XBOX got 14.000 aquilas - Steam got nothing (Fatshark responded 23/01/2024)

Update 4 - 20th of February, 2024.:

Fatshark proved today that when they closed our previous Steam thread about this issue in January, 2024, which had over 1.900 comments, they were indeed censoring us just because we dared to stand up against their anti-consumer practices. I say this because today they did it once again.

The user named Roovka, who have been stirring up trouble for months now here and on the on Steam, yet again came into the mirror of this thread and started trouble again.

What did Fatshark do? Did they ban the troublemaker? Nope, the moderator strawhat closed our thread instead, again proving that they have no problem with censoring those, who dare to oppose their anti-consumer practices.

Fatshark - You lost a customer in me forever, with this action you now join the blacklist with the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Activision/Blizzard etc.

Don’t you worry, when your next project comes around - I will be there and people will know exactly who you are and what you do. I will never forget what you did.

The Emperor protects, indeed -
But you at Fatshark failed him with this game a thousand times over.

Update 3.:

We got a response from Fatshark Catfish on the Official Fatshark Forums on the 23rd of January, 2024! She ensured me she will pass on our feedback to the devteam. (36th reply in this thread)

She also confirmed that it was indeed Fatshark devs who closed the last thread, but she gave me the reason that it was locked for the excessively argumentative nature it took. As a sign of good faith and trust in the word of Catfish, I adjusted the OP and the Steam thead according to the information she shared in her response where she ensured us to forward our feedback.

I am hopeful that the devteam will see that it is fair for the Steam community to be voicing their grievances that they never had the chance to get the same aquila bonus - and properly rectify it this time.

I hereby ask everyone participating in this discussion to kindly adhere to guidelines and be respectful to each other. Let’s avoid any arguments, so we can keep on point and discuss this issue in a civil manner.

This is why this thread is here after all.

I hereby wanna extend my thanks to Catfish for the heads up, for passing on our feedback to the devs and also for the work she does for us in the Forums.

I invite every player here to join in the discussion, but please keep on point - as you can see there is always hope for positive change!

I am initiating this thread because as of today it is evident, that Fatshark is closing inconvenient threads. The previous one, which was going on for more than 3 months, got 104 rewards and got over 1.900 replies just got closed by Fatshark themselves today for no specified reason.

Evidence can be found here - Steam Support telling that they can’t unlock said thread as the developers themselves closed it:

If anyone was doubting until now that Fatshark is monitoring the Steam Forums, there is your evidence. They want to silence the players here who dare to stand up against being treated as second class citizens compared to XBOX players with regards to bonuses granted for their purchase.

Original thread which they locked can be found here:

You can see the thread was locked without any moderator note - this is because Fatshark themselves closed it.

Here’s a screenshot just in case, if they maybe try to change this:

The issue at hand is as follows:

Darktide was released on XBOX on the 4th of October, 2023 with the following bundles:

The stark difference between what XBOX and Steam users got on release is glaringly obvious:


  • Standard Edition: 0 aquilas, got used as beta testers for 1 year, NO option to opt out of crossplay
  • Imperial Edition: 2.500 aquilas, got used as beta testers for 1 year, NO option to opt out of crossplay
  • Vanguard Pack*


  • Standard Edition: 9.300 aquilas (!!!), got a vastly improved game based on the feedback of Steam users, option to opt out of crossplay
  • Imperial Edition: 16.500 aquilas (!!!, nearly 7x times that of a Steam Imperial Edition owner, 2.500+14.000), got a vastly improved game based on the feedback of Steam users, option to opt out of crossplay
  • Vanguard Pack*
  • 4 reskinned cosmetic sets which was marketed as “exclusive” and as an apology to Steam players - but XBOX players could get it too without any problems.


Anyone reading this can judge for themselves - this is how we on Steam are being treated by Fatshark currently.

The original thread from it’s inception stood here as a reminder for Fatshark, that the veteran players of Steam, who supported them and tested this game in it’s worst state and provided valuable feedback for 1 year should not be treated in the manner we have been since the Beta period. The FOMO cash shop is bad in itself, and they keep making it worse by constantly increasing prices and decreasing the value included with skins by removing weapon skins and trinkets. Not to mention the marketed features before release that are still missing.

The worst decision Fatshark made since release is the reason this topic is still relevant - They split Darktide’s community by giving the aquila bonus to only half of the playerbase. The collection of threads and comments in the previous thread shows clearly how disappointed a large number of players are about this. This thread is here to continue it’s legacy.

Every player in this community (even those who missed out on XBOX) deserves the same treatment - in this case the bonus aquilas amounting to 9.300 for Standard and 14.000 for Imperial Edition owners, respectively.

This issue remains unsolved, therefore Fatshark needs to be reminded to rectify it.

Here’s hoping Fatshark will heed our words finally and do good by all members of this community.

If you agree, please join and post below so we can make our voices be heard by the devs.

The God Emperor is with us!

This is a mirror of my original thread on Steam, which can be found here:

Even brosgw, who I consider the biggest ambassador for the Darktide community on the Fatshark Forums (author of the “Action items for Fatshark” and “Crafting memorial; lest we forget” topics) commended me for my efforts, which is humbling. His comment gave me even more validation that we are on the right track. It can be found here:

We got a response from Fatshark Catfish on the Official Fatshark Forums on the 23rd of January, 2024! She told me she will pass on our feedback to the devteam. She also confirmed that it was indeed Fatshark devs who closed the last thread, but she gave me the reason that it was locked for the excessively argumentative nature it took. As a sign of good faith and trust in the word of Catfish, I adjusted the OP and the Fatshark Forum thead according to the information she shared in her response where she ensured us to forward our feedback. I am hopeful that the devteam will see that it is fair for the Steam community to be voicing their grievances that they never had the chance to get the same bonus - and properly rectify it this time.

  1. Very impressive with the amount of effort you put into these topics both times. If you put this much effort into your real life, then I’m sure you will go very far

  2. I can see this is a very important top I for you and I don’t want to disparage you from voicing your concerns, so I’ll leave it at that


Yeah, Fatshark has managed to kill every ounce of goodwill I used to feel for them. Let’s make this one that stands forever just to annoy them.


Thank you for your kind words Bigpfeiffer.


Yeah, I’m with you on this.

I mean gamepass users didn’t need to buy the game to play it and I can understand that FS wanted to get some more money out of the Xbox/microsoft-store gamers and tied an (VERY) attractive bundle for them but it would have been nice to have a similar bundle as steam user.

Trying to silence everyone by giving out some more or less lazy cosmetics to everyone who logs into the game in a certain timeframe (which would have made more sense if that timeframe was prior to the xbox release), was just not the way to go.

But I guess most people realised that FS won’t do more and they’ll try to act like it never happened.


Thank you for your support and input Kurt.

I am still here because I didn’t give upon Fatshark. It may sound naive, but I still believe they can change for the better. I hope they finally start going in the right direction.

The proper solving of this issue by granting the aquilas to every player and the rework of the RNG casino itemization/crafting would be a fantastic base to start rebuilding the goodwill of their community.

I am positive, that if they did so, players -including new and old- would be coming in droves.

Everyone would win.


Dissapointed in you Fatshark.

Very dissappointed.


It seems that lately Fatshark’s only way of “communicating” is this: locking threads. Apparently even Catfish is now limited only to closing threads and making occasional comments on very specific (and therefore harmless) topics.




Locks on topics about locks. We’re getting meta now.


Fatshark’s secret promotional cooperation with ABUS Security is becoming public knowledge. :lock: :lock_with_ink_pen: :key: :unlock:


Abus security???

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A company that is so ubiquitious in lock production, it has almost a monopoly on it in the European market. Most Bike Locks you find anywhere here are made by them.

Surprised you never heard of them, they operate in the States, too.


It is very nice to see you in this thread brosgw. The hard work you do for this community is highly appreciated. Thank you very much!

Here’s hoping Fatshark finally starts to listen to the players.


I just take down names is all. I just happen to have a gear to grind here on RNG. My entire life I never made an account for twitter, Instagram, tiktok, Reddit etc. but the crafting pushed me to use social media more. Make a Reddit account too. So now I check up here frequently. I wonder what will happen if they ever do fix the main issues. Motivation may cease.

Anyways, you’re the one who put all the leg work into this one. I do think it’s interesting that Xbox players could apparently get the vanguard set which was supposed to be a PC exclusive. Would be good to know if that bundle was something arranged from Microsoft or not. In general a lot more transparency would be better from Fatshark.

  1. Fatshark has a moderation policy on these forums and if they were to apply the same policy to steam forums, most threads that are being created there would be locked really fast.
  2. The fact that they took the time to close this specific thread might not mean they are pissed off or concerned or whatever that someone still brings up this discrepancy between xbox and PC releases. It can just mean that the thread has gotten way too big and no meaningful discussion is taking place. (see point #1 about moderation policy).
  3. I think no amount of discussion and pleading (civil or otherwise) is gonna make them give PC players aquilas.
    I do applaud you for trying though.

Another spitball at the players from Fatshark


in general, why do we need these robes and jewelry? to stand out? Believe me, everyone is looking at how you play, not how you are dressed

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For christs sake Microsoft probably footed the cost for the promotion. The community at large benefits from more players, you lost nothing because new players got some funny made up money. You people genuinely are pearl clutchers at this point.

I bought the game on PC at launch because VT2 is a banger and I knew at worst Darktide would eventually be great, and I can always put in on the backburner during less stellar periods. I have already more than gotten my money’s worth out of the game. In fact by any possible metric for entertainment I have gotten insane value for money out of the game even if I put it down forever tomorrow (I won’t). Pretending that buying and playing the game earlier in its release was some arduous task where you devotedly offered your “testing” services to FS and have now been betrayed is the most please touch grass interpretation imaginable.

So yeah, please touch grass.


The only way that the Xbox aquila promotion has affected me is that they inflated their funny money so much they started increasing the price or reducing the value of the cosmetics to account for the massive influx of currency in their shared ecosystem. So in my mind they did make things worse for everyone else by their own actions.