FS Please say something or rethink your PR

Paul got powercrept by the changes in Patch 13 & 14 but was perfectly serviceable before then. I used it, and liked it, all the time. Mk4 cleaver and Achlys were bad and went unused long before that, so they received attention first.


all feedback gets considered, this isn’t just talking about the test group here either, FS does collect feedback from the wider playerbase and they have various methods for doing so.

Just because feedback gets collected doesn’t dictate what will or won’t be implemented and the reasons for that vary. This isn’t just true of FS either, you can look at a variety of games where this is the case.

NDA says you’re gonna have to settle for teasing :sweat_smile:


The forums must be ending when you suddenly pop up from 12 month hiatus.


Fair enough. I’ll settle for your cookie crumbs. Thanks for info.


See that’s your opinion and that’s probably part of why those weapons got attention first. I disagree and I think you’re biased, the power maul was always way worse than the MK4 knife in this example, I’ve always used that one.
The point isn’t that I disagree, maybe I’m just biased just as much as you, the point is this: If I was a playtester I would’ve argued for reworking it first. I’m saying with more people giving feedback, this angle would’ve been more represented too and you would have more of a statistical middle ground of what to prioritise rather than personal preferences coming to light.

I mean, it really should go without saying that smaller sample sizes are more easily biased right? The sample shouldn’t be fully open but too small of a sample and you run into that.

I’m sure, but I’m also certain that Fatshark takes playtester arguments into consideration. Subjective suggestions made with supporting arguments. Those can be biased. Some people can be better at making arguments than others.
It would really defeat the point of playtesting if they didn’t.


Why has the Trauma staff had nonfunctioning blessings since beta? Why has there never been a new staff for Psyker, not even new marks?

Things are being colored by the people in the playtest.


It’s why I believe the game should be balanced to the hardest levels, as;

  1. It delivers a better balanced game

  2. Then the harder levels will be harder.

It’s something Borderlands 2 got so terribly wrong. The game was balanced for its hardest levels as such, so much of the gear you got was useless.

I feel it’s the same for DT, I honestly think the game was never balanced for the harder levels.

Not the sort of thing we make decisions about.

Yeah I mean literally all feedback is subjective/biased on some level, it’s just a given.

again, this really isn’t how it works. I want new staves sure, I want a lot of things but just because I want something doesn’t mean it magically happens even if I believe it’d be overall better if it did. At the end of the day it all comes down to whatever the studio prioritises and wants. Feedback can have an impact on the direction that takes but it’s definitely not the be all end all


Tool of War brought the Force Swords.

And Traitor Curse didn’t bring Psyker exclusive weapons.

We know from datamine that other staves are planned, doesn’t mean they are ready. (Though I hope for a broad staff rework to separate them in different family, Force, Biomantic and Pyromantic)

Like we only got 2 variant drop, and some weapons are at 1 variant only, make sense to fill those in priority (Plasma and Bolter pls)



The same for the Surge staff, it’s pathetically weak, inconsistent and only has 3 tier 4 blessings.

Why are knives so OP

I small select group, will have small select group of problems they consider issues.

Well it’s kind of either or, isn’t it. Either you see your feedback guide things in the game, or you don’t. If you didn’t I assume you would have left the playtest group a long time ago.

Are you implying that there is no middle ground between “all of my feedback is acted upon” and “none of my feedback is acted upon”?


It’s a given but something you can work against via more elaborate playtesting methods than what Fatshark has set up. I’m really just saying I think they should work with a broader community than they are now for that reason. A lot of the balance decisions they make stink of personal bias and it would help avoid it.

Last I checked there was a bunch of stuff data mined from the game’s files; why doesn’t Fatshark just make that stuff available instead of creating new things.

I’m implying you can’t on the one hand claim that your feedback matters (to whatever degree), and at the same time claim that whatever bias the testers have, have zero impact.


Also just to give a little extra context on feedback and how it works or doesn’t work:

Winds of Magic for vermintide went through a public beta, hell DT went through a public beta and just because these things went through public testing didn’t end up making them well received on launch or feature complete. There’s a multitude of other factors that go into this stuff that is simply out of our hands as players and we’ll never get to know why or how that is unless FS decides they wanna give us a rundown on how all their processes work…which I imagine is unlikely


Even if they worked with open bets that wouldn’t have made a staff come out instead of a knife or something. Like it’s still FS driving thing and releasing what they’ve got ready.

The community tester are there to make the released weapons feel better and such


For your information, “datamined” does not mean “finished”. When people say that they have datamined new weapons, they’ve generally found one or two strings of code that mention that weapon by name. This says nothing concrete about whether this weapon actually exists in a meaningfully useable state. It’s just mentioned once, somewhere, buried in the files.


I don’t think anyone suggested more solid playtesting methods would guarantee favorable outcomes, kind of a strawman. Eliminating biases is absolutely something you can do though and it would affect outcomes favorably to clarify what I mean.

Not that I’m complaining at you to change it, in the first place I was just responding to when hank was talking about how small playtester groups allow you to focus more