Will I lose my stuff for refunding the game?

Thinking of refunding the game due to the problems it has.

But as I pre-ordered it and tried the beta, I have the beta and pre-order cosmetics.

Would I no longer have those if i bought the game again at a later point?


You’re going to be extremely lucky if you get a refund and if you want a refund why would you care if you lost these cosmetics? I’d imagine you’ll keep them as it’ll be linked to your account but you never know.


It was purchased on Steam. It is within the refund period still.

And i’ve already said why I’d care, because I’ll probably buy the game again at some point.

Others have struggled to get the game refunded at this point.

Steam offers a refund if you’re under 2 hours played and it’s less than 2 weeks since purchased. It’s after that that it becomes more difficult.

Have you played less than two hours since launch and beta?

Yes. Why would I keep mentioning it if i wasn’t? You seem a bit eager that I don’t get one.

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No just curious because you said you’d played the beta so assumed your playtime would be over that threshold.

I played the closed beta, not the pre-order beta.

@TheVoidDragon Steam typically only considers the time played after launch. This was the case for Battlefield 2042 also.

So yes. You should be able to refund. But to answer your question, I would imagine that you probably would still have the stuff should you come back at a later point.

This is of course conjecture. But my thought is that if the game is running on dedicated servers, it likely keeps track of your account details

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I dont know, but my understanding is that you wouldnt keep the stuff. You’re refunding the game which you pre-ordered, so you’re refunding those cosmetics too - and when you’re buying the game at a later date, say, in 2 months time, that is no longer a pre-order purchase, but a regular purchase 2 months after release.

Why would you keep the stuff, is more what I would ask.

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They’re cosmetics for having pre-ordered the game before release, which regardless of if i end up refunding now, still happened. This wouldn’t mean I then hadn’t pre-ordered the game, that can’t be undone.

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If you get a refund I’d imagine you’d get the refund of the products price meaning yes you’d lose anything given with the bundle, doesn’t make sense you keep it and then buy a cheaper version

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No, while you did actually buy it pre-release, you refunded it.
The bonus cosmetics are basically a “thank you” from the devs, for having given them money before release - and since you’re refunding the game, you’re not actually giving them the money before release.

It’s like saying “hey, I gave you candy 5 minutes ago, can I have it back, and still get the appreciation of having given you candy 5 minutes ago?”.

Ofcourse the cosmetics are for having pre-ordered the game - but that very copy are you thinking of refunding. The next copy you’re buying, isnt the pre-order copy, it’s a post-release copy.

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I would not not even think about this. I did refund 5 minutes after i realised what they released, the only what i thought was. Omg how could they …

I refunded during the open beta before it officially launched with no issues refunding it. I have since rebought it (the core gameplay is great, and I couldn’t stay away - it was haunting my dreams). When I repurchased it my progress was saved and I even got my beta swag even though I refunded before they gave out the swag.

I imagine you’d keep all your stuff.

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If you are persistent enough and threaten legal action, depending on your location, they will eventually refund it.

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Pre-ordering either did or did not happen, it’s binary. Refunding the game now does not change that, it doesn’t go back in time and stop that pre-order from originally having been placed and been there at the point of its release.

If you refunded during the open beta i’m assuming that means you don’t have the pre-order cosmetics, though? They’re the “Vanguard of the Imperium” portrait frame, and the Atoman Star Weapon Trinket

Yes, it is binary.

Either you did pre-order that copy, or you didnt.

Which copy are you sitting on when you purchase the game 2 months from now - the copy you preordered, or the one you purchased 2 months after release?

I’m gonna go ahead and spoil the answer - the copy you purchase in 2 months is not the pre-order copy you got and refunded.