The Book of Grudges: May Each Be Struck in Time

As a holy warrior full of spirit… I’d like to re submit my rage and the vast amount of weapons and abilities added that deletes elites all the way up to crushers while my beloved Crucis Thunderhammer lacks breakpoints for crushers and maulers even at max t4 damage perks & blessings.

I have no gripe with the draw backs:
-No cleave begs perfect aim in horde
-Stun lock after hit is very dangerous
-Limited dmg and cleave on normal heavy swings in horde.

But when you charge up, land the perfect headshot between 10 other enemies, get stunned while enemies retaliate, and the FRAKKING THING DIDIDNT EVEN DIE? While new weapons like ogryn shovel easily go around one tapping everything without fail.

Please allow proper damage multipliers without adding even more negatives. Crucis has earned it already.


In the balance section already! I’d also suggest putting these complaints in a Gameplay Feedback post for linking!


Well, looks like all who have mentioned the topic agree that the thunder hammers need some love. Hope @FatsharkStrawHat has noticed. Would really love to see these fun weapons shine!

Also, it is so nice to see the CMs interacting more on the forums.


The Xbox and PlayStation ports must’ve really done a number on our Sharks :fist::pensive:

Good point. Maybe they have been coding for the console releases and nothing else.

I remember their promise that while a lot of assets would be recycled, we’d have a ton of missions coming out on the regular where we ran though the maps in different directions and went different places, etc.

Claimed they were putting a lot of time into ensuring easy map construction so the time taken to build them would be minimal and we’d get variety.

Looking at that promise now? Oh boy. New map is a good one but it’s still just one.


OK, looks like I have some more to add now :face_with_spiral_eyes: I’ll get on it! Thank you everyone.

I feel like I need to include the classic: I can’t guarantee everything will be addressed in the proposed way. I can guarantee it’s in front of people, and we’re going through it to see what we can do. If there isn’t a fix for some of them, I’m hoping we can better explain the reasoning behind the decision, etc. And in general to be more clear with our decisions for changes moving forward. :saluting_face:


Dope, that’s pretty much all we can ask for without coming off as “entitled gamers”.


Hi :wave: This is on me. This is a workflow issue as Ragnarok says. We don’t often learn what is intended/vs not intended until later, when the issue has already entered our database. To be completely honest, we don’t have the resource to revisit and update each report, but I will aim to do better with the more popular/controversial ones - such as the “close range” one.


Sometimes the answer is inevitably going to be “no” and that’s OK, even entitled gamers have to accept that occasionally. But it’s so helpful to hear the “…because…” part of the no as well, even if it might not seem like it to those closest to the issue getting told no in that moment. It’s always helpful eventually.

Any “…because…” moments will be (overall) well received and appreciated, as it informs us of what the overall intent is, the overall direction and (occasionally) the thought process behind the decisions. It might feel scary arming a crowd of nerds like us with all that, but you’ll get far more informed, helpful feedback from a wider base of people. The changes that are perceived worst are the ones that the community discovers themselves, rather than the ones they learn the why and how of.

With the sheer number of changes, I understand that reporting everything is going to be an impossible task, but the more overall categories that get a few notes, comments, explanations of direction, the better the noise in here will get. Guaranteed. I mean, unless we have to start buying our ammo from Lady Alice or something. I cannot ensure the loyalty of any agent should that happen…


I hear you. If something is causing a lot of confusion, @ me in it and I’ll do my best to see to it.


:purple_heart: On one hand I feel bad for what is now going to come for you for offering that! On the other hand, I think you’ve probably got the Jenettes to handle this. Thank you!


Thanks for the reply!

Going through everything would require a lot of work if the system allow for no automation so that’s understandable.

Let’s just avoid another Close Range bug not getting properly tagged 5 times situation. If the stuff that comes up a lot and/or are highly impactful can get properly tagged I would be more than happy.


This is very reasonable and very amazing. Thank you so much!

I understand that you’re putting in the work, so I hope that you can tell how much of a positive impact you and FSJulia have had around these parts lately.

If you can’t… well then it’s, like, a LOT :slight_smile:


Maybe a change of terminology would be wise. Instead of having things marked as “acknowledged” merely have them flagged as “read by support” or “reported to developers.” Just some sort of word or phrase that is less likely to be perceived as “yes this is definitely a bug.”

I’ve certainly seen people confused by the meaning of the “acknowledged” flag for years.


While the “Acknowledged” label makes sense from a very boring specificity, it could be tuned to bring clarity to the wider base, for sure.

Thoughts on something like:

“Collected” - It’s been seen by the community team, and added to the document for the development team to look at next time they address bugs.

“Reported” - The development team has seen the document containing this bug report specifically
Two sub headings: “Confirmed” and “As Intended”, for those bugs that, after being seen, are then known to be a bug, and thus in the work queue, or not a bug and returned with no further action.

And maybe add: “Fixed!” because everyone likes to see the wins.


I think there are a couple grudges missing from the book.

  • Firstly I’d like to mention for balancing, since iconic weapons such as the Thunder Hammer are included, that the Bolter is in a very weird position right now. It does less damage and has more ammo than the revolver, which seems backwards since surely Bolter ammo weighs way more than .500 magnum (or whatever the revolver uses) and is more powerful. It should have more consistent damage, especially against armour. The Boltpistol is also in a bit of an odd spot because of this.
  • Another one are the Hellbore Lasguns. They suffer the most from the fact that they have an overly long equip animation, which in combination with the charge times make them feel clunkier than they really need to be for the sake of balance
  • The Obscurus force sword lacks a reason to use it over Deimos or Illisi.

Secondly, I notice that there’s not too many mentions of Psykers’ problems in the book yet, so allow me to list some here:


I think the knowledge that, yes, this thing is getting official attention is driving a lotta people here.

I feel your pain. Trying to not be arbitrary in what gets added but still having some standards for what ‘needs’ to be addressed…

Oh absolutely. None of us (I think) do game design or have the bigger picture. All this does is show what people are unhappy with, sometimes how to fix that is beyond us.


Fatshark obviously isn’t going to outright state this.

But the weapons are referred to as ‘Adeptus Mechanicus toys’, burn enemies out in dramatic fashion, and seem to inflict radiation sickness on the users (headaches, having to take tablets to treat the symptoms which is a common radiation sickness preventative).

This fits with what we know of radium weapons, and doesn’t fit the plasma gun…as shown by the sheer number of comments from people thinking it’s teasing radium weapons.


(allow my to add another straw to the camels back)

I’ll (try to)keep this to my probably biggest lasting grievance, I bought this game before the big character node tree update with the old tiered characters, and I liked that game and how it was balanced. That game is basically gone now and the balance now feels like a disaster. The levels just fill with noise sometimes as enemies drop silently out of a black abyss from nowhere meaning your just supposed to be spinning constantly and destroying your mouse button. This is not exciting to me, it is annoying, like noise, and after an extended session it’s draining.

I understand why there’s so many Smite psykers because sometimes you just need a moment to say ‘wtf is going on ah I see 5 crushers exactly on top of each other’. There was a patch note recently about a nerfed blessing saying ‘this allowed players to delete 5 crushers with a downward strike’. Okay wait hold on why are their 5 heavy ‘elites’ physically occupying the same narrow vertical slice of real estate in these giant enivornments?

During the Old Character Tree time I played quick play Malice mostly, and that was a good balance for enemies aren’t too mean but if your teammates are idiots you’ll probably die. Now on Malice teammates can be idiots for extended periods of time and be fine but also the sense of danger is gone, but sometimes on Heresy/Damnation the game sometimes seems? to lose it’s damn mind. I can’t tell sometimes if something was a balance change to spawning or the game is broken and it makes me feel like I’m losing my own mind. I guess that’s another problem is someone felt the game needed to ramp up spawning like this, but the regular complaints of silent Specialist and such months on make it seem very clear the game cannot handle it. But you did it anyway, and are sticking to it despite how it affects the game.

Special mention for the people who enjoy the disaster enemies everywhere balance and are sad everytime it seems to get nerfed. It’s already been said but you really need to look at your difficulties and make sure the masochist can be satisfied without inflicting it on the rest of us. I would like it if the player skill trees and enemy spawning was nerfed so that Malice feels closer to where it was before the Character Tree Update personally, but I don’t expect that to happen


add a Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude rework in there: