Quality of Life Enhancements - Compilation of Ideas for Fatshark

@FatsharkStrawHat you asked for someone to help compile a list of quality of life improvements that have bee discussed frequently. I’m not sure if that was ever done or not, but either way, here you go! Hopefully this is helpful. The majority of these ideas have already been implemented as a mod in case you want to see for yourself.

Darktide is missing a range of “Quality of Life” (QoL) features and improvements, as evidenced (among other things) by the vast number of QoL-related mods that exist. While definitions vary, in this discussion Quality of Life refers to game features, mechanics, and/or interface systems that are intended to make game systems:

  1. Easier and more efficient to navigate and interact with (streamlining)
  2. More legible and understandable (transparency) in how game systems operate
  3. Reducing repetitive tasks / stresses (including ergonomics and physical impacts)
  4. Accessibility features for people with vision, hearing, or other challenges
  5. Performance enhancements/optimizations

To this end, the lists below compile and rank the priority/importance of desired QoL based on the gameplay system/environment that affect, as follows:

  • Combat UI & In-Mission Interface Improvements
  • Inventory, Crafting, and Other Interface Improvements
  • Expanded Gameplay Features

I’m going to put references to mods that implement a given QoL feature in “quotes”

Combat UI & In-Mission Interface Improvements

High Priority

  • Add more specific numerical information to the combat UI (e.g. per the “NumericUI” mod). These features could be disabled by default and users allowed to toggle them on in the options menu. Top of mind includes: (a) % of ammo remaining per teammate (rather than a color-coded symbol), (b) effective dodge counter, (c) seconds timer on Ult meter, (d) toughness + health exact numbers, (e) mission timer, (f) exact peril amounts (not rounded increments).

  • Expand options for display + style of player outlines. VT2 has much better options for player outlines, i.e. actually has hard outlines (versus the smudgy shader effect in DT) and the ability for these to be ‘always on’. The mods “Player_Outlines” and “Outline Color” expands these options. Not only general QoL but also important accessibility options.

  • Chat Block. When typing in the chat menu (or in-game menus), your character should automatically pull out their melee weapon and enter a block state. This was in VT2 (eventually) and should be here too. See “Chat Block” mod.

  • Dedicated key bindings for tag-wheel options. The “Tag Keys” + “ForTheEmperor” mod for example allow you you bind keys specifically to ‘go there’, ‘search there’, ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Need Help/Ammo’, ‘Thank You’ etc. Much better to have an option for dedicated button presses than navigate the social wheel.

  • Reduce the need for repetitive button smashing. Again this is an accessibility and comfort QoL need. Mods like “Full Auto” and “Keep Swinging / Keep Dodging” can make the game more ergonomically comfortable and reduce fatigue/strain from playing. Full Auto mod is clever in that it adds a select fire switch for semi-automatic weapons to work as it currently does or allow you to hold the attack button to fire at the weapons normal maximum fire rate.

Moderate Priority

  • Additional UI indicators for the following: Coherency indicators, Peril Gauge bars/graphics in addition to just the % peril, crit chance indicator. Also fun stuff like a timer bar for Volley Fire (see the “Volley Fire Timer” mod for example).

  • Accurate crosshair spread indication. The “Dynamic Crosshair” mod greatly improves the accuracy of crosshairs and the degree of spread. The default game should operate the same way.

  • Allow players to customize their combat HUD layout. The mod “Custom Hud” lets you drag and move HUD elements around. Really nice for optimizing your layout and making key information more centered on the screen.

  • Improve Consistent Stim Icons + Icon Colors. Stim’s are confusing enough for people without looking identical half the time. Two mods, “Stims Pickup Icon” and “Recolor Stims” among other things adds consistent colorizing to stims when lying on the ground and in your inventory to make it easier to tell what you’re looking at.

  • Deployable equipment (i.e. ammo boxes) should show charges remaining in exact terms. Again, the “Ration Pack” mod does this perfectly well.

  • Visual Indicator (notification) for being close to Books/Skulls/Etc. While this could be seen as a cheat, I’d also contend this is an accessibility issue as well. Some people (myself included) have a really hard time hearing the sound effect for being close to books for example. And the option for a notice “when in the area” would be good from an accessibility. See the “Collectable Finder” mod.

  • Expand options for controlling/disabling certain screen effects. This is likewise an accessibility feature among other things. There are a lot of screen effects (gore, psychic shield/blocking sparkles, etc.) and it can make for a nauseating experience for soe players. Allow options to selectively disable these (as per the “Clean Force Blocking” and “Disable Screen Effects” mod).

Lower Priority

  • Reduce repetitive buying/selling from Brunt. It’s super annoying having to buy dozen’s of weapons from Brunt to find a good base rating one, and then go back and sell it all in your inventory. The mod “Buy Until Rating” lets you auto-sell and buy items above a specified rating level, which is okay. Ideally, when you buy an item the result window would give you the option to keep or sell the item right away. The crafting overall will hopefully further remove the need for this.

  • Show player insignias next to player portraits - for yourself AND teammates! Why bother with insignias if no one else ever sees them? These should be added to the UI display. See the “Show Insignias” mod.

Inventory, Crafting, and Other Interface Improvements

High Priority

  • Expand Blessing + Talent Descriptions and Add Tooltips. If you aren’t aware, the “Enhanced Description” mod is godsend for understanding this game. It not only provides ACCURATE descriptions of effects (many of the default blessings descriptions are flat out incorrect or misleading still), but also provides tooltip-like explanations of key terms and mechanics. This mod is really incredible. Even color-codes terms. Amazing.

  • Display the “True Level” for characters. This was a feature in VT2 and the mod “True Level” adds this functionality to DT. Its weird seeing everyone capped at level 30 when maybe player’s have 100’s of levels on a character.

  • Add ability to switch characters without reloading the Mourningstar. Trying to manage multiple characters in a session is a time-wasting effort given you have to constantly back out to the character selection and re-load the Mourningstar. The “Psych Ward” mod lets you ignore the Mourning Star entirely and manage everything from the character select screen. It shouldn’t be this way. In VT2 you could swap characters without reloading the Keep and re-joining a server. Why not here? Please add this.

  • Hub Hotkeys for Vendors. Add hotkeys to quickly access the crafting menu, vendor booths, mission terminal, etc. The Mourningstar is a pain to navigate and merely wastes player’s time given the lack of any sort of interactivity with other players. Just let players jump right to the various menus. See “Hub Hotkey Menus” mod.

  • Improve Usability of the Talent Tree. Principally, allow players to deselect a node and have it automatically clear everything below it. Additionally, allow players to switch between mutually exclusive nodes without having to remove all dependent talents first. The mod “Talent Tree UX Improvements” does this perfectly. Take a look at it.

  • More Loadout Slots + Loadout Naming. Add the ability to have more loadout slots and the ability to type in custom names for loadouts to keep it all straight. See the mods “More Characters and Loadouts” and “Loadout Names” for reference.

  • Add an option to jump from your inventory direct to the crafting menu. Being able to navigate your inventory, and then jump to Hadron to modify weapons or extract blessings, is a huge navigability improvement that is needed. See the “Direct to Hadron” mod.

  • Add better options for item / inventory sorting. Crucially, there needs to be an option to sort items by type, mark, and BASE rating in a grouped manner. Lo and behold the “Item Sorting” mod adds exactly this option. Total PiTA to manage a big inventory without being able to sort and group items by blessing type in a logical manner.

Moderate Priority

  • Improve Post-Mission Screen & Follow-up Options. The post-mission screen is very slow to advance and progress. Additionally, it would be great to have options (like in VT1) for the team to “replay the mission” if they fail direct from the post-mission screen, without having to reload the Mourningstar. Also, to promote more socialization, have players STAY in their strike team by default. They can choose to leave it post-mission or once they return to the hub of course.

  • Improve item management in inventory. Allow players to Favorite Items (like in VT2) and give a clearer indication of what items are currently equipped by the active character and used in other loadouts (also like in VT2). More mods to the rescue on this one.

  • Improve Blessing Management. Obviously this will change with the crafting update, but at the moment managing blessing library is a total pain. The mod “Blessings of the Omnissiah” adds a nice green/orange dot indicator to all weapon lists to quickly tell what weapons do/don’t have blessings you already know. Likewise, the mod “Reveal Blessings” actually shows all the blessings available when viewing the blessing library, and grays/fades out the ones you don’t have. Obvious stuff.

  • Improve the Mission Board and Sort Missions. The mod “Sorted Mission Grid” simply organizes the missions displayed by difficulty and modifier and makes it easier to parse the mission screen. Short of letting players pick and choose missions + modifiers, this a minor improvement to the mission terminal. Ideally, rework the mission terminal to provide more choices or the ability to pick some/all elements of a desired mission.

  • Improve the social menu / system. The social system does not work very well for promoting…social interaction. Critically, the “recent player list” doesn’t list the name of the character you played with, but rather SteamID/GamerID account names, so you can’t tell who you played with to friend them. The mod “Who Are You” adds options for displaying the gamer’s ID alongside the character name to help with this.

  • Allow better customization of character nameplates to include steam/xbox IDs. Being able to see the actual player ID (not just their character name) is helpful for finding friends and making connections - and also potentially knowing who to avoid.

  • Remember last selected difficulty. The mission screen should remember whether you last played Auric or Normal missions (see “Prefer Auric Missions” mod) and what difficulty to enter the Psychic test chamber on (see “Psykanium Default Difficulty” mod).

Lower Priority

  • Add opinion to tell items directly from Hadron’s screen (see “Barter with Hadron” mod).

  • Add mission load screen team information. When loading into a mission and viewing the dropship screen, add the same icons to view weapons + abilities as used on the ready room screen. This would be a great use of time when loading to get a better feel for your teammates’ builds.

  • Add better talent tree management options. There are some great mods like “Share Talents” that let you copy + paste talents between characters you see in social menus, the morningstar, etc. Makes it so you can trade/share builds with friends in-game (for example).

  • Add text when browsing the cosmetic interface for unlocked items that better describes what specific penance tasks are needed to gain the cosmetic. The mod “How Did I Get That?” does this perfectly well.

  • Add Penance sorting options. It would be great to be able to filter the penance screen by completed / incomplete / tracked penances, etc. See the “Archivum Messalina” mod.

  • Add an option to switch to first-person mode in the Mourningstar. Forced 3rd person not only breakes immersion, it actually makes it harder to view other player’s cosmetics. The mod “Perspectives” allows you to do this.

Expanded Gameplay Features

This final group of suggestions falls somewhat outside the realm of QoL as they pertain to adding new “features” to the game. But numerous mods have demonstrated their feasibility and their incorporation into the game should be considered.

  • Add a Scoreboard. At this point, there’s been a scoreboard mod in use for well over a year. There is relatively little toxicity in the DT community and barely any I’ve noticed that can be attributed to a scoreboard (again, lots of people are using the scoreboard mod already). Toxic people will find a way to be toxic, scoreboard or no scoreboard. Might as well include one to close the loop on player performance and feedback. Ovenproof’s Scoreboard mod is excellent if you’re looking for a better example.

  • Add “Live Enemy” Options to the Psykanium. The “Creature Spawner” mod shows how the Psykanium could be so much more than it is. Being able to to spawn groups of enemies of your choosing and having them actually fight you is amazing for being able to test out mechanics and character builds. So much opportunity here.

  • Weapon Customization. The “Extended Weapon Customization” mod is proof of concept for how some limited weapon modification could be implemented - even if it’s mostly just tied to cosmetics. Being able to change weapon sights/scopes around add flashlights to certain weapons is an amazing QoL. It’s not only functional it’s a great way to allow players to make their gear feel/look/be more unique and personalized.

Improve the Premium Cosmetic Shop. Broad areas of improvement:

  • Remove the rotating shop / FOMO system. We can handle a bigger online storefront. You can rotate stuff that’s “on sale” if you want to drive some sense of rotating sales/wares.

  • Improve options for viewing cosmetics both through the cosmetic shop and your inventory. The mod “Show me Premium Cosmetics” let you see all potentially available cosmetics in your inventory (isn’t that great for helping to drive future sales?). The mod “Commodore’s Vestures Improved” lets you view full bundles on your character, see cosmetics on your non-active character, and more. Makes it much easier to get a sense for cosmetics.

  • Rework all cosmetics such that each cosmetic provides a “model/mesh” layout and a set of “textures” or materials. Make a proper interface like in the “For the Drip” mod that let’s you apply materials you’ve unlocked to different zones of cosmetics. Darktide is a freaking WARHAMMER 40,000 game - you know the game where people spend $1,000s painting little figures. DT is sitting on an untapped gold mine if players could have detailed control over their look. Guarantee people would buy more premium cosmetics if they have you materials/textures you apply across other models to get a handcrafted, unique look.

Add a Solo Mode & Improve Bots. There are enough players out there that feel strongly about playing solo that the option should be granted. While you’re at it, bots in the game should utilize the equipment cosmetics of the player’s alternate character that is the highest level. VT2 did this. Why can’t DT?

Phew. Surely I’ve missed some key things - please let me know and I can edit this post. Thanks!


Great work. Always amazes me how much of the quality the game has comes from mods and how much it still lacks for those who cannot use or will not use mods.

But would it not overwhelm our tiny minds!?

This please. Sometimes it would be nice to just start a game for myself.

Not going to lie, when I read the title my first though was not actually towards executing melee movesets or using ranged weapons with odd firing patterns. I thought about the Buy Until Rating mod for using Brunt’s armory and buy white weapons to upgrade and the absolute nightmare it was to trying to get a good base and clicking the buy button by yourself.

I think you got most of the major things, I’ll give it a more thorough read later on to see if I can find something that I felt missing.


Always love genuine improvement & community engagement posts! :heart:

It’s a long read so gonna take a closer look later and add my own. :smile:


Had mods not started to be created around the time they did (March 2023 or so IIRC?) I would’ve stopped playing DT, Full Stop. Mods literally saved this game for me and served as a frequent “update to the game” when it was otherwise radio silence for months on end. Anyway - I feel badly for Console players and others that can’t use mods. Literally feels like a different (worse) game without them.


You beat me to it. Thank you, this takes quite a load off of my shoulders. I’ll read through my draft and compare it with yours to see if anything was missed!


F it, just add a mini map with collectibles being marked on it. Be it resources, books, ammo, sticks or kits.

These are all nice suggestions for quality of life updates.
and most of them seems to be mods becoming official features which is nice.

I agree basically with everything being said, but there are only two things I may disagree.

“Display the True Level” In VT2 was only available to yourself, If opening your own Inventory, there was no way to know what peoples level was. Only in Vermintide 1 where It wasn’t capped the level.

I honestly use true level and it’s nice to have just for fun, but not sure if I would like to see it as official implementation due to numerous reasons, there are already many people with high level leaving lobbies when they see people with just +100 levels, just because they are 900+ levels or more. Imagine people having less levels. If you make it available to everyone, then could result in a problem, because put on a large scale. Where people will expect to play with certain levels.
But I’m of the opinion that high level does not mean anything but still.

Same sadly for the scoreboard. Which there will be always a debate in the community. If there may be a scoreboard, I think the best solution is having a scoreboard in how you performed, without seeing the comparison with other people.

So you can only see your own score without comparison.
Which I think will be perfectly fine, a lot of people often want to know how they performed between game to game against AI, without considering others, just for the sake of information of their own builds, accuracy and what not.

I also think there would be too way many variables for how classes work that would make the scoreboard not precise anyways or not accurate, currently both scoreboard mods, are actually not really accurated, one of the author of the mod said this as well, that is just an estimate and not 100% accurated. and needs to consider the roles of certain classes etc.

So I can’t see it as good paramater really.
Deep Rock Galactic has a minimalistic shared scoreboard, exactly how it works in Darktide now and there aren’t issues, because people have fun in playing without keeping in mind numbers.


in addition, If I wanna add something that has not been said yet, I believe, (forgive me If you mentioned in your post) is that many people are asking for “solo play” mode, the ability to start missions private as 1 person instead of 2.

I enjoy to play in group, so I really don’t mind about that, but wanted to include it for others.

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If you are judging other people’s gameplay based purely off the scoreboard numbers, then you aren’t analyzing correctly. People need to get a mental feel for how their teammates are doing: who’s getting hit more often than they should? Who’s policing gunners and specialists? Is anyone not doing their job? What do I have to cover for?

This is as important to your survival and victory as it is a way to flex on the plebs. All that said, I still say “yay” to the scoreboard purely because the numbers are fun and I like to compare myself to my team.


being able to votekick blocked people as well as blocking offline people is the only thing that comes to mind

Thank you all for working on this and contributing to it! It helps to have y’alls thoughts clear and in one place. :pray:


Ok so read it over and had time. :sweat_smile:

Points I agree with, added or wanted to expand on:

  • Remember difficulty selection (Auric & Psykhanium)
  • Team outlines - Yes! Besides some outfits look so similar to enemies it can be misleading when the nametag isn’t visible.
  • Tagging - Extend tag visibility range for items. Priority tags like medstation should always override random yammering and add a hard-to-miss notification to the screen. Take Overwatch 2 heal request icon, where even if you look the opposite way the icon will appaer on the edge of your screen, indicating which way to turn to see it.
  • Tagging usability - Give us options to reduce the volume & frequency of tagging audio cues. Tagging should be as easy & commonplace as possible, yet with minimal chances for misuse & disruption like spam.
  • Need “Help me” tag - There are many ways for things to go wrong where you need support. Maybe your team missed the audio cue when you fell down or got disabled? Maybe they didn’t realize 20 ragers & crushers got just behind them out of nowhere and now are pushing you far away from them into a dead end? Maybe they need a reminder to stop hunting frags and help you with the objective? Doesn’t matter. People get distracted, and the game’s audio isn’t exactly reliable either. Every team game needs a way to ask for help. The audio for this is already in the game so it should be a pretty simple addition. Rn it’s just automatic, unreliable and too infrequent to matter. x.x
  • Show Remaining Deployable Uses - (Ration Pack mod) As OP said, we need to see how many uses remain in ammo crates & a resource bar on medkits. New ppl don’t even know ammo crates have charges and not “# of ammo”, triple dipping and wasting them every game. This would go a long way to help with that.
  • Inventory Management - Need storage, favorites, and a new sorting option: item family. Also need a search / filter by things like total base score, specific stat & value, blessings, perks etc.
  • Crafting - Always show all blessings of all tiers so we can see every option available. For example: Viewing shotgun T4 would show all unlocked T4 blessings + locked blessings (greyed out or w/e) + T2 exclusives like Flechette & Man-Stopper (different shade & T2 marker on top).
  • Psykhanium Improvements - Need a subsection to spawn creatures for combat, something simple like a table with a button for spawning each mob. Rn we can’t test any of our defensive talents or things like Disrupt Destiny.
  • Quickplay & Joining Ongoing Missions - Always show the modifiers & map of the incoming mission and our team’s builds & gear as in a usual lobby, and let us change our loadout before starting. No-one wants a surprise lights out on a pure long ranged build & no flashlights. Something like a minilobby with 10-15s to change our loadout before starting.
  • After-Mission - Return us to the mission board every time no matter what happened! If a mission failed before we even loaded in and got to play, then for god’s sakes skip the defeat screen and re-queue instantly with the same choices as before. Stop wasting our time loading back and forth over and over, making us run the entire distance every time. For that matter, remove the after-mission results screen delay too, I doubt anyone enjoys it holding us hostage for up to a minute every time.
  • UI Improvements - While obfuscating our dodge count can be design choice, some things like toughmess, peril, or buffs meant to be tracked (True Aim etc.) are integral to gameplay. It makes no sense for these to be clumped together in a mess in the far edges of the screen. Priority information should be moved closer to the screen’s center, or even better we need a way to customize those parts of the UI in the same way the Custom UI mods do it.
  • UI quick tips - Add a small health / ammo status icon to the dynamic nametags (you know, the stuff you see hovering above each player, not the fixed party UI). Whether we’re using a med stimm and want to see who needs it, or just need a quick status reminder, having to compare the nametags to the party menu is often effort & time we can’t afford.

Points I disagree on:

  • True Level & Scoreboard to base game - Hard disagree on both. These are not QoL but meta with a compounding harmful effect on the community (according to many devs & companies, and per all my experiences as a lifetime gamer). Leaving them to mods only is the best of both worlds here, I have both too after all.
  • Weapon Customization - No. This goes far beyond QoL and would be a full on feature change with design, gameplay, UI, and balance concerns all of it. Sights & lights are integral to weapon balance, and there’s enough to deal with there as it is. Nobody would ever choose a bash special over flashlights nvm a better sight anyway.

All of these are good.

That these havent been implemented - especially for anything that was in VT2, I hate when game companies regress in terms of QoL - is embarassing.

Game’s been out for two years. Lemme swap characters without reloading the entire game.

Good lord.


Aight, if you don’t mind, I’m offloading the QOL entries from the Book onto you and pointing any further requests your way.


@Mezmorki is a madman!

Superb work my dude, appreciate what you do for the community.


Good stuff, a lot I agree with.

If the argument here is that a weapon has more draw to it over another is that it has a flashlight or a bash, that sounds like exceedingly poor weapon design. Same thing for sights.

I can use all the weapons regardless of how crummy their optics are, this just hampers my enjoyment of a weapon, not my ability to use it.

I don’t need a flashlight in a dark mission, I like having them. Not having the flashlight as an option on certain weapons doesn’t make me take a different one into a lights out mission, it just makes me not want to play lights out.

And I can assure you whether or not a bash is included in a gun has never been a part of my deliberations to take one. I love my headhunter autorifle to pieces, it just has a currently worthless special action.

I fail to see the “balance” here.

I agree in part with the scoreboard and true level though, but it would be cool to see them implemented on a private basis. At least that way premade friend groups could compare with each other.

This is the relevant section of the Book, now excised. Add it if its stuff you don’t already have laid out.


Things that currently frustrate the players and could be improved for a smoother experience, but for some reason haven’t.

RNG mission selection… was mostly addressed by the addition of the Auric mission board as the bulk of complaints were about not being able to consistently get the hardest missions, but some complaints still linger.

In-game ladders remain unintuitive and janky to use.

The social menu is still broken and generally unusable, which is disgraceful in a co-op game.


My compromise solution on the scoreboard mod is that a scoreboard would report the TEAM totals for damage, enemies killed, etc… and then report YOUR specific numbers and your placement relative to the team.

In this way, you have the overall numbers as a team to compare yourself against and as a basis for comparing different runs, and within that team total you can see how well you did / didn’t contribute by topic.

Example of an individual scoreboard below (pulled numbers from a recent live game). Shows a team total, your personal totals, and then your placement relative to the team.


I quite like this idea, and I find it a nice compromise between wanting to avoid toxicity towards underperformers while still allowing you to keep track of your own stats.


Added a few more under the relevant sections:

  • Allow players to customize their combat HUD layout. The mod “Custom Hud” lets you drag and move HUD elements around. Really nice for optimizing your layout and making key information more centered on the screen.

  • Reduce repetitive buying/selling from Brunt. It’s super annoying having to buy dozen’s of weapons from Brunt to find a good base rating one, and then go back and sell it all in your inventory. The mod “Buy Until Rating” lets you auto-sell and buy items above a specified rating level, which is okay. Ideally, when you buy an item the result window would give you the option to keep or sell the item right away. The crafting overall will hopefully further remove the need for this.

  • Improve Post-Mission Screen & Follow-up Options. The post-mission screen is very slow to advance and progress. Additionally, it would be great to have options (like in VT1) for the team to “replay the mission” if they fail direct from the post-mission screen, without having to reload the Mourningstar. Also, to promote more socialization, have players STAY in their strike team by default. They can choose to leave it post-mission or once they return to the hub of course.

  • Improve the social menu / system. The social system does not work very well for promoting…social interaction. Critically, the “recent player list” doesn’t list the name of the character you played with, but rather SteamID/GamerID account names, so you can’t tell who you played with to friend them. The mod “Who Are You” adds options for displaying the gamer’s ID alongside the character name to help with this.

  • Add text when browsing the cosmetic interface for unlocked items that better describes what specific penance tasks are needed to gain the cosmetic. The mod “How Did I Get That?” does this perfectly well.

  • Add an option to switch to first-person mode in the Mourningstar. Forced 3rd person not only breakes immersion, it actually makes it harder to view other player’s cosmetics. The mod “Perspectives” allows you to do this.

  • Improve options for viewing cosmetics both through the cosmetic shop and your inventory. The mod “Show me Premium Cosmetics” let you see all potentially available cosmetics in your inventory (isn’t that great for helping to drive future sales?). The mod “Commodore’s Vestures Improved” lets you view full bundles on your character, see cosmetics on your non-active character, and more. Makes it much easier to get a sense for cosmetics.

A few other tweaks/clarifications to preexisting items too, adding some clarifications from the comments here. Thanks!


Look at this huge list of basic QoL that hasn’t been provided. Yet when I make a post about them breaking their game with patches and needing 5 hotfixes to fix one patch - people are like “iD rAtHeR hAvE tHeM pAtChInG tHeIr iSsUeS rAtHeR tHaN nOt” How about they just stop with the BS patches and actually designate some time and effort towards things that ACTUALLY matter, like this entire list of QoL improvements that the modding community has had to take upon themselves to create. At this point the modders deserve more of a paycheck than the people working on the actual game themselves.

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