XBOX got 14.000 aquilas - Steam got nothing (Fatshark responded 23/01/2024)

I think some people just want a reason to continue to be pissed off. Not that there’s any shortage of things for people to get pissed off over… I haven’t seen a crossplay thread in a while, maybe that’ll be the next one :joy:


it never was resolved, for you maybe…
if this was a legal dispute with two parties trying to reach a consensus, i would never have signed that proposal…
the difference here is that all the power is with FS, and i don’t have a say in the matter,
so after voicing the complaint, its just apparent they don’t want to meet any further demands…
so i won’t keep asking and move onto the last option
never spend a penny with FS again…

so no the fact that the original thread ended doesn’t mean a satisfactory consensus was reached.

but maybe FS thinks customers like me are a lost cause for them monetarily regardless of the Xbox promo, since they offended our trust on so many levels, that they decided to cut losses, and thats even a reasonable move if we don’t talk morals


nah you’re right on the money, its called “forced Scarecity/abundance” ofc they will never admit it was the case but when they used FOMO and monopoly money thats basic 101 of MTX monetization strategies, or like i call it: mtx exploitation.


Wonderful analogy and right on the money.

It was a timed promotion supplemented by Microsoft. This continous artificial outrage is very tiring to witness.

Legal dispute? That’s reaching so much and you know it.
It was a time sensitive platform promotion. Those have been around since the Console wars were on in the late 90’s.

Regarding some of these players who still are this mad about it, I genuinely fail to understand how they can even begin to function in todays world.
Every time people buy something they miss out on rebate action X and store discount Y elsewhere.
This is the norm. Promotions take place all the time and few have these people, you or me specifcally as target audience. That’s just how the cookie crumbles.

It’s things like these that expose how out of touch gamers can be at times. It’s just not fun to come on here and see all this (obviously drummed up) outrage about what should be a nothingburger.
Like a child’s tantrum that just can’t get over that one time they didn’t get Kellog’s in the supermarket X months ago.

Not what people here want to hear, but this is exactly the energy it gives off and it needs to be said.


If we can put aside your condescension and perceived sense of superiority, different situations prompt different emotional response from different people. In the week of Patch 13 I had my joy at the direction Darktide was taking, of finally seeing some glorious light after those months of darkness and issues (one friend of mine couldn’t play at all for months, and a few others had plenty of technical issues to not make it worth their while playing), of improvements to the running track that was the Mourning Star, of getting the skill trees, to the brighter uplands of the future.

Then I get two kickers in quick succession, and the first one is the most important. Those fake and utterly awful DKoK skins - my regiment of choice since 2007 in my favourite faction that I’d been collecting since about 1995 - upset me. I am emotionally invested in the DKoK, so seeing what they were finally releasing for them, on top of a price hike explained by the packs needing ‘extra time’ and effort to complete, I was less than pleased. Then, just to touch flame to the powder kegs of that, we find out about the XBox deal that same day.

So, yes, I am bitter about that week, about what happened because I was emotionally invested and went from that high to that low in the space of Tuesday to Thursday in a game I had played my little part in keeping going by continuing to play and populate the servers during those awful early months. I think I had accrued around 600+ hours by Patch 13, so yeah, a game I loved despite the awful stuff outside of the gameplay loop raised me up emotionally and then metaphorically kicked me down and spat on me. It hardly garnered a positive reaction on my end.

Fatshark clearly believe that this is done and dusted, and I’ve not expected anything more about it since the Vanguard pack, but their failure with the DKoK skins and their asinine claims of needing extra time and effort for the DKoK packs were my real issue, but it was intrinsicly connected to the XBox deal by the proximity of timing.


Oh, has this horse been beaten back to life again?

It’s 40k, we’re not stopping until we’ve beaten it into its constituent atoms and then declared Exterminatus. just to be sure


you know what a comparison is? stop playing dumb

i guess you really don’t see the difference, but at this point so many people already explained that they are not mad about others getting a promo, but the fact that the game released in an utterly awful state and getting used as labrats.

and i don’t understand how someone who uses adhominem can think he/she is debating honestly.

and every time i would buy a fresh game, wich happens to be so utterly unfinished and broken to unplayability i will get mad if as soon as the product is remotely playable everone gets the game + half worth of value.
that is just the norm. its not how you create a redemtion arc by disrespecting and Ignoring the customers who felt deceived.

the only thing out of touch with gamers, is how willingly we adhere to awful practices within the gaming industry, no other Idustry could dream of selling so offensively little value for so much (talking about you Call of duty Reddot shape MTX) and so unfinished products without repurcussions.
Salesman: How do you like your new Car Mr. ? wth i bought as a family car i need it so i can drive my kids to shool but it has no backseats installed, and the turn signals are missing…! Salesman: we are Glad to hear that it can drive, the missing components will be delivered in approximately 6-8 months.

the gaming industry is more and more becoming a joke, and people like you enable it.


I would like to thank everyone for contributing to the thread. Unfortunately I am mostly bogged down with work now. I will try to reply and reflect on your perspectives. Much appreciated.

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Fair, fair. A much better example. As I noted - not my best analogy.

Now -

As noted, I’ve got nothing against the XBOX folks. Console wars, market divides and all that is a topic, but not one I personally care for at all in this instance. Or any instance, really. I recently began following it in regards to Helldivers 2 and how PS fans got upset that the game is launching for both PC and PS5. Where the original also launched for both platforms…

I don’t understand any arguments in the matter. Not relevant to me.

And as I noted - shitty practices are to be called out. It happened with DT, so I’m calling it out here, since I care for DT. Had it happened in Remnant 2, Armored Core 6, Lies of P or any of the titles I played since, I’d call it out there as well.
FS being the unfortunate victim in this, is potentially a circumstance but given their track-record, I hardly feel sorry at this point.

Truly, let’s be honest - a company with experience in a niche genre they essentially established, obtaining one of the most recognizable IPs in nerdom, delivering what they delivered? Surprising is not the word. Disappointing, more like. Underwhelming. Uninteresting and mediocre, overall. As to what followed after launch, FS deserve some credit. A bit of credit. Certainly not more than that…

Nope. Certainly not. The time, negative experiences (which too often go side by side with the great ones), social aspects and FS’s management of the whole thing absolutely, without a doubt has left me disappointed and disinterested. Better from here on… I guess. Objectively, anything they do amounts to some gradient of improvement, alongside a variety of other recurring issues and neglect.

Look, I also get it - glass half full vs. glass half empty. And I honestly appreciate everyone who can “just enjoy” something. Power to you. But you know how that saying continues, the part about the man being in the desert? Well, we’re not even in a desert, we’re in a oasis of solid games atm, with more coming out. This is not a matter of “fix this so I can play your game” or “I want the same!”… Nono. This is FS, at the bottom of the product delivery ladder, being called out for how their game is distributed (and marketed). To me at least, it’s just that.

I wouldn’t spend the Aquillas if they gave them hypothetically. Nor did I log on for the vanguard bundle. These are irrelevant to me.

Now check this - for any other title I’ve played since May 2022 I’ve not only not had to engage with any forums, I’ve only wanted to say positive things (shame on me, perhaps I should instead of being here… :smiley: ). The only negative interaction I’m responsible for happens here and with this game. So, this door is the one I bang on.

The argument that one has to hold MS responsible goes both ways, and we really don’t know what the contracts, agreements and execution of those looks like. One aspect of this debacle, which makes me come back to it instead of considering it closed, is my observation on how detached FS are from their consumer/fan base. This is a glaring example of it.

I pointed this pout in the following post, I guess I should’ve just edited…


you think FS could just call it quits? they can’t, EA has dozens of studios and IP’s and if one fails you can support the production studio that produced it with funding from other products. FS produces one title at a time and most of their revenue comes from that one new title…

so its not admirable that FS tries to salvage the situation, if they just said sorry guys DT ain’t doing it for us we gonna close it down after 4-6months they maybe would have enough money to start production on one more title from DT’s sales, and that would need to be an absolute knockout, but who would trust/buy from a company that abbandons their games like that? right there’s just no way that would ever work out.
so it isn’t virtuous its quite litterally their only option.

i will never understand that argument, its like people think you have no say or can’t decline once someone offers money… and honestly i think FS is so disconnected they didn’t even think about how that would antagonising that offer was going to be, they were caught with their pants down, just showcasing how little they know about their community


To be fair, the thread title is literally

XBOX got 14.000 aquilas - Steam got nothing

It may not be the reason that you, or many others, are upset but it clearly is a reason for some.

Well, without knowing specifics of the deal, it’s hard to gauge what FS stood to gain. Money is likely the biggest factor, but not necessarily the only one.

We know that MS got

  • exclusivity
  • GamePass title

out of it. Neither of those are inherently beneficial to FS since (1) no PS buyers and (2) fewer buyers/sticky customers because if you are effectively renting (via GamePass) , are you going to spend much on additional MTX compared to if you had bought it*? We can assume $$$ is a big part of it, but we have no idea what the whole story is.

I wouldn’t go as far as suggesting that FS is in some way a victim of MS since, of course, FS are not obliged to accept the offer… I can only assume that it was a sufficiently compelling offer or (far less likely IMO) they had a reason to distance themselves from other platforms.

The quality of the initial release is its own problem. If the PC release had been delayed until Oct 2023, the Aquilas problem would still be there - FS’s website has suggested Xbox exclusivity since 2021 (some reddit post pointing out the presence of the Xbox logo/absence of the PS logo), so most of the T&Cs were established long before the initial release.

*Setting aside the software licensing carry-on of ownership vs being licensed to use a thing, they’re a whole other conversation.

Was helldivers on PC at launch? I thought it started as PS exclusive and came later (lol at people getting mad that it’s coming to PC though).

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how does any of that matter if we consider that the release was bad? its not like they didn’t had time until the xbox release, and the backlash for the promo was easy to spot from miles away, considering the tension were high constantly.
they easily could prepared something of equal value as compensation, but they were caught totally off guard and quickly needed to hand out something, so they slapped together used assets.

before you start telling me that cause and effect are different for the release and the promo, thats not how people interact with companies, people see the company as a whole and what it does and doesn’t do, and in what order they publish it.
AND thats no coincidence its by design, companies want to be seen that way, and you learn to maneuver this to your advantage in marketing.
the fact that FS didn’t see the backlash coming just proves to me that they didn’t took the awful release and the corelating feedback as serious as they should have…

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someone used a strawman against you, get over it.
nothing in this thread warrants the lockdown of the thread.
and to be honest, following him like a stalker and trying to dicredit him over a petty grudge doesn’t shine the best light on you, even if you are in the right.

as it stands the picture you provided, lacks any context to what happend before and you might aswell be the one trying to frame him…

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They are independent issues, is what I’m saying. Even if the release was perfect, platform-specific bonuses would not sit well with people outside that platform.

Obviously, a bad experience in the past will colour your view on future experiences, but I don’t think it’s right to treat them as one and the same - there’s dissatisfaction over the state of the release (and Fatshark’s attempts to improve on that), and there’s dissatisfaction over platform-exclusive bonuses.

To me, from previous discussions of the issues, merging the two comes across more as trying to incite more rage than call out the problem.

What would you suggest is something that could easily have been done? I’m just curious, because I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t hurt a lot.

I’m not saying the Vanguard Bundle was a good attempt at a solution, but can you solve the Xbox bonuses problem in a satisfactory way without simply resigning to the fact that you’re going to have to absorb the cost?

Since OP brought it up on the Steam forum, I think it’s safe to bring it up here.

It was brought up by them that giving all PC players 9k or 14k aquilas “would not put a dent into the profits of the shop” but are failing to realize that the PC sales are well over 1 million units, what is being proposed is giving away over 40-60 million dollars worth of premium currency, for no other reason than xbox got a promotion for these amounts that is now expired.

I’d argue it’s fairly ridiculous to say that it would have “no dent”, 40-60 million dollars is not a small amount especially for a non-AAA studio, despite the ties to Tencent. Did some googling and FS was “valued” at 260 million in 2021, that’s 1/5 of their total worth in free goods.

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If I recall, the game came out for the PS family (3-4 at the time?), and 6 months later was also released for PC. But there was no surprise there, it was noted the game will be launched on PC as well, and was one of the first games Sony released on PC.

Console Wars, amirite…

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its incorrect to assume that a player receving MTX currency automaticly is a loss of revenue.
now i don’t have the % of players who pay for mtx in DT but theres estimates for freetoplay titles with 1-5% of players actively purchasing mtx currency.

60*0.05=3 (-Digital Sales Tax (example for EU 17%-27%))= total profit margin lost
even if you assume twice as many willing paying costumers its not existencial like 1/5 of their company value

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I agree completely with FASAStampede on his point that with the very bad decisions taken with this game (buggy release, FOMO cash shop, etc.) Fatshark alienated a LOT of players. His other point is very true as well - there are many games, even good games on the market which all compete for the same players. The better each devteam treats it’s players, the more chance that they will stay and support them longterm.

The solving of this issue is now given to Fatshark on a silver platter, which would be a really good opportunity for a homerun and to start the road of restoring community goodwill. Here’s hoping the finally heed the feedback, take it to heart and give everyone the deserved bonus aquilas.

The next step after that would be the fixing of the RNG itemization/crafting. If they did both, we would have a solid basis to build upon going forward.

Here’s hoping lads…

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Except, it wouldn’t be just a handful of players, this entire movement is about giving all PC players the same amount of currency given to xbox players during a limited time promotion. You cannot in good faith tell me that giving away 40-60 million+ (Remember it’s more than just 1 million, I kept it simple by rounding down) dollars away is in anyway a viable or intelligent business decision.

In fact, I don’t think a giveaway of this scale has ever happened in gaming, there’s not even a precedent set for this type of decision, so I don’t know where the expectation that it’s acceptable to give this massive amount of money away is coming from other than some form of ignorance of how any business works or a sense of selfishness/entitlement that you don’t care about potential consequences for others as long as you get yours.

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