Give the 14000 aquilas to those who bought the game on pc

Issue Description:
The new xbox players got 14000 free aquilas on the top of the 2500 what the pc users got who bought this game during beta or at launch this can not stand. Give us those aquilas!



Okay but seriously Fatshark. Look closely at this. You have multiple threads over the same issue. People are mad. Do the simple, easy thing for once, and give everyone the same aquilas xbox players got.


The day’s grow long on the front line… Dip Dip Dip Dip Fatshark still has not given us any updates on… Dip Dip Dip Dip When we are getting the shipments of aquilas… Dip Dip Dip Dip Will get here or not some of the other rejects think the new Ratling conscripts stole all of them… Dip Dip Dip Dip For them selfs only time will tell if the proper reward they speak about will reach the front line before things get more dark… Dip Dip Dip Dip Only time will tell…



Wheres the aquillas Fatshark?
Are we PC players just not important anymore?


Give me the big helmet back. My tastes have evolved, xbox players can worship Dark Helmet.


This is getting depressing.
This could have been done and dealt with weeks ago. Everybody would have been happy and complained only about the shop rotation. I would have spent those Aquilas pronto and get more if the damn shop wouldn’t have rotations and just be a normal shop.



Devoted Rejects. If by now you haven’t realised we have but 2 chances. Slim and none. Slim already left town 2 weeks ago. fs giving the community what it needs not what it wants or deserves.

I didn’t even buy the imperial edition and I’m still pulling for everyone who did. It’s worthless internet currency, I don’t feel it’s asking that much. I wish they would just remove the FTP mechanics completely, but after the crafting debacle, hopes are not high.


Do you know that Standard Edition xbox buyers also got 9k Aquilas ? Everybody playing on Steam before Patch 13 should receive at least 9k and 14k for the Imperial buyers


I’m starting to think that the forum users who said that Fatshark wouldn’t do anything until the Krieg sets were rotated out in order to avoid missing out on Aquila purchases were correct.


BTW: I’m not making fun of the community managers, I am making fun of the people at the top (Fatshark, GW, Microsoft) who have an economic interest in this.


It is not totally exact. It was:

9 300 aquilas

Darktide imperial edition
2 500 + 14 000 = 16 500

So it depends what you bought as edition…
You were fooled by 14k aquilas only if you have the imperial edition
Even without, you’re still fooled by 9 300 aquilas.

Nota: the promotional offer has now ended

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They should probably rework them to not suck if they want to sell them, lol. Legit seen 10x the single proper Krieg helm with the ant eater style nose than any vet wearing that awful cosplay gear. Mostly just Psykers in Krieg gear because like all Space Elf cosmetics they were done relatively nice.


It most certainly looks like that. Now you know why they refuse to have a real proper shop instead of rotating one. That’s also why they give such a lame response when asked why; ‘We don’t want to confuse players’ is a laughably thinly veiled excuse for the real reason: ‘we want that FOMO money’

I totally missed that, I thought it was just the Imperial Edition… That makes it even worse haha.



It’s unfortunate that the real ones like Catfish, etc. have to deal with most of the community blowback from Tencent’s greed. I mean, it is their job but goddamn this sort of thing should be taken directly to the people who actually can make a big difference instead of bothering the people who spend hours a day talking with people in the community to pass on important feedback to the devs. I remember being banned from the Darktide reddit (not a reddit user but got curious about one of my favourite newer games) when a dude said he was writing out a detailed death threat to an unnamed Fatshark employee. I was banned because I called him a “neckbeard” and told him to get a life. There are some weird and wonderful people out there.


Vote with your wallet. Don’t give them a dime. I know it sounds cruel to the bottom of the bin employees that work on the game and they might lose their job if the community goes against the game and doesn’t buy stuff.
Worst thing “TenCents Skins Company” can do is shut down the servers if the game is not profitable.
Would be rather easier to just shut us up by giving us the aquilas and then there’s business as usual. We moan about the snail shop and reskins.
I want this game to succeed but if these predatory practices keep going on (and i don’t see them going nowhere), more people will probably abandon the game for something better.

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Same… but as I said, FS must pray that no company release a coop game horde shooter with sort of progression and without RNG. If they add a cosmetics shop (instead of rotating pages) and do not set prices too high, they would make lot of money.
But, I guess we have to wait… but such bullshits behaviour is never totally forgotten…
By example: I would say that next FS game, I will wait that they deliver the final product. If a lot of players think like me, they will wait to get money to invest in their game and could slow the game production.
Also, developping a game with a lack of interested players, would also restric player returns. And so, slowing the development again.

Honestly, I will not go out of my way to buy another FS game if they don’t show any redeeming quality. Seeing how the customer is treated, I don’t think I want to repeat this experience.
It’s bad enough that the entire gaming industry is becoming as such.

At least there are a few indie games that are a saving grace in this storm.

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