The Vanguard PC Bundle

it’s the 9.11.23 today so if you get the cosmetics if you played before 17.11.23 it means you literally get them even if you don’t own the game and buy it in 7 days.


Soooooo ummmmm
Deluxe edition owners are just being screwed huh

Xbox purchasers that got deluxe got extra Aquilas so pc deluxe can just go f themselves huh.


We are in 2023

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nah you got exactly what was described in the deluxe edition, so did I


Cool cosmetics, but this is not what the community was asking for, and I think you know that, Catfish.


So you’re simply giving out cosmetics that have been in the game files since release instead of actual currency that could affect your bottom line?

I wish embracer group bought out FS instead of other devs. You guys are much more deserving of punishment compared to others given your scumbag philosophy.


a, you are right, language barrier, thx thx

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it even states that you get the cosmetics if you just bought and played the game in the next 7 days sounds more like a promotion to get new players in then a compensation.


Ok and what about the aquillas for skins we actually care about?
This is a half hearted gesture at best.


From what I understand Steam users get the bundle and Microsoft users both the ones who got it before/after Aquila deal and also those who got the Aquila deal

Aquila deal was exclusive to Microsoft store for both Xbox and PC

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seems cool

Basically exactly what I predicted would happen.

Instead of actually resolving the issue, PC players get thrown what are tantamount to leftover scraps to appease them. And Xbox players are now screwed out of exclusive items too.


WAS it really so f-cking hard to just GIVE us the aquillas and be done with it?
There ARE actual skins I would purchase with that AND it WOULD increase the chance of me buying other stuff later, since GOOD WILL would be restored.

But no, we get a bunch of skins that WE DIDNT ask for

Well you OBVIOUSLY dont want my money so say good bye to PC players who give a damn to purchase aquillas.
I guess I take my pearls to DRG again


Those are some nice frames and a neat insignia. Sure it won’t be enough for many but enough for me honestly.


I’ll be honest I was just expecting one beta outfit

But we got the whole beta outfit collection

Now we can be laughed at by Xbox players in style for how badly fatshark screwed us pc players

Thanks fatshark.


Honestly, the better item they give us is the insignia

Cause it will be a distinction clearly visible.

I don’t dislike the skins… but I am fed up of this cosmetic system when we could have a so pleasing system… And the worst is that they ask us to give them money for their cosmetics.
They need to change the system



A slap in the face, thats what your upper management decided was best for us. Unbelievable.


Fatshark really didn’t understand what the community wanted. We didn’t want exclusive skins to flex on Xbox players, we only wanted an equal treatment. Now they are just creating even more inequality by locking complete sets of cosmetics out of Xbox players


I’m not the guy to complain about free stuff so that’s not what this is about.

It’s just that giving us 14K currency is inherrently worth more than making the purchases for us.

The whole gift cards vs money for christmas dynamic.

Btw, currency > gift cards imo

Then there’s also the aspect of these cosmetics needing to be unique so as to want to show them off.
But that will not be the case as a lot of these skins are reused assets and most PC players will have them. So they are neither unique nor rare.

At least it’s not another beta helmet…


Agreed. It’s nice but it didn’t feel right.