Quality of Life Enhancements - Compilation of Ideas for Fatshark

I really want an improvement in the speed of chest interactions. As things stand, they are too fast to look away and too slow to look at. They occupy a space of serious irritation in time to deal with even if they are in the path and are worse if somewhat off the path.

I’d also like some sort of speed burst ability when trying to rejoin the team after hitting a distant chest. Like no stamina sprint+ 6 or something.

Chests are just in an irritating place right now.

Seeing this brings a tear to my eye.

The difference here is that this is being made more as an archive similar to the other archival threads. Not just a tirade. Not everyone in this thread is in agreement either.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. The world isn’t out to get you.

But on that note I guess for every corpo bootlicker there needs to be an irate consumer, so go off I suppose.


Someone who’s actually used this mod will have to chime in, but this seems a bit… Much? I’ve tried using my M&K software to add a “click as fast as possible” button to my mouse for this game and Jakob’s weapons in BL2 and found myself a) rarely using it, and b) actually doing worse when I did.

Most “fire as fast as you pull the trigger” weapons have less than 10 bullets usually 6-8, and then you have to reload. It’s not too taxing (for me at least, everyone is different) to click 6-8 times rapidly then take a break as I reload.

For the Semi-auto with more bullets, they usually have a capped fire rate with an animation to prevent you from spam firing.

For melee, they’re literally limited on how fast they can attack so you never need to spam click anyway, even on the fastest weapons.

I can understand it as an Accessibility Feature, but I don’t really understand why the general players would need this.

It’s pretty unfortunate really. I’ve been using mods for so long I have to remind myself that many of these things are complaints raised way back in the BETA nearly two years ago that still haven’t been addressed. It’s crazy. There’s been a meter handful of relatively low priority QoL changes to the game (Melk contract process shows up in the TAB menu during missions for example). There have been good big changes to DT and more to come, but these QoL changes have been sorely lacking IMHO.

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Nice list. Hope lots of these useful ones get added.

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The thing you fail to understand is that these companies thrive like this BECAUSE there are no irate consumers. Instead you have the majority of them being either shills, bootlickers or just straight up not caring as long as they get to play the game. That’s why these companies get away with situations like this. You think if every consumer was angry and making complaints -they would keep up this charade of utter BS? No, they wouldn’t. At a certain point that anger and complaining will turn into indifference and that indifference will turn into disinterest. You think any game company wants complete disinterest in their games? I think not.

This guy could make this post 10 times a day day for the next 5 years and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN unless other people voice their opinion and disappointment. You think I make angry posts for no reason? lol. We have given them two years. They had v2 filling all the framework they needed for Darktide yet they not only completely avoided that framework but tried RE-INVENTING THE WHEEL in some aspects. Every patch they bring out breaks the game in one way or another and requires a hotfix. Not one hotfix, not two hotfixes, sometimes multiple hotfixes to fix ONE. PATCH. What is it you want us to do? How about I create a song and dance and tell them how good of a job they are doing - will that enable them to provide us with some meaningful updates?

There are plenty of irate consumers, but it only takes 1 executive to not care and stay the course. They already made the bulk of the money they were going to.

The only thing that really kicks stuff into gear is competition. Eventually another game will come along that offers the same experience with better foundations. Fatshark will either adapt or be overcome.

'Tis the late stage capitalist way. But like I said before, if venting helps you feel better and doesn’t raise your blood pressure, go for it.

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The thing you fail to understand is that you don’t own the truth. And when you’re the minority irritated by something that the majority wants, then don’t worry… the company won’t listen to you.

Maybe you were asleep, but several QoL improvements have been implemented in the game since its release.

yes that’s a problem… but you don’t know how they work, why these bugs happen… in fact you know nothing.
I am really less concerned by a bug fixed in two days than an OP weapon that is untouched for 6 months.


Minority? You are clearly living under a rock if you think my complaints are in the minority. The difference between me and most other people posting stuff like this is I don’t sugarcoat my words, I don’t sugarcoat my logic, and I sure don’t crumble at the first sign of pushback.

speaking of the 3rd person view: i agree with at least having an option for the normal 1st person mode in the ship.
but what really irks me is the switch to 3rd p during missions when you help someone. you suddenly have this switch, and your own body (which can be quite big if you’re playing ogryn) blocks the view, which can be unhealthy with snipers around.
i find it really distracting and would have an option to keep the normal view.
same when being tossed around repeatedly by a herd of mutants.

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it’s much faster when you use psych ward or modular menu buttons: you can access the shop, melk, crafting etc from the menu. you only need to load a character for starting a mission. with 5 characters it would take me forever just to check the shop every hour or so, even just loading them, never mind running to the locations in the ship.

There really should be an option when viewing your inventory that lets you cycle between characters for inventory viewing/management purposes. Combine this with an option to switch characters without having to reload the mourningstar and we’d be cooking.

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There should be filters…
to be able to display only curios with health bonus, with stamina, or all kantrael lasgun, or only the kantrael Ia, or even filtering to just show the curios with a +21% health bonus.

I am tired to search between a lot of weapons and curios.

Idk about the mods, especially the ones that optimize it for weapon recoil. But I’ve used Autohotkey almost since release. Initially it was just to ensure weapon switching & ult since the game doesn’t know how to queue them, but for idk 1.5 years now I’ve also used it for autofire and it’s almost constantly useful. I mean I really only use it for melee, outside rare exceptions like say, laspistol spam or something, but still.

I think it depends a lot on your keybinds tho. My mouse has extra index finger buttons so it’s completely effortless for me to switch between regular clicks and autofire, meaning I can combo any moves any way I like, that LMB spam is just there as an option.

Combat knives, Duelling Swords, Deimos, axes, Chainswords… basically every single weapon with a LMB spam combo is just 100x more comfy to use like this. It’s obviously not an either/or thing tho, with for example Deimos the light 1 > heavy 2 is still the preferred combo, but there’s plenty of times when you need speed over power, or even just chill over a miniscule extra power depending. But it’s not just a QoL thing either, not having to mash that button all the time definitely makes it easier to keep the aim stable and focus on the other stuff.


The FullAuto works really well because it’s coded to fire at the maximum rate that would be able to achieve if clicking manually and based on the weapons max set fire rate. It’s a life saver on repetitive clicking.


This is probably why I had issues, I bound it to a thumb button and it just was not intuitive to swap when I needed to melee more “tactfully”.

Thanks for the reply! I’m always a fan of QoL mods, seeing as this is more than just a “spam click” macro it definitely doesn’t match my experiences.

This is a bit of an aside… but often times I wonder how much of the missing QoL stuff is a function of the game being designed for console cross play and the limited number of inputs you have when using a controller.

There are’tt dedicated tag-wheel buttons because controllers don’t have enough buttons to make use of them.

There aren’t hub hot keys because controllers don’t have enough buttons to make use of them.

Etc etc… not that there couldn’t be work around provided for consoles, but that’s even more effort I imagine - so it didn’t get done.

Again, Vermintide 2 exists, where there was a menu for all the keep functionality and hotkeys for PC.

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QOL suggestions: It takes a surprising amount of time and effort to actually start this game, can we find some ways to alleviate this?

Gotta hit the desktop icon, wait for the launcher to load. Then click “play” on the launcher. Then have to hit “space” through several brand promo animations, then hit “space” again on a holding screen before you even start loading the character select screen and select a character to play.

That is a somewhat absurd number of discrete actions to have to take and wait for before getting to play the game, and is especially frustrating after a crash (which will also often present you with a report screen to deal that adds just that much more time to get back into the game even if you just close it). I’ve got a Ryzen 9 5900HX, 64GB of RAM, the game installed on an SSD, and it can take almost 2 full minutes to get to the character screen from clicking the desktop icon, before taking up to another couple minutes to load into the game lobby, and then finding and loading into an actual mission after several more minutes.

Thankfully there are mods that can help with this, it would be nice if there were a native way to at least skip the promo animations and holding screen and just let the launcher drive you directly to the character selection, and maybe a way to hop into missions from this screen.

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