Keep getting Error 4001

Issue Description:
The issue is persisting now for a few weeks/days, not sure if it occured after a patch.
Very often, After character selection screen, hitting START button, i get kicked out of the Loading Screen with error 4001. Unable to sign in to the Mourningstar.
Also, after Mission end when loading back into Mourningstar.

Tried and not helping:
-Checked network connection
-uninstalled all Mods
-verified steam game files
-complete clean reinstall
-turned portrait rendering off(read that somewhere here)
-changed fullscreen, windowed, borderless fullscreen mode(read that somewhere here)

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
4001 Failed to join

Steps to Reproduce:
randomly, but almost every time i try to play. I see no pattern.
Start Darktide, select character, start button → Loading screen → Error 4001

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
STeamID 76561197995076656

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
random, i mostly play in the evening 20:00 - 0:00 Germany

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
Often 80%

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

[PC] Paste Crash Report, or Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
In this log, i was able to play a game, win, got kicked out to character selection (4001), tried to log back in to mourningstar → (4001) quit game, log end
console-2023-11-11-20.16.12-7a232b2f-e2ef-4455-8716-f8de6259ad04.log (146.3 KB)

This is unusual, as we haven’t seen this error in a while! I’ve raised this with our Backend Engineer.

Same issue here.

I am on the US West Coast. I am on Steam.

This error code pops up for me every few missions after mission completion, trying to load back into the Hub. Didn’t start experiencing it until the most recent Anniversary patch.

I can load back in just fine with the same character afterwards. i.e, from the character selection menu.

Their servers must be overloaded when this happens. I don’t know what else is could be?

This still happens to me to this day after completing a mission and loading back into the hub. Well, trying to anyway. It’s random but it happens.

I am on a brand new system too.

Two years later and it’s still an issue.

Your servers are garbage!

Try using VPN, it fixes lot’s of errors for me, sometimes even after disabling it, game still works, but not often.