TBH, I see such posts as a week ones. Throwing a fist of super basic ideas, that everyone can think out in 3 minutes out of the blue. It gives no specifcs, ask for years worth of content, and even is just a repetition of others wishes, nothing new or revolutionary.
The thread linked by this one, that seems to be the crux of this discussion, is a combined effort, spearheaded by the lovely Aryslav. Its a compilation of ideas by the community that would add life to the otherwise BLOODY AWFUL Mourningstar.
I think its a commendable effort, and one worthy of Fatsharks time. Lets see the Mourningstar be more than a lifeless, stagnant, static hub
I blushed a lot while I was reading this… so that’s a proper good job, mate. Regardless… I may be the Vanguard and I thank you for the recognition, but the Mourningstar Memorial belongs to EVERYONE on the Wall of Martyrs… you included, of course!
Should I say fat shark is hardworking? After six months of making one new enemy (and only a skin change), a new gas environment and a bunch of confessions, what else?
I’m not just here to complain, I want the Dark Tide to be better, is it hard to make a bar where you can play cards and board games (Dark Tide cutscenes feature bars many times)? Is a small room that gives players the freedom to customize decorations difficult to make? Is a defensive mode hard to do? The map can be directly used in the Throne Zone Astral Shield station.
Fat Shark’s customer service manager should communicate more with the players and give feedback to the developers. Developers should also announce their progress and next phase plans in a timely manner. This is what many online service games do. The fat shark should do the same, the dark tide has great potential, but if it fails because the fat shark is lazy, it is extremely sad.
When they’re the ones paying your bills, and you’re actively being shown up by a studio within walking distance that’s making a similar game with a similar engine that is putting out more content every couple weeks than you are in half a year and are sustaining an order of magnitude more active players by actively communicating with them, maybe they have a point and the continuance of your revenue stream might be dependent on acting on that?
Nah, clearly it’s the players not knowing what they want. Fatshark makes the best games forever and definitely doesn’t need to change anything about their development processes. Ignore how they nearly went bankrupt because they take so long to make games and had to get bought out by Tencent to keep the lights on. Ignore how their games remain incredibly niche because Fatshark refuses to develop them.
They don’t really care about feedback at all. Overwhelming amounts of negative steam reviews might push them so far as to actually have a CM say something, but that’s about it. And not nearly enough people play this game to review bomb it.
When was the last time Straw or Catfish posted outside of moderating a thread, in relation to an announcement/hotfix, or for bug support?
I dare you to go through their post history. There is no communication. NONE. For a very, very, very long time.
Overall, bar, poker, cabins are cool ideas… BUT.
We’re forgetting the main thing. What we need to focus on first. It’s NORMAL weapon crafting and balancing the damn talents, many of which are just rubbish and don’t work effectively. We would like to create a huge number of different builds, weapon variations for those builds and they would all have their pros and cons(balance).
Also Maps. Different game modes (as already said: capture, defence, etc.). Solo lobby and customising the search for the map you need with the right modifiers. New weapons and talents/classes (yes, yes, let them fix the old ones first). Roughly speaking-CONTENT.
Sharks REALLY need to do away with the random number system when it comes to buying/upgrading weapons and map selection. Yes, I realise that it keeps the few people who still play, forcing them to click again and again on the damn weapon purchase etc, but there aren’t many of those people left, it’s about time they started thinking about it, eh?
This is a game that could have been great. A solid combat team, excellent visuals, god-tier music like nothing ever seen before…and it’s all undercut by an abject refusal to do anything.
Fatshark’s management isn’t as idiotic or incompetent as Escape from Tarkov’s or the usual AAA suspects, but it’s a close-run thing.
And for all the flak being sent the way of HD2’s devs when they nerf stuff, at least they say things. At least they engage with the players, and keep fixes and changes coming. Fatshark just…doesn’t.
I flatly refuse to believe Aqshy’s statements about Darktide’s team being the biggest, unless the company counts the outsourced cosmetics workers as part of their team, because the only thing consistently produced by Fatshark is the ‘we need to hide the shop rotation’ ‘’‘’‘‘hotfixes’’‘’‘’‘’ every couple weeks.
I believe that Fatshark is EXTREMELY inefficient. I am not certain about what the cause of said inefficiency actually is, but I know that Fatshark employees could work their arses off tirelessly all night and still get virtually nothing done.
Guesstimates could be:
→ Poor documentation
→ Duking it out with the Stingray Engine every step of the content producing process
→ Perfectionism as a crippling showstopper
→ Meeting-inities, the disease of modern offices, taking up time
→ Poor leadership structure or Confusion
On the issue of discussion, how active are the CMs on discord? From everything I’ve seen and heard if you want to have a chance at talking to a CM the discord is the best place.
It certainly is easier to make observations from the outside! I suppose, when optics are like this, humans deserve the level of toxicity this forumbase has been throwing at them, huh?
Fatshark isn’t a delivery company. This is an over simplification in a false equivalence.
While I understand your sentiment of apathy from fatshark, I don’t think the default response should be toxicity. That’s how you make sure communication does not continue.
But if we wanna do false equivalences…
So you complain to this delivery service. Delivery guy tells the higher ups, and the higher ups take it into consideration. While they’re working on it, you keep telling the delivery boy that their company is slow. And while they’re working at it, you keep repeating the same thing. Eventually they’ll just be wearing their headphones doing their job because they trust you to only say one thing.
People on this forum are so used to hearing certain complaints that they might not even notice anything else. Why is the default setting toxicity? It’s one thing to tell a company about its problems, but it’s another to only focus on the negative due to confirmation bias. When you repeat something enough times, it becomes all you can see. You might not believe me, but this is a common problem known as cognitive bias. Many people don’t accept it, but it still causes issues.
I’m not advocating for you (or anyone else) to be nice and happy, but negativity is negativity. No one wants to deal with it, justified or not.
OK, Jakal 2: Electric Boogaloo. If wanting the things that you love to reach their full potential is toxic, then wouldn’t that make the parents who opt to push their children to do well in school toxic?
I’m getting very tired of this whole “the community is toxic for genuinely believing in this game” charade. Like, just SAY that you want Darktide to stagnate even further. Yeesh.