Plans for 2024 and State of the Game?

I get that you probably don’t want to give us an actual Roadmap…

But could @FatsharkCatfish or @FatsharkStrawHat maybe push for some community address about what you guys have in store for us this year? So we can have something to look forward to?

Is there a chance for some Chaos Waste type of gamemode maybe? Anything you plan and can divulge or have you decided to move in with the development?

Really any kind of new year address… year in review… or a state of the game type of deal would be nice. Are you happy where Darktide is right now? Do you want to keep working on the Crafting system?

Can we expect a Tier 5 Class of weapons? New Classes you are workshopping?

Did the Class Changes do what you hoped they would? Can we expect Weapon Customisation? What about changing of Operative Personalities, since you can only really know if your operative annoys you once you played a while.

I just would like it, if you could give us anything. Like something we can look forward to, keep excited about.

I mean the last Com-link is like half a year ago or more. I know you said you wouldn’t do them as often anymore… but don’t you think it’s about time for another one?


Hopefully a complete scrapping of the Gacha-arcade/mobile gambling gear acquisition and crafting.

The existing system drags everything and anything else they put out for this game down and undercuts any excitement for new stuff. It’s hard to be interested in new weapons and classes when it’ll take me literal years of regular daily play to build out and play the existing weapons/blessings/etc at this rate. It’s the single largest source of contention and feedback, and Fatshark really doesn’t seem to want to talk about it however, but some news on that front would go a long way.


The only thing I know we’ll get for sure is more macrotransaction skins.


man, not even one post and it’s already whinging about weapons customizing and upgrades they never said anything about. no wonder they avoid commenting here, you people are just unable to drop the things they clearly aren’t going to engage with.

macrotransaction isn’t a price point thing, it’s DLCs large enough they reframe the rest of the game, they’re usually just called expansions. the skins are just microtransactions that have a higher price point than they should (because this is 40k and they know most people will buy in at a high price)

The crafting system was explicitly mentioned in OP’s post.

More to the point, this game is a product/service run by a business for profit, and in the business world if your customers are repeatedly talking and complaining about a specific thing over and over for an extended period of time on almost every topic, that means it’s a problem (even if it’s just a perception problem). Avoiding it doesn’t make that problem go away, refusing to engage with that problem simply allows it to fester unhindered, excusing that doesn’t make it any less true, and it’s absolutely a valid thing to talk about regarding future plans.


In terms of hearing about the future of darktide
Don’t expect anything until the end of the month to early next month about the next immediate update and nothing beyond off handily mentioning something that could happen in the future.

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but they did spoke of weapon customization pre release.


You have a strange definition of what whinging means. Maybe you need to look up the meaning of that word.

As for they never said anything about it?

The core gameplay is changing, too. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide will feature an adaptive difficulty system that acts in a similar fashion to Left 4 Dead’s “Director” A.I., factoring in what characters you’re playing and which weapons you’re using. As with Left 4 Dead, this is done to ensure a consistent challenge and to keep the game fun – use a different kind of weapon and the game will adapt to your new strategy.

Transitioning to the futuristic side of the Warhammer IP also means a change in weaponry. There’s customization here, too, of course. You’ll be able to trick out the Lasgun and various other weapons with scopes and attachments, allowing you to perfectly tailor your weapon to your preferred style of gameplay.[/quote]

I am pretty sure Techraptor didn’t just pull that pre-release hype out of thin air and attributed things to the game that wasn’t part of the pre-release presskit or stuff Devs said somewhere. Especially considering a mod allegedly restored some of the functionality.

And if you hadn’t been this toxic about it, i wouldn’t even have bothered to get into this. And just to be clear… the one whinging about it is you.


actually, i think that websight might have pulled it out of fat air. they implied it like it’s a quote but fatshark’s always been the leader in confusing descriptions. it’s be nice if the community managers could track down who talked with them back then and figured out if they just made that up. they got dan abnett’s writing it wrong, and their insistance the difficulty system is unlike vermintide’s is also wildly off-base.

No, that appears to have been at least somewhat accurate. Abnett at the very least seems to have written all of the setting notes and general worldbuilding. And by ‘written’, I mean ‘filed the serial numbers off the Blood Pact’.

If you say so…

The link above even includes the reveal video from fatsharks youtube channel.

Seriously, this stuff is like a google query away. Can we please stop the white knighting in the face of facts and focus on the topic i actually made?

You are derailing the topic by suggesting a simple topic suggestion of a popular asked for feature is somehow “whinging”. At this point it doesn’t matter when or if it was mentioned, the fact that it’s an often talked about and wished for feature deserves an official comlink address. Just like Solomode.

It shouldn’t be up to the community to share rare screen grabs of dev and CM responses on Discord like a dirty secret. Just make it an official address. Tell us where the journey goes in 2024.

That i have to even ask if we can get something like this is sad enough.


Mods can already do that, And even if fatshark did add it they would put a price tag on every part that isn’t base game, But who knows they might even try and charge for base game stuff and call it “vanguard weapon parts”

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Expect nothing and you’ll never be disappointed.

I like the tide games, but FS have kept letting me down on many fronts.
Even a roadmap sounds too farfetched, and that’s the :bear: minimum


Yes, please. I didn’t know how snobby and naïve my Savant Psyker was going to be. I wanna be a Seer, but I don’t wanna level my Psyker all the way back up even more.


We’re OT, but well said. What I don’t like about the Savant is that he/she doesn’t behave like one. I was expecting an academic, not an enforcer; I suspect that his/her dialogues were not initially conceived for the Psyker, but for another Class (the Veteran? the Arbitrator…?), and were then adapted as best as possible for the Psyker.
Furthermore, I don’t know how plausible it is in terms of lore that a Psyker is also an Enforcer, and a street agent at that. By inhaling massive doses of copium I can pretend this is all an elaborate reference to Judge Anderson, but then again, it takes truly massive doses.


Yes, Beloved, Macharia is spitting facts!

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YoThe haven’t seen the weapons customisation mod have you
All of the functionality and assets of that mod are base game you know that right?


I was listening to TinyAngryCrab yesterday and he had an answer as to why Fatshark no longer communicates in advance and prefers to “surprise” players. He suggested that it was because they were burned by angry fans who later pointed out that Fatshark did not deliver what they promised.


Yeah this is fatshark
Basic communication,
Being able to set basic expectations for themselves to meet to drive hype

Welcome to the halo infinite experience where you only know what the next update will bring a week before the update because the developers have absolutely 0 confidence in themselves to actually meet expectations they set or any sort of deadline where your only real source of upcoming content is leaks which then take years to actually come to completion despite being practically finished for over a year.


My god… The last Com-link was half a year ago?

To be honest, it’s kinda sad not to see anything in January, even if I knew that they’ll be gone for a month. Would be nice if they told anything about the new year hopes, like you said.

Still, I like their progress.