XBOX got 14.000 aquilas - Steam got nothing (Fatshark responded 23/01/2024)

The first part of that post was. Maybe I should’ve tagged you earlier?
My posts have been a bit long lately…

Comically indeed. There was a “We’re sowwy” letter. And the fixes were more like bandaids, because… they were working on the talent trees… And the XBOX release. Hmm. Comical, but not funny at all.

Unrelated? Did I post in the wrong thread? This is the one about this particular company’s shitty business practices and disconnect with their player base, right? Hold on…

…this is in the OP. Before any mention of equal Aquilas and the whole Economic Theory debate?


I don’t recall comparing the issues DT has to any other game. I’ve given many other games as examples, primarily about developer engagement and reactions to feedback, namely Remnant 2 and the way they addressed early feedback.

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Thank you for your valuable input Molonious. I am happy you found something that makes you happy and you regard it as money well spent. Hopefully Fatshark wakes up and realizes the error of their ways, because if they continue with the price increases like this (again today another 2.900 aquilas sets day…), they will alienate even more players.

Let’s hope they heed our feedback and give everyone the deserved bonus aquilas. That would go a long way in restoring community goodwill.

Fantastic, well structured reply Molonious, thank you very much! It is a valuable addition to the thread, much appreciated. Kudos to you!

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Okay, this is a troll, got it.

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Even just giving them their virtual value and comparing them to what you can buy, with 14k aquilas you can effectively buy 5-6 full sets of gear and that’s not including the fact you can just mix and match pieces that will make that 14k go even further. That is a very large amount for a freebie.

If they gave out 5k aquilas on top of the vanguard pack (effectively 9k aquilas) to equal out to 14k aquilas, I think that is a far more acceptable request for this thread, and in all honesty, far more likely to happen. But I think this thread has actually harmed the potential of getting anything further because of the extreme amount it’s asking for.

Oh, I saw I’m starting to get the picture, yeah.

It looks like you were aiming for a sarcastic tone in the steam thread, your zinger fell flat, you got quoted in return and took it a bit personally? So much so, that you followed the thread and keep arguing, quoting and doing very much the same with other participants in the conversation.

There’s certainly more context to the above example. Right? If there’s more context, do share - this personal moment is interesting. Admittedly, your forum vendetta didn’t keep me from reading your posts. But since it’s such a big deal, go on - get it off your chest.

Oh, and - hardly anyone that disagrees with you is a troll. I’ve been known to meme a little, but not in this thread, and not with you. About that - you wanna point out where I ignore the flaws of other games in order to depict Darktide in an even less favorable light? Saying such things is manipulative, and might cause people to take it personally…

As to the quality of the OPs character, or yours, or anyone’s where an internet forum is concerned - I really don’t care. I care about people’s points and posts.


Considering the thread is still open, and all comments involved are there, except in the embedded screenshot because both in the quote were deleted by steam, you are very welcome to check. The full context is available to you. You’ll also find that OP has done that tactic multiple times to more than just me.

I called you a troll because you actively disregarded the active conversation, brought up things OP said that no relation at all to that conversation, implied I said things I very clearly didn’t, and brought up a scenario that had zero to do with what was being talked about and dropped a smarmy “how do you like them apples?”.

Like there are very clear reasons why I think you’re a troll, and it’s not that I disagree with you, I mean I literally just said I respected your decision because most people cannot functionally admit that they can stop playing a videogame for a cause they believe in.

I do think it’s important to look at someone’s character when taking part in their cause because in this case, let’s just say that they are more concerned with getting theirs than helping the community as they claim to be. They have spoken down to the xbox community, treating them as second hand citizens who took food out of his mouth just as the guy I was replying to was, which made that whole exchange that much more disgusting.

I am for this cause if OP was not involved in any way because I don’t support people like them, and the requested aquilas were brought down to a reasonable and balanced amount that made sense for all parties. That’s my whole stance on this. I find the amount requested unreasonable.

I’ll also go on record and say that I am wasting my time even making points against OP and his little movement as I don’t expect the unreasonable requests they’re asking for to be met anyway and the responses I’ve gotten for my clear and detailed points, have not come from a place of reality, but from a place of hypotheticals with no basis for them other than “I want free stuff so I will justify whatever I have to”. I won’t be engaging further, I know how this is going to go.

Good point about the thread, it’s still visible. Alright, let’s see:

Your first comment already demonstrates your tone as too combative. You get a laugh? Why even post that? Just laugh.

The next page containing your posts shows you and “Calv” piling on. You got mad that someone resented this kind of commenting? Surprise that.

Lastly, the crescendo - ad hominem, name-calling and blatant disregard for any purpose of a forum.

The search function on Steam Forums is a bit obtuse, did I get that right?

I tried to change the subject, yes. Several people had already made excellent counterpoints to what you presented. I felt it necessary because -

If you respect my stance on the matter, and also have to call me a troll, consider that maybe your views on the subject are communicated and spent?

And again - If I wanted to connect to people personally and engage with their character, I wouldn’t be in an online forum. OP’s, yours, or anyone’s character behind the screen are (well, should be) irrelevant. That’s why pointing out that you’re banned on Steam Forums is irrelevant next to the fact that you’re willing to derail a conversation because someone disagreed with your disagreement…

If you have to separate your personal peeve with OP from the topic, here: I am here for my Aquilas - #12 by FASAStampede

…this thread has none of OPs manipulations, and you can clearly see the same points being made. This also took a brief search, and you can check the rest of the topics about the matter.

i would like to take this moment to state beforehand i do not respect your stance on whatever the matter at hand is. if pressed i will bother to actually learn what that is to rebuke it properly.

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Heey! Jakal!

I’ve not blocked you yet, if that’s what you’re checking…

No pressure from me - tl;dr: vote with your wallet. Simple as.

Good to see you’re keeping up, pal.

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Heyo, kind reminder. Please stay on topic here and refrain from devolving into argumentative discussions against other players. Keep that to private messages and off the forums. :pray:


I again ask everyone, as I did in the original post to be respectful to each other, stay on topic and let’s discuss this issue in a civil manner.

This is why this thread is here after all. Don’t argue please.

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There are incalculable numbers of services on this planet that offers 1 to 6 months free subscription for new customers. With no required subscription beyond the free period. This offer is open to anyone and everyone.

If the service costs 20 bucks a month, then by the logic by some in this thread, that means those companies are on the hook for 7 billion x 20 bucks per month of free trial. After all, a free trial is available to everyone. It doesn’t matter how many people take advantage of it. It certainly doesn’t matter if some of those customers become paying customers after that free period :roll_eyes:

All that matter is that they’re totally on the hook for untold billions of dollars, in totally real money.

Certainly, no one in the history of commerce has ever offered anything for free (especally immaterial zero cost to produce items) in the hopes of earning future customers. That’s never happened. Not even once.


I’ll say, after 10 years of corpo in the largest tech companies on the planet - If the service is free, you’re the product.

Very fair point Commander.

That said, I’ve been giving this some thought (I have time atm, and this is interesting for a bit) - what’s the point of giving such a large incentive, inflating the prices exactly for the Krieg sets and then keeping them high? Everyone who hopped on board during the October patch/XBOX release has no greater incentive to spend additional money via Aquila purchases in this way, they can get 2-3 sets with that amount, and even get the Vanguard bundles?

From MS’s perspective, it’s understandable - more people on Game Pass. But FS really aren’t winning here, or am I missing something?

If the point was to incentivize these newcomers, that’s quite the play… “Get 1.5x the game’s value in mtx currency! We hope you stick around to the point that incentive is spent so you can spend even more money!”

That sounds unreasonable to me, somehow… The amount is too large. The Imperial Edition on launch afforded one set and maybe some individual pieces, greatly incentivizing to buy a few packs soon after…

If I’m missing something obvious here, do share.

@Oakatusz @FatsharkStrawHat - apologies, I might’ve contributed to the noise a bit too much here. As I said, I’ve time atm. Maybe not such a good thing :smiley:


I’m sorry, but this is a sale. Buy X and get Y as well. Happens all the time, and if you really want Y then it can suck to miss out, but this is not at all something new or even remotely disturbing. Sales happen all the time and it’s not always a matter of money.

True, which is the reason that I don’t play anymore, but it has nothing to do with the cosmetics shop or that other people got the game cheaper or with more funny money than I did when I purchased it before launch (never buy before launch, I knew that then, but I didn’t listen).

Then you have people like me who have other grievances with the game (some of which you seem to share) but who think that this grievance is a complete non-issue. Some people got something cheaper then we did, or with more extras, this happens all the time and will happen again. Early adopters always pay more.

Yup. It should at least work the same both ways.

It’s probably not artificial. Some people really seem to care. I just don’t get it. There are things with the actual gameplay I want to see fixed (like everything outside missions being absolute trash) but we’ll see if changes are ever made.

Crafting still isn’t fixed. I’m still eating Kellogs :frowning: .

They didn’t do that though. They had a sale - a promotion - nothing more. The overpriced set you wanted, on the other hand, I do sympathise with.

Sure, but that does not explain the existence of this thread. There are other threads discussing the awful state the game is in.

Don’t buy new games. Wait for a sale. I very rarely pay full-price for games (Darktide and BG3 were the last where I did). It’s not a fixed rule. I will if the reviews are in and the game seems good. I will, for instance, buy the next Factorio expansion at launch but that’s pretty much the only company in the world that I trust not to screw me.

I still have not played CP2077 or No Man’s Sky since they released in broken states. Some say they’re “good now”. I may find out at some point, but my backlog is plenty full as it is, and I own so many games that I enjoy coming back to.

They sit well with me, or rather I don’t have a problem with them at all, and I have never owned a console.

This is the same argument that the record industry uses when trying to combat piracy. It does not amount to that amount of sales or lost revenue. It might even help to get people to get some gear and actually pay for it next time. Or… like me… just have the Aquillas sitting on my account like the ones from the IE are currently doing.

And this is not one-to-one.

This is actually the only argument in this whole debacle that I agree with. If prices go up as result for those who like cosmetics, then I get that you are pissed.

The free Aquilas being part of the FS benefit is what I have thought - they can offer an incentive to get players on board (with MS absorbing a certain amount of projected lost revenue), and if it helps to secure a GamePass player as someone who buys the game (and is more likely to buy MTX), that’s probably the ideal outcome for FS. I assume there’s some revenue via GamePass for FS (whether that be a sum of money for the agreed-upon period of GamePass availability, or based on player counts), but buying the game/MTX is probably far better for VFS long term.

Ofc, I never suggested that. I did explicitly say it could be anything between $0 and the amount required to purchase the Aquilas.

I didn’t mean to suggest that it didn’t sit right for everyone. It isn’t a problem for me either (although the suggestion that MTX prices being inflated as a result of the giveaway wouldn’t sit well with me, if that was true)

It’s technically a sale, but it feels different than a mere discount on a product. It’s one of those things that is important to take into consideration.

Thanks for the input! Yeah, I can see a lot of that being the case. We can go into the amount of Aquilas, not from the perspective of why XBOX users got it, but rather - why so much. Wouldn’t such a big dump per player disincentivize further purchase? I’d think so.

My intent here is not argue semantics, but we have to just a little to arrive at something:
A sale is, categorically, a period in time during which an existing product is offered at a reduced price. Steam Sales are periodic and episodic, as a close example. But sales have to do with the product, not the customer. The product is sold at a reduced price. To everyone who wishes to purchase.
A more targeted strategy would be called a promotion, which is to say - only a select group of buyers benefit from the offering. Do note - DT did go on sale on Steam during the middle of October (dropped down to about 25USD, iirc), which is a completely separate event from the XBOX release and what we’re discussing here.

So, for the point - not a single soul ever even noticed, let alone pointed out or made a thread about someone obtaining the game at 25USD instead of 39.99USD. Not one.
But the promotional offerings available to the Steam Launch were vastly inferior compared to the XBOX Reboot. There was no option to “upgrade” to a 14K bundle via Steam. And what was later offered as an exclusive to early adopters, wasn’t exclusive, even if it did have a rough equivalency to the 14K Aquilas (4 sets of gear, a backpack and some frames iir).

This disparity is going to have people a bit upset, and this is before you factor in the objectively better quality of the product, which early steam players felt they suffered through, and the already questionable reception to the game, prior to October, and voila - a mess.


I honestly think it would’ve died out (beyond the usual perpetually angry types) if FS hadn’t immediately crammed its whole leg in its mouth and their CM hadn’t called people ‘pearl clutchers’. That gave everyone a meme and made it feel more personally insulting. We’re still beating the vaguely-horse-scented-atoms-that-used-to-be-a-horse about ‘immeasurably complex’, ‘next week’, and ‘design intent’, after all.


Certainly. Very poor communication, once more.

I don’t know what it is - the corpo status of “owned” or simply the way FS chooses to conduct their external coms, but damn does it feel bad. Perhaps this feeds into the reason FS are so memeable…

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