New Darktide Classes

It has been mentioned before over on the Darktide Discord server a number of times that players would like to have additional starting classes to choose from when creating their convict to play with. But as far I know, no one has gone ahead and posted anything like this on the feedback forum. So here are some ideas that I have cobbled together from what I have heard discussed on Discord, from what I know of the lore of Warhammer 40k, and from the in-game character dialogue talking about other citizens of the Imperium. If you have some of your own to add please feel free, since I know there are others out there that more well versed on the lore then I am.

First new class suggestion: Ratling Vanguard. By now many of us players have heard our convicts make reference to the elusive Ratling Snipers in one in-game conversation or another, and know for a fact that it was discussed for bit on the Discord server. But, the thing is we already have a type of sniper with the Veteran Sharpshooter. So I think instead of adding a Ratling Sniper, they should add a Ratling Vanguard. What would the difference be? Snipers are all about hanging back picking off troublesome enemies, so instead of making another character class suited for long distance combat, add one suited for close range infiltration and ambushing. The Proposed ability I would give this class is “Infiltrate”, which would cause the character to dissapear for a few seconds and break any suppression effects they are under, allowing them to either escape to safer ground, or sneak around the side and take out more annoying enemies like Bombers and Gunners at close quarters. As for what kind of grenades this class would use, I am kinda split between Smoke grenades to shield you and your allies, or incendiary grenades like the Scab Bomber uses.

The only other class addition that I have some idea about is some sort of Aedeuptes Mechanicus Devotee. I am not familiar enough with the lore to go into detail about what the ability of this class would be, or the types of weapons and grenades they would have access to.


There have been quite a fews

Would mean a new Archetype and not simply a new class. If they give new archetypes they most likely would get multiple classes so both Sniper and Vanguard could be featured, but also Ratling don’t really bring anything that are exclusive to them.

Would require a new archetype too, there are post about them somewhere but I won’t bother looking them up right now


I see, well thank you for the info.

These are both excellent ideas :slight_smile:

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Thanks, but which one do you think players would prefer?

Maybe the smoke bomb since its utility and more team based utility would be great but hard for me to say what everyone else would prefer.

But, if they release a new subclass and that we cannot switch our existing char to test it… We need a new char slot opened :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not really interested for the Ratling but for an Admech archetype: Tech Adept

Class 1: (Ranged Support Focus) Skitarii

Blitz: Phosphor Blaster: 5/X (limited amount) ammo; Shoot a projectile that create an AoE that damage the initial target and cause the surviving ones in the area to suffer more damage
Ability: Aggression Servo Skull (Aggression Enhancer Servo-skull): Summon/launch a Servo Skull that follow the player, buffing ranged and melee damage for a short while.

  • Tools of Conquest: Picking up ammo also grant Blitz’s ammo.
  • Gundrill Symbiosis: Increase ranged weapon speed (Reload/Draw out/ADS…)

Aura: The Red Planet’s Due Increase movement speed

Class 2: (Balanced Tank Focus) Reclaimator

Blitz: Arc Grenade: 4 grenades, launch a grenade that then will explode into arcs of electricity, damaging and causing severe electrical DoT, with heavier damage to armoured enemies
Ability: Blessed Raiments: Pull aggro of all enemies, gain damage resist and cause surrounding enemies to take radiation damage

  • Reclaimed Refractor Shield: Every few seconds will halt a ranged or melee attack harmlessly, if it stopped a melee attack it will take longer to come back up online
  • Reclaimator Protocol: Get missions (Ă€ la Grail Knight) granting lasting buffs when accomplished

Aura: No idea

Class 3: (Melee Focus) Acuitor/Electro Priest

Blitz: Volgheist Blast: Project an area of effect around itself for a short time, cost energy
Ability: Divine Current: Project a stream of electricity

  • Fulgurite Protocol: Generate energy by hitting/killing enemies in melee, energy can either be used on the Blitz or the Ability or kept to buff player
  • Something
    Aura: No idea

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Very nice, excellent work on the details.

Eyy samesies!

And that’s why it should be a bodytype for veteran.

No, if they want to do a Ratling, they should go the whole way, not doing half measures like that.

And would not make much sense

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Guess we can all agree to disagree on some subjects. Also got a question for you if you do not mind answering it. I know from the post above that multiple classes for each archetype was probably what the Devs originally intended, but is that still the case? After all, sometimes game designers have to change certain elements in order to meet deadlines, a tactic that has not gone over well for most high end games released that way these recent years, such as CyberPunk 2077 for example. I would ask the Devs directly on Discord if I could, but the server rules state quite clearly that we can not do that.

So the 1st thing they communicate was that they wanted to have a different system, where there wouldn’t be classes but there would a more flexible system that would let you tailor your archetype to hoe you wanted to do.

This it seem didn’t pan out and now we have Archetypes and classes. Further classes are still under plans (with the 1st set already datamined), but under delay like the rest of the future content.

I see what you did there. :wink:


I personally think they should add in a space marine class or an ork or T’au class. The space marine class would be a sorta jack of all trades or heavy class with some very iconic weapons from the Adeptus Astartes. The idea behind the ork or tau class would be a captured heretic that would be trying to prove allegiance to the emperor to get away from the grasp of the imperium and the inquisition.