The relative Aquila value in dollars is…meaningless really on that scale. Tying that directly to potential proportional real losses is nonsensical for several reasons.
First, Aquilas don’t actually have any meaningful cost to Fatshark to produce and distribute in and of themselves. The MTX assets do of course, but the actual tokens is pretty zero-cost and the asset costs aren’t huge either.
Second, the only way those losses would be both “real” and anywhere near that proportion is essentially if every player who was given the Aquilas was already going to buy that many, and chose not to as a result of the potential gift. If they weren’t ever going to buy that many, or only a fraction of that amount, Fatshark isn’t out anything they wouldn’t have otherwise gotten.
Third, the overwhelming bulk of income that Darktide will ever generate, the majority of what players are going to spend on this game, was already done at launch. From all available public data, the game has made about ~$85M in total, and ~$60m of that was in its first month of release, so averaging about $2M/mo since then, and that’s pretty typical for videogames. There’s just not as much to lose out on at this point.
Finally, that infusion may do lot to stimulate new interest, get people playing again, maybe blow their load of Aquilas and buy even more or drag their friends into the game with fresh enthusiasm after some time away.
Now I don’t really care to have much of a dog in this fight, I’m not actually expecting FS to give out 9k aquilas to every PC player, but it’s also hardly something that would be business suicide for Fatshark, any more than giving away that many Aquialas to all the Xbox players was during their largest customer acquisition month on that platform.