Annual Lasweapon QoL Request

This thread is specifically about the MG IV but I imagine other people have other gripes with other Las weapons. In their current state, some Lasweapons are so jank to use I’ve laughed while trying to use them. I mean, is it any wonder Atoma is having heretic issues when their most common weapons are so janky to shoot? I do have a few other complaints that I think are more universal or more targeted.

  1. Muzzle flash. Las type weapons are the only ranged weapons in the game where a red flash, almost like a puff of smoke or a lightning-like discharge, obscures the center of the screen when I happen to be shooting. I’ve noticed this very often in a few frames of the Laspistol firing animation but so do the rest to varying degrees. I feel obligated by the game to cope with not being able to see precisely where my shots are hitting by spamming autofire, pulling down and hoping for the best which is very awkward, especially as these weapons have very little or no cleave.
    Other weapons are easier to shoot because they do not have such obnoxious muzzle flash. Other weapon types can also often cleave and they may even have better recoil profiles. The only red flash I should be seeing is, imo, the laser itself on any Lasweapon. Maybe there’s better ways to make them look cooler in action; I simply have yet to think of them.

  2. Recoil. The ADS recoil on the MG IV is so, so bouncy for something that often requires quite a few shots to kill. Is the muzzle flash not punishing enough? I’d like to see a more stable recoil profile when ADSing, perhaps even on the XII and Ia to lesser degrees. I’m well aware that the MG IV is intended to be a jack of all trades so I’m not suggesting a huge buff here; a muzzle flash change plus a recoil buff would make Infantry Lasguns more comfortable to use in general.

  3. Helbores. They hurt my hand and their ADS is absolutely atrocious for aiming; I can’t trust them. Not even having three distinct godrolls motivate me to bother playing with this weapon type anymore. I wish we could pre-charge a shot the same way we can load a special slug into the shotguns and then click to spend the charge, making it feel a little more like the other weapons because there would be slightly less button hold → button release shooting.

  4. Recons. All I think they need are perhaps a 10-20% damage buff but in writing this post I came to realize there is one recon build I never tried. It may not be necessary. I actually find the VId quite fun as is but it’s hard to secure kills with these weapons.

  5. Blessings. I find it a shame there’s no unique blessings for most Lasweapons but I do not know what kinds of blessings I would suggest to ameliorate the issue unfortunately.


Also make them able to stagger Trapper’s after a couple of headshots please.

Make bayonet attacks trigger Weapon Specialist’s ranged boost.


stamina cost while running is worse than bolter!

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