The mourning star is always dull, it's time to make it vibrant

The mourning star is always dull, it’s time to make it vibrant.
Players need private quarters where they can purchase decorations to decorate their rooms. Or they can acquire loot during missions and decorate their rooms with it. After all, the mourning star is now our second home.
Players need a bar, as well as some board games, you know, having a beer at a space bar after a tense and exciting battle, and playing some board games casually is a great choice.
Players need an archive, where we can view the stories of “the dark tide” up until now, or detailed information about various heretics. I want to read it thoroughly.


An universal menu and hotkeys first please.


They need to copy The Outlast Trials hub world.

It’s like asking the army to make commissary or barracks more vibrant. Bruh youre there for a minute n youre out the next. Not many people even talk in the hub, adding stuff into it wont change that. Then people were also complaining about titles and how it would give people egos/bragging rights, now we’re gonna add induvidual trophy rooms for 20+ people on a sh!t ass rogue trading ship. Plus, Fatshark is trying to steer clear away from lore/lore partaining to the cannon warhammer universe except for some references here n there like Guilliman and Gene Stealers (which only serves as ads for other properties n not real in game lore).

A bar, morningstar minigame, and a book with enemy info souds good ; but Fatshark isnt big on copying things from their own or other company’s games. (Took almost 2 years for V2 puzzles to join DT, for it to only be a 100 plasteel bonus. 100 plasteel is cool till you realize that V2 made the puzzles an intrinsic part of the gameplay/reward loop. Even now, almost no one gives a flying fark about the DT puzzles.)

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Welcome to the Mourningstar Memorial!

I’m in Sweden. How would that beer get to me, nice and cold? :wink:

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In the grim darkness of the far future, they put you back in your cell until you get up and go on your mission

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:rofl: :rofl:

Christmas (Emprahmas?) lights are bound to make a vessel named Mourningstar more vibrant.

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I’m 79% sure that Sainguinala or whatever it’s called is the 40k Christmas equivalent, or at least close enough.


Oh, right, forgot about that.


I would like to see Patrols on the ship, maybe touting around those new cosmetics.

And a casino downstairs, with a Brutally Cunnin’ Dealer.


Considering how insane Grendyl’s plans seem to be, hiring Freebootas might not be entirely out of the question if things get desperate enough…

However unfortunately I believe that they wouldn’t let us interact wih them, especially aboard the Mourningstar.

Would an Ork even be able to understand blackjack or poker?


if an Ork believes the rules, it doesn’t matter if they understand them. :rofl:


Wasn’t there a Sanguinala labelled helmet and frame datamined before Christmas… but the event never happened.


I don’t know about the frame, but I do remember seeing the helmet. However unfortunately it was just another reskin of the crappy beta cosmetics, so I don’t feel too bad that we never saw them.

Would’ve been better than nothing ig, but that’s not setting a high bar.


You’re in Sweden, you can go straight to Fat Shark’s studio. Buy them a drink and share the idea with their game designer

What’s more vibrant than rainbows?