I know there are a few posts whining about loot already but I wanted to make this point its own topic because it seems a lot of people, including Fatshark still don’t understand why the current RNG system is so bad.
The core problem with Red drops is that unlucky people just won’t open any, or will open very few even after hundreds of runs and hours. Simply increasing the drop rate doesn’t really address this problem. And here is why:
Consider flipping a coin. You have a “50% chance” to get heads or tails. But if you actually flip the coin a few times you won’t get heads every other flip, you won’t necessarily get heads half your flips There is actually a very small chance that you could flip a coin 100 times and land on tails every time, or heads every time.
What that “50% chance” means is that over a VERY LARGE amount flips, you have a high probability of seeing about half of those flips turn up heads and about half turn up tails, but it isn’t guaranteed to turn out that way. If you have a million people each flip a coin 100 times, it is a statistical certainty that a few will get all tails, and a few will get all heads, while the rest will get closer to 50/50.
It is important to understand here that even if the chance of getting a red from a chest was 50%, among a million players you would still have a few that never open a red, while a few others would open a red every chest.
If you want players to have a 5% chance of getting a red, then just give them a guaranteed red after every 20 legend vaults they open. This is quick and easy to implement, still rewards skill and commitment, and guarantees that there won’t be any unlucky people frustrated by never getting loot.