A post intended to be a quick lookup of all the major threads dedicated to cataloguing and understanding player frustration. May this become irrelevant in time.
The Book of Grudges - A thread dedicated to mismanagement, poor communication, and questionable game design decisions, run by @Ragnarok101. If Fatshark dedicates themselves to settling these grudges, they will be happily stricken.
Quality of Life Enhancements - A thread detailing various QoL features to improve the user experience, such as faster menu navigation and more HUD information, run by @Mezmorki.
The Mourningstar Memorial - Lest we forget, now archived. Opened by @Khorne_Dawg, closed automatically due to inactivity. Ideas to make the hub world so much more than a pointless walk from A to B just to access a menu.
The Crafting Memorial - LEST WE FORGET. The one that started it all, and dedicated to the brave souls who offered their crafting materials and devotion to the Machine God, Praise Him, only to be rewarded with bricks to throw at heretics. Run by @brosgw.
May no more items be added to this list, and may a golden age for Atoma and Darktide be on the horizon. Emperor be with us all.
Someone just needs to start some debate and we’ll be golden. Just mention some hot button topic about nerfs, score boards, toxicity, game dead/alive, X weapon/Class is bad, X players are bad for using X, and so on.
uh dude you hold it sideways when shooting so rule of cool dictates its at least mid tier. it completely being ass is secondary to the objective of styling on heretics.
Come to think of it, this is a bad bait post. I’ve got a much better hot take to rustle your jimmies (and keep this thread bumped), and it’s an opinion that I genuinely hold.
The Zarona Mk2 Revolver is a noob trap.
I used it for my first five dozen or so hours of DT on Veteran. It’s fast, easy to use, and does enough damage to one shot smaller elites and specialists on its own. Add in Rending from Hand Cannon, and it can trick you into thinking it’s a good anti-armor weapon, too. Eventually, you end up thinking “man, this is the best weapon in the game! Why should I use anything else?”
Then you start to get worn down eventually by packs of heavy armor, or lots of little shooter guys, and you’re frustrated that it takes so long to reload. You wonder why speedloaders don’t exist in the grim dark future of the 41st millennium, before remembering that they DO exist, but only for the strictly worse version of the revolver. Also, you always seem to be almost out of ammo.
Now let’s cover what options you have that can cover the things you lose if you decide to switch off the revolver:
Dealing with groups of armor:
Krak Grenades
Shredder Frags
Flamers (yes, really)
Tactical Axes
Trauma Staff
Purgatus Staff
Voidstrike Staff
Mk4 Dueling Sword
Plasma Guns
Dealing with Gunners:
Any Infantry Autogun/Recon Lasgun if you can aim
The existence of the Veteran class if you aren’t doing something stupid like running a shotgun or a bolter
The existence of the Zealot class, just generally
Throwing Knives (Zealot)
Mouse1 on any non-purgatus staff (lots of suppression)
Trauma Staff (again)
Brain Rupture
Heelys, or at least they would be if they existed (ADD WHEN)
Dealing with Ragers:
Shredder Frags
Infantry Autoguns, if you can aim
Voice of Command
The existence of the Zealot class again
Trauma Staff (again)
Voidstrike Staff
Map knowledge and good movement
Plasma gun
Dealing with Specialists:
Literally anything, if you can aim
Throwing Knives (Zealot)
Zealot in general (again)
Trauma Staff (lol)
Brain Rupture
Voidstrike Staff
Microwaving leftovers:
Purgatus Staff
Zealot in general
Plasma gun
Trauma Staff
There’s never really been a situation I’ve been in where I think “man, I wish I had the revolver right now”, compared to something like Brain Rupture or a good grenade like stunbombs or shredder frags, which I do miss. Everything the revolver does can be easily covered by another option; it ain’t the OP weapon everyone makes it out to be. The one use case left I have is on a Zealot that doesn’t use throwing knives, which I do have a loadout for, and it’s pretty effective.
Balance your diet and try out another gun sometime. It’s good for you. Stop using the revolver as a crutch!