IDEA Warrior Priest rework? Post patch

:yellow_circle:What would be needed for the Victor saltzpyre warrior Priest was:

:white_circle:new advantage:

:red_circle:The WP would gain a relic (similar to the darktide zealot, or even the chaos wastes candle from Nurgle’s mission) that he could use every 1 min, this relic he would take in his hand and receive a sigmar blessing, gaining 50% fury.
When using the relic, gain an effect based on which prayer Victor is using in the level 25 talent.
He would be equipped with bombs.
(use the defend command when you have the relic in your hand, gain 50% fury, 1 minute cooldown.
using the attack command activates the prayer bonus of level 25 talents.)

:white_circle:Talent level 10:

:red_circle:Unstoppable force: Striking 3 enemies in a single attack halves the cost of pushing for 4 seconds.
During Righteous Fury pushing sends out a holy shockwave around Victor staggering nearby enemies. (Old Divine excoriation)

:point_right:The “old” “Divine Excoriation” talent merges with the “Unstoppable Force” talent. This would make “both” more interesting and viable.:point_left:

:red_circle:Rising Judgement: Hits increase the power of the next charged attack or Shield of Faith by 8%. Max stacks 5.

:red_circle:Sigmar’s Executioner: Killing an Elite enemy grants 5% critical Strike chance for 12 seconds.
Max stacks 3.
Each stack reduces Righteous fury bar consumption by 5%.

:white_circle:Talents level 20:

:red_circle: The new Blazing Bright talent is being reformulated and has another functionality, one idea is: Each hit on an enemy charges 1% of the appropriate fury. Enemies that Victor stuns receive 2 damage and reduce the relic’s cooldown by 0.1% (damage is also caused by the level 30 “unshakable blessing” and level 10 “divine excoriation” stun.)

“Basically this talent would be useful for level 10 buff and stun during rage since she would stab multiple times.”

:red_circle:Empowered Smite: increases fury damage to 40%, certain crits charge 3% fury and the passive “Enemy of Chaos” has its damage bonus increased to 60%.

:white_circle:Talents level 25:

:red_circle:The Prayer of Vengeance talent would give allies 10% power against monsters and 30% critical power.
:low_brightness:When using the relic, it causes 5 shock waves that damage all nearby enemies. Cooldown: 1min

:red_circle:Prayer of Might: Blesses the party with 25% increased Stagger Power.
:low_brightness:When using the relic, it causes a shock wave that knocks down all nearby enemies. Cooldown: 3min

:red_circle:Prayer of Hardiness: Blesses the party with 15% increased Max Health.
:low_brightness:Using the relic reduces allies’ curse by 50% and area damage reduction by 50% for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 30s


:red_circle:increase the time before fury begins to fall by 4 seconds. That way the fury stocks won’t dissipate so quickly.


:red_circle:HP: from 150 to 125.
( With this reduction in base hp, along with the buffs I proposed, the character would get much closer to a support dps, losing a little damage resistance but increasing his damage and support for the team.)

:yellow_circle:All talents that are not mentioned here will not have changes, like all talents at level 5, 15 and 30 that will remain with the changes after the patch.

In the end, these changes would be super useful, such as: holy fury more often without the need to spend ult to gain fury, diverse builds, balanced and versatile


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I will be sincere, I haven’t read all your post… yet.

But I will say that getting to fury state gets too much time, and the healing while in fury talent is… ridiculous, should heal a bit more.

I will read your post fully later.

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@Danielgafforio I have read it.

I still feel that the amount of healing that WP gets when in fury mode is ridiculous, it should heal all teaam a bit more.

About the rest, I don’t have an answer, your post is interesting.

But I feel many times that killing bosses became too easy, depending on the characters in the team.

I see you know a lot more about WP than me, anyways.

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The Relic is a good idea to give players control over activating Righteous Fury. Just make sure you remove the now-extra sources of Fury from the level 20 talents. WP does not need a buff. I like QoL improvements a lot tho and lacking any control over Righteous Fury has always been annoying.

The prayer bonuses for level 25 talents is a fun idea. It would make his toolkit way too big compared to other classes, but if every career got similar treatment (basically adding abilities), I think it would be cool.

Wouldn’t reduce his health, he’s very comfy in his tanky role, and you need to reduce DPS output as a tradeoff when you give a class invuln, ranged revive, heal, damage reduction, etc.

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I think that with these additions, he would be able to survive in the same way, but with other uses such as “divine excoriation”, prayers along with the level 25 relic, and the level 30 talents would remain the same after the patch. …
I think it’s interesting that Victor maintains his versatile and hybrid class line.
With these changes that I proposed, he would have several build options, such as DMG/DPS using the level 20 talent to charge part of the passive (causing criticals) and then using the relic to charge the rest of the passive, thus being able to stock the passive almost instantly but losing the advantages of other talents.
also a build to take down enemies using the level 20 passive to charge with hits instead of kills along with the level 20 divine excoriation and increased duration of the level 30 ultimate, that would be incredible.
build of “healer” would continue the same thing.
So with such a versatile kit, I believe that 150 HP wouldn’t be necessary, 125 would be great.
And as you mentioned, it would be good if changes like this came to other characters, to make the kit more complete and versatile (and especially fun)…
I’ve already made some ideas for all the characters, but my favorite is Victor, Bardin and Kruber (Knight).