Are PC players going to receive the same aquillas the xbox players received?

Are we gonna get some aquillas for suffering through this early access until it was refined enough for xbox to accept it?


We have no idea. Fatshark have said, via the community managers, that they are aware of the sentiment over the disparity in what Xbox players are getting to what we recieved (if you had the Imperial Edition), and see that we’re not exactly best pleased as a community.

The joke is we’ll get another re-skin of the Beta helmet, but beyond that spot of humour we will just have to wait and see.


Didn’t we already get a recolour of the beta helmet?

That was an event item, though. Everyone who was playing then got that.
And that was true FOMO unlike the cash store.
Neither the BETA nor the other helmet can be gained now, if you weren’t there.


Just ask yourself: will FS do the right thing or spit on its playerbase again? We both know what the answer is…


Not enough outrage for them to care.
Just look at how many content creators they sponsored to play the game yet how many has yet mentioned the aquilas situation.
Im sure after the faucet stops we’ll finally get some outrage, but by that time they will have more than likely addressed it in their 24 board meetings by dumping some crappy item or cosmetic with pearls attached to it and call it a day, stating they already addressed it so the creators can ignore it.

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That means we need to generate enough outrage and contacting creators to get them to bring a spotlight on it.

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An extremely low chance. We have better odds of getting an awful looking helmet. Fatshark don’t care, especially not about those still playing the game despite everything.


It’s not just spitting at this point. Seems more like lube for the next dumpsterfire.


I am really disgusted by the responses from
CMs and Fatshark. Especially after gatekeeping the cover armor.


what do you mean by gatekeeping the cover armour?

That its in the game but not earnable to incentivize to buy MTX, to look ”cool”


I honestly thought you meant they gave them to xbox players for free or something while we couldn’t get them.

Nope they ”only” gave them 14k Aquilas (60€) for free. :joy::joy:


I would not be supriced if we get a clown outfit to add insult.


At least adding a clown suit would take the weeks they claim it’s taking them to simply just give us the same aquillas.


Yeah its because they want ppl to spend money on the botched krieg skin ”that took so much time and effort, without having the physics or proper proportions.

Why fatshark do you always shoot yourself in the foot? You could have been the best co-op with Darktide but nooooo… The greed displayed by Tencent and gatcha gaming is made manifested.

Hopefully they will actually live up to their apology and rethink those designs… If vt2 is the comparison… then likely not…

If any of the devs from Fatshark read this please be better than this. The game is good but forced MTX are not, just make them buyable by ordo dockets.


It better make clown shoe noises as we run around.

And we get a special emote that is a bike horn honk

It’s gonna be a portrait with a string of pearls around it. A “pearl necklace” if you will