Closed Beta Test


Best start clearing your calendar on the 14th -16th of October! We’re opening the gates of Tertium for a Closed Beta Test on PC (Steam & Microsoft Store). So, if you haven’t already - fill out the survey and you’ll get the chance to join in on the carnage.

If you haven’t completed the survey, you won’t be eligible to receive a test key - so click the link and make sure to complete it!

If you’ve already filled out the survey we sent out last month, you don’t need to do anything else. We’ll notify you if you’re accepted to test and deliver download instructions when we get closer to the date. For more information, read the FAQ available on the link above.

Stay tuned for more details on the Closed Beta Test, and don’t forget to follow our socials and jump in to our Discord to keep up to date with the latest Darktide news.

The Emperor Protects


If we filled out the form for the first closed test do we need to fill it out a second time?

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for those that might not get into beta, will there be a way to test if the game will run on our systems without purchase?
like a demo/benchmark test

Para que joga no x box, terá alguma beta?

I would also like this confirmed thanks.


(Un?)fortunately I probably will not be able to clear my calendar for that weekend. I may be able to play 1-3 hours on my notebook though. However that’s not the hardware I’ve specified in the survey. Are you guys cool with us playing on different hardware or does that violate the beta participation conditions?

i guess im unlucky. a1 got an invite yet?

They are almost certainly going to announce keys going out like with the tech test

Tomorrow there should be a dev stream talking about the beta

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As in many betas, the option is not available, but I hope we can customize the keyboard keys a bit, and invert the vertical y axis ^^

Signed: A guy who learned to play on Duke nukem 3d (and who is an old j****)

looks like invites were sent out today, didnt get one rip

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