February 2025 - Failing joining server (Error: 4001)

Issue Type (Required):

Error - 4001

Issue Description (Required):

I will uncommonly exit a mission, and then get kicked back to character select with the error 4001. I’ve attached the console log to see if that gives you any data - the only thing that pops out to me is

01:59:08.050 warning: [Lua] WARNING [ErrorManager] Error “MultiplayerSessionBootError”
, message: source: game, reason: hot_join_party_hub_failed, error_details: n/a
01:59:08.050 [Lua] INFO [MechanismManager] Change mechanism “left_session”->“left_session”
01:59:08.050 [Lua] INFO [MechanismManager] Leaving mechanism “left_session”
01:59:08.050 [Lua] INFO [MechanismLeftSession] Entered with reason hot_join_party_hub_failed
01:59:08.050 [Lua] INFO [StateLoading] ### is_stranded ###
01:59:08.067 [Lua] DMF:ON_GAME_STATE_CHANGED(), status: exit, state: StateLoading
01:59:08.067 [Lua] [MOD][DMF][INFO] Attempted to hook 9 delayed functions
01:59:08.067 [Lua] INFO [PresenceManager] Activity changed loading → main_menu

I can wait, generally 20 minutes up to an hour, before I can log in again.
I would greatly appreciate assistance on this, it’s been happening since Beta 2023.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Unusual (<25%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log (Optional):

console-2025-02-04-00.11.42-7137d829-e51f-4569-b464-21f26a4002d1.log (752 KB)

It would be really helpful to have a log without mods, if possible? :slight_smile:

1 Like

console-2025-02-07-23.10.16-8dd39fa3-1abc-418c-88c4-6d4a91b93177.log (342.1 KB)
Just got this one. Took a few days of playing to get it, but this has zero mods loaded.