A lot of players contribute great ideas to you in the forums, why don’t you respond at all? The player’s ideas include: 1. Open Mourning Star Bar, 2. New game modes (Defense mode: Map: S.H.I.E.L.D. Station and Mourning Star), 3. Each player has their own custom room, 4. New enemy factions, and 5. Detailed, readable enemy descriptions with backstories."
Why don’t you adopt, or even communicate with players too much? I know the new confessional system is good, but it’s not enough. The Dark Tide has a lot of potential, and we players need more!
@FatsharkStrawHat @FatsharkCatfish
Alll that is going to be in darktide… 2
If that’s the attitude of the fat shark, it’s really disappointing. In fact, Fat Shark makes enough money selling fashion. If Dark Tide 2 suddenly opens, what happens to the money invested by the players of Dark Tide 1? Darktide 1’s forums are full of fantastic ideas, but Fat Shark doesn’t even want to talk to the players and take their opinions.
Welcome to microtransactions, why everyone with a brain hates them, and why it’s stupid to buy them
I’m not against microtransactions, but Fat Shark has to provide enough content to keep players happy before they’re willing to spend money in the dark tide. Dark Tide has so little content right now, it only has 18 maps and some special level conditions, and a boring game hall, which is, you know, boring. But the fat shark doesn’t seem to realize this. The only thing they update most diligently is their fashion system
They don’t even make that. They’re outsourced.
Darktide is clearly either incompetently run past the point of parody or there’s not very many people involved at all.
we all know fatshark just lazy,very lazy
Welcome to the Mourningstar Memorial.
Congratulations, you answered your own question.
It’s not laziness, it’s inefficiency.
Ha ha, humor.
yeah,you are right,thety spend six month Launch confession system.It’s enough to see how inefficient they are, maybe they just created a new folder for their next idea.and we just need wait 2 month,they may say something new,haha
It’s very easy to have ideas. It’s much, much, much harder to implement them in a way that is fun, timely, and stable. Not to mention many ideas may not appeal to everyone.
For example, all the ideas with the Mourningstar hub. They’re cool. I would love to see most of them implemented. But would that bring more players into the game? Would that retain players for longer? Because for me and probably a good chunk of other people it might not.
I could go down the list for all of them. (Except an enemy bestiary, Fatshark I love 40k I would write your bestiary for you please it’s not that hard ) although even that would still take some time to implement.
I’m frustrated with the game update speed as well. And I have issues with content and changes in said update. But asking FS, or in fact any game developer to have constant communications, at least through just commenting on stuff (weekly or biweekly dev logs would be awesome still!) is a bit insane. And implementing massive ideas is unfortunately not a super easy task. Probably made harder with Autodesk.
So while a think wanting a bit more is fine, I think some things are a bit excessive.
Just curious, what’s the solution here then? Wouldn’t it be just as stupid to pay money for meaningful updates (maps, new weapons, expanded skill trees etc.), since at some given point in the future, for one reason or another, you will discontinue playing?
Unfortunately given the fact that we’re nearly halfway through 2024 and all we’ve gotten is a Pennance revamp and an enemy that throws a different type of grenade, it’s hard to expect much. Fatshark wouldn’t even talk about that until the forums melted down and the average online player numbers dropped below 3k.
We’ll be lucky to get the game we were promised at launch by 2025, much less getting genuinely new stuff.
When Mourning Star’s bar opened, players could play card games or Warhammer video games, and the game Workshop provided the rights to Fat Shark, so it was no problem if Fat Shark wanted to do it. Players can also be freed from the fast pace and tight nerves to relax and play a board game or card
communication comes solely from the community managers, not the devs. the devs and community managers are notorious for just ceasing to exist in between updates, managers youd think would interact in some way on a regular basis but both managers have been quiet for nearly 1-2 weeks. granted managers also have to police forums to prevent toxic interactions so it may or may not take up alot of time.
also, what we get in terms of content usually arent things we asked for so its quite obvious the forums for game ideas are the last things on the devs minds.
finally, the reason we neither get content or communication is due to really poor development managing and poor comunication within the company as the managers are the ones tasked with coming to US about WIP content and since we only get communication when an update drops fully its painfully clear the managers arent told really anything about the dev cycle. to get any real change we’d have to (everyone all at once) flood forums with criticisms and complaints about it otherwise fatshark will just keep on waddling on.
Is it though?
Would you want to respond to someone who calls you lazy? Very Lazy?
I know I wouldn’t.
No one’s obligated to be offended by anything anyone says, especially not if it’s untrue. If it is true, then who are you helping by validating the statement, even slightly? Not to mention if you’re a community manager, it’s your job to interface with the community that you are supposed to be managing, especially when they’re collectively frustrated over the same, or similar, thing(s). Shying away from it on account of some “there’s a mean girl at school” mindset seems incredibly weak to me for a fully developed adult.
Nothing can be lost, but plenty can be gained, by communicating with the people who actually pay you and keep your business and product alive. Plenty can be lost by not doing it.
Theres probably a couple of reasons.
First, its partially because they have nothing to communicate right now. This is likely why the CMs have little to say right now.
Second, the Devs only really use the forums to bugfix, as evidenced by the frequent back and forth to nail down issues.
And my theoretical third reason, with no evidence to support it, is that the designers and people who might benefit from the ideas people throw around here, absolutely despise the idea of talking to us.
Oh and they probably can’t afford to make some of the changes due to cost and time.
Really? If I worked at a delivery company, and someone said to me “oi, your company is well slow mate”
I’d be like “Yeah well nuffink I can do about it mate sorry”
and that’d be that, I’d go home and have me dinner and watch some telly, you feel?
In other words, I don’t think the people at Fatshark know or care about the mean words like “lazy” or in my case"wildly incompetent baffoons". Instead, as I’ve said before, 90% of the people at the company never read it, and Catfish worked on DOTA2 so she thinks we’re actually calm and relaxed I’d wager.