The Vanguard Bundle doesn't address anything. It's basically just a timed promotion

It’s painfully obvious if you think about it.

No regards to the issue of Imperial Edition preorders getting nothing even remotely comparable to the XBOX offer.
Mostly just recolored assets that have been in the game files since release.

If it wasn’t so manipulative I’d commend them on the ingenuity lol

To quote another poster:


A time-limited promotion like the 2 week Xbox aquilas deal.

With fans like these…

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Fatshark response to community backlash to a timed system exclusive reward

Is to do another timed system exclusive reward


so is the stuff they’re giving to us not exclusive to pc players? they’re gonna put it on sale at some point? i’m confused…

It is exclusive. The people disappointed expected a similiar or same Aquilas payout as the pre-orders from the Xbox purchase.

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Basically play on pc, get vanguard bundle.

The thing is Xbox players, since there’s Xbox cross play can log into their Xbox account on a pc and play darktide there and get the vanguard bundle as well.
So basically the only exclusivity is people who don’t have any sort of home computer or laptop.


I think they implied through Steam guys,

Still, the vanguard bundle is a joke and clearly just a change of pretenses to give it to us, like stated in the first message quote.


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