advantages are pretty minimal in the scheme of things. Would love to see this made into a permanent feature (Iā€™m half hoping that the mod development is an actually going to end up being converted into an actual game feature at some point).

  • Creature Spawner
    Another example of a new ā€œfeatureā€ that should totally be part of the base game. Being able to actually test gear/equipment/builds versus live enemies is not just a lot of fun but itā€™s really useful for helping players to actually figure things out.

Anywayā€¦ maybe this is helpful framming, maybe not, but its how I think about mods.


I think any ā€œout of gameā€ mods are fine; ie Psychward, crafting mods, etc.

I think any in game mods are borderline. And I do use some simple ones such as player outline so :man_shrugging:t2: - yeah, I know.

Yes, Iā€™d include numeric ui in that. If itā€™s giving you more information that the devs intended then itā€™s an assist.

That said, I donā€™t see it as being particularly bad. Iā€™ve competed in the past and am strongly anti-cheat, but in DT I genuinely feel the game is missing key elements and even broken in other areas, so if players want to make good on that then Iā€™m fine with it. Iā€™ve been able to find my level and can still get a challenge in pugs.

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Honestly as long as it isnā€™t straight up cheating the mods can do whatever. Even something like Spidey Sense, which Iā€™m against using, can be used for accessibility (hard-of-hearing/deaf), and thus should also be allowed.

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Ol Jakal my man, I see you, the only other one who voted the same as me. :sunglasses: :fist:

Just to elaborate, game was made with restrictions in mind, they allow the mods to try and appease people who arenā€™t happy, but they never intended for you to see enemy health at all times. So sod off with your mods, sod off with your seeing everyones true levels. If people could have just kept mods private, I wouldnā€™t feel this way. But oh no, they have to shove their mods down my throat.

Iā€™ve never modded the game, donā€™t need to, donā€™t want to. If you need that many crutches to play on Auric Damnation, get thee forked.


Last week, Iā€™m just gooning on Auric Maelstrom, some doofus in there called Ragnarok, mentioned how HIGH my level is and wanted to know how many hours in the game I had. I said ā€œIs this the Ragnarok from the forums?ā€ he said ā€œNo, Iā€™m perma-banned on the forums kekā€

So this guy, on auric maelstrom, thinks 1400 true level is high on veteran, and is perma-banned on these very forums (which are quite hard to get banned on). Its by these small, irritating encounters Iā€™ve developed a fierce hatred for mods in this game.

I didnā€™t tell him what my hours were, I just said ā€œohā€ and left the lobby.

As I understand it, it was a feature cut before launch but the framework around it is in place, which is what those clever modders built that mod on. As such, and with fingers, toes and eyes crossed, it will hopefully be introduced as a functioning system in the future.

As an addendum, I hope the Sorted Mission Grid becomes a permanent feature. The absolute mess of the vanilla mission terminal is eye-gougingly horrible! SMG makes it so neat and easy to look at.

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I have to ask.

How brittle of a personality are you, to get so irritated by this situation, that you leave the lobby?
The guy just used the chat to ask an innocent question.


My personality isnā€™t brittle dude, its irratic and prone to rash things.

Iā€™ve learned to curb my tendency to resort to insults.

And besides, its countless, countless idiots commenting on it that drives me mad. I think leaving without saying anything was the smart thing to do, because douche-canoe there was going to be an absolute ARSE. Mark my words.

Last night, another group: ā€œomg, 1400 veteran watch out heā€™s HARDCORE. Watch him go down in 2 minutes.ā€ Again, I donā€™t respond, and just LEAVE.

Who is at fault here, me for playing the game normally, or these A-holes using mods? I just wanna chill and play the cursed game.

Why does it make you mad though?
Do you think that it is meant as an insult?

There are lots of games, where people can get some idea of your playtime in some way, be it gear, a title, a cosmetic or a level number.
In lots of games, people comment on those things, asking how long you have played or how difficult it was to get.

I have never seen anyone get irritated about it.
Never thought that anyone would.

They DO. Because, shocker, mind your OWN business. Stay out of mine. I just want to play a match without engaging in some debate about hours played and whos better than who. Donā€™t care. Just complete the mission and shut up.

That is never an issue, the actual numbers are. Numbers can be compared. ā€œwow, thats so much hgher than my numberā€. I have a feeling Fatshark knew this when they set the visible information to not show true level in game.

From what you said about the situation, that is not what was happening.
The guy simply asked about a number.

No idea why you think that it is something to be so combative about, or why the intention behind a simple and common question would be a debate or anything like that.

When someone says that, they usually think something like ā€œNice. That guy must be good with that class and have a lot of free time to enjoy his hobby.ā€

Your reaction makes it seem like you are ashamed of your playtime, or as if you feel like you are being shamed for it.
Of course i do not know if that is the case, but to me, it does seem like it.