FS Please say something or rethink your PR

I don’t think anyone said the latter.

And even for the modelled ones (Boltpistol, Coach Gun) we (dataminer) are only able to see part of what make a weapon what it is.

Iirc we’ve managed to have sounds and model, but no animation, stats, balance, blessing…

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all I’m saying is that just because something is tested and feedbacked on doesn’t mean that feedback is implemented regardless of how overwhelming feedback may be in a certain direction

like weaves for example, which were universally hated in beta and haven’t seen real fixes until…well the latest vermintide update

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Did it really? Man, I was there, didn’t feel like a “Beta” at all. Felt like a rushed Demo to pull pre-orders so they can cash out quick with a broken product that they knew wasn’t ready for release.

As for Winds of Magic, I didn’t participate in its beta, all I remember was the catastrophic release, games being impossible to find because of people quitting due to the infamous balance decisions; then I myself quitting because of it for a while.


If no significant and actually meaningful feedback is acted upon, it boggles the mind as to why anyone would stay in such a playtester group.

Could it be feeling special? Having access to devs that the wider community never does? Seeing things early?

Imo you’d have to be a pretty significant yes-man to stick with it, if they ignore all the most serious feedback about really important systems and entire DLCs.


Yeah, Darktide did not have a public beta.

I imagine for the same reason there’s datamined stuff in Helldivers 2 that isn’t released: it’s not in a finished state. There’s probably plenty of other, related reasons we could speculate on like some weapons ended up being too X/Y/Z or requiring more work than deemed reasonable.

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As hated as it was, the early beta builds were lot lot worse. The original stagger system for instance was almost unplayable.

Interestingly the rumor back at the time when weaves came out was that while all the players hated it, there was a “small elite discord” that was pushing FOR it

Did the pre-release beta not count? Seems they implemented feedback from that time. And I got me hat.

What implementation? They released the product with broken and unfinished features then ghosted us while the CMs kept saying “Next Week”.


The developers that make the new content that is being playtested do a good job at listening to, and acting on, the feedback that they receive about said new content during testing.

It would be a bit strange to walk away from it because the developer making the skill trees won’t listen to my feedback on the crafting system.

Like I said before, a misunderstanding about scope and purpose.

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You went into no detail, so… you succeeded in not going into too much detail.

At least on subsequent posts you provided some vague context (NDA barring any actual details or useful information).

Beta participation required pre-purchase, ergo not a public beta.


I’ve been doing FS stuff for 4 years now and I do it because I like the community, made a lot of friends here so it’s something I care about. If I ever reach the point where I stop having fun with it or simply want to move on then I will :man_shrugging:

Sometimes testing results in good stuff happening, sometimes it doesn’t, just is what it is but I like being able to contribute in some manner to a community I’ve been part of this long.

oh that lol, yeah that discord was neither particularly small nor elite and no one liked the state of weaves there either


J. Have you ever been a playtester ? In another game ? I have been for a couple.

Basically the test I’ve been in have been 2 type:

  • Bug searching: as the name entail you’re thrown at the game and tasked in compiling any bug you see/face, and if possible write how you met the bug and how its replicable.

  • Feedback tests: this is what interest us, basically we were shown a new area/raid, and then worked for month upon “refining” what the Dev team had wanted to do, this did not put the dev team under our control, we talked in Slack, and had surveys to point to things that as people who had an outside look found annoying.

This mean that yes tester will try to influence thing, but they aren’t in control, doesn’t make them yes-men none the less


I tell you thing for sure: that rumor of the elite discord helped some of us cope with Winds of Magic.

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WoM did require a lot of copium to deal with for sure :joy:


Did the penance update go through playtesting?

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Well there were multiple patches during the pre-order beta, but I suppose an argument could be made that none of those changes were at all in any way in response to feedback from players?

Still, the launch announcement explicitly mentions several things that were improved due to player feedback.

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That’s fair! Was the closed beta you could sign up for before pre-order also paid?