21:09:34.509 [Lua] INFO [PartyImmateriumHubSessionBoot] Searching for WAN lobby on
21:09:34.509 [Lua] INFO [SessionBootBase] Changed state fetchingserverdetails -> handshake
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [MatchmakingNotificationHandler] Failed to boot
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [SessionBootBase] Changed state handshake -> failed
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [SessionBootBase] Changed state failed -> idle
21:09:40.508 warning: [Lua] WARNING [ErrorManager] Error "MultiplayerSessionBootError"
stack traceback:
scripts/managers/error/error_manager.lua:31: in function '_log_error'
scripts/managers/error/error_manager.lua:106: in function 'report_error'
...pts/managers/multiplayer/multiplayer_session_manager.lua:570: in function '_show_session_error'
...pts/managers/multiplayer/multiplayer_session_manager.lua:404: in function '_handle_session_error'
...pts/managers/multiplayer/multiplayer_session_manager.lua:532: in function 'update'
scripts/game_states/state_game.lua:111: in function 'network_receive_function'
scripts/game_states/game/state_loading.lua:132: in function 'update'
scripts/foundation/utilities/game_state_machine.lua:80: in function 'update'
scripts/game_states/state_game.lua:561: in function 'update'
scripts/foundation/utilities/game_state_machine.lua:80: in function 'update'
scripts/main.lua:124: in function 'update'
scripts/main.lua:172: in function <scripts/main.lua:171>
, message: source: game, reason: failed_handshake_timeout, error_details: n/a
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [MechanismManager] Change mechanism "left_session"->"left_session"
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [MechanismManager] Leaving mechanism "left_session"
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [MechanismLeftSession] Entered with reason failed_handshake_timeout
21:09:40.508 [Lua] INFO [StateLoading] ### is_stranded ###
21:09:40.525 [Lua] INFO [GameStateMachine] Changing state to StateExitToMainMenu
21:09:40.525 warning: [Lua] WARNING [Gear] Deprecated, use fetch_paged instead
21:09:40.525 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementLoading] State changed StateLoading -> StateExitToMainMenu
21:09:40.525 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementOnboardingHandler] State changed StateLoading -> StateExitToMainMenu
21:09:40.541 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/8ede87b6-ca14-4a08-85c7-beb54ef36878/account/gear
21:09:40.541 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/8ede87b6-ca14-4a08-85c7-beb54ef36878/characters
21:09:40.541 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/8ede87b6-ca14-4a08-85c7-beb54ef36878/progression
21:09:40.541 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/8ede87b6-ca14-4a08-85c7-beb54ef36878/account/data/core
21:09:42.293 [Lua] INFO [GameStateMachine] Changing state to StateMainMenu
21:09:42.293 [Lua] INFO [FrameRateManager] Reason "main_menu" requested. Setting frame rate to 0
21:09:42.293 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementLoading] State changed StateExitToMainMenu -> StateMainMenu
21:09:42.293 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementLoading] Closing view "loading_view"
21:09:42.293 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementOnboardingHandler] State changed StateExitToMainMenu -> StateMainMenu
21:09:42.306 [Lua] INFO [ScriptWorld] Registering level named: "content/levels/ui/main_menu/main_menu" with id: 1
This is the same error that happened to me on the closed beta and I was never able to play a single game since then. Hopefully this is resolved soon.
Having the same since ~4 hours after the servers went life. These are some of the logs with the issue. The first log I was already connected and got disconnected mid session.
Still the same issue previous beta had and Back4Blood beta had as well. VPN solves the issue, so itās on the server side, somehow blocking the communication with certain accesses for whatever reason. B4B devs managed to fix it after a week, so hope we can get it fixed fast,because this is a big problem if thousands of people cant even connect to a game we bought.
Hello, sorry to bother, i was worried about the failed_handshake_timeout, is it because im in East Asia region? a bit worried i hope the East Asia region can get a good connection
Issue Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
I finished the training nd need to go to inquisitor room, but i cant because of failed_handshake_timeout
Mission Name:
Get to the inquisitor room
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/18/2022, 00:00AM/PM] [world time]
Reproduction Rate:
i dont know what it means
Upload Supporting Evidence:
i dont know how to screenshot