Quality of Life Enhancements - Compilation of Ideas for Fatshark

Good stuff, a lot I agree with.

If the argument here is that a weapon has more draw to it over another is that it has a flashlight or a bash, that sounds like exceedingly poor weapon design. Same thing for sights.

I can use all the weapons regardless of how crummy their optics are, this just hampers my enjoyment of a weapon, not my ability to use it.

I don’t need a flashlight in a dark mission, I like having them. Not having the flashlight as an option on certain weapons doesn’t make me take a different one into a lights out mission, it just makes me not want to play lights out.

And I can assure you whether or not a bash is included in a gun has never been a part of my deliberations to take one. I love my headhunter autorifle to pieces, it just has a currently worthless special action.

I fail to see the “balance” here.

I agree in part with the scoreboard and true level though, but it would be cool to see them implemented on a private basis. At least that way premade friend groups could compare with each other.