What the f*** is this?

A lot of assumptions here. I am definitely not self-righteous nor offended, I disagreed with the take of the OP and in general I am not on the “perfect rolls” train. Just an opinion and I like to explain my take if ppl are willing to get into discussion, no one has to agree with me.
If you find it self-rightous than it probably comes more from your view point and stance on the matter than anything I wrote.
Not sure what you mean by three of them and the item system.
Can you elaborate ?

Until somewhere at the beginning of my third character, I thought there were worse problems with the DT than the item system, such as lack of an actual campaign and having these “missions” instead or scarcity of maps. The item system was at best the fourth on my top list of the DT issues. In the meantime I changed my mind - not because I concluded that these other issues were not so bad, but because the item system managed to convince me that it was by far the worst.


Ok, thanks for explanation.
For me it was an issue especially when you have all chars at 30, but my main gripe with it was stingy mission rewards and the fact you could not reliably try out weapons while leveling. Wether you got them or not was another layer of rng.
As mentioned earlier they fixed that at least, so I may be a little bit easy on them on crafting and blessings. Still I do not think that high-stat wpn rolls with only 1 good bless or perk are trash. Personal take nothing more.
As for material costs… well I’d love to see them halved or give us more plas or at least exchange between plas and diamantine.

…and it’s not even a looter shooter, so I doubt that crowd in particular us pleased either.

@Icemount Of course it matter how they advertised it. Advertisement brings up selling points and is meant to catch the interest of potential customers.

They specifically advertised “lessons learned” in regards to rng and player agency. They published something very from that statement.


I think we have to voice our opinions as well, but at some point you have to vote with your time. If they won’t listen to player feedback you spend your time somewhere else.

For me it’s a lack of content more than the items/crafting. The game just launched without enough content in my opinion.

Priority has to be stability, but content has to be a close second. Unfortunately because they bungled the overall stability from launch they’ve had to postpone new content.

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Of course that is given, but I did not see any focus on the loot or mention how it will be solved in the advertisement materials, aside from us being able to use iconinc WH40K wpns. So I wonder what specifically in the marketing campaign made ppl think that itemisation is going to look one way or another. I know I did not have any specific expectations, aside from my own experiences from VT 1 & 2. I mean hey, I might have missed something, feel free to correct me on that.
They definitely dropped the ball on lessons learned. They made weapons aquisition way too stingy on launch… and crafting/tuning was missing from the game, so there is that :confused:

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Unfortunatley i can’t really find the piece since it was long ago but i remember in some intervews or Q&A them stating that customizaton of weapons and character would have been a big thing. We got much less that what originally was expected. I know because i put a lot of attention in the early stagese since announcement and wanted to be sure the game would not have been more to the direction of Destiny/Warframe wich is a type of games that don’t interest me.


You can find a lot of references to this in the forum. Just look for the ‘not CoD’ and ‘Hedge’ comments.


I agree. That’s why I have kept it uninstalled since they announced blessings would be locked. But I have been active here, hoping for a change that I don’t know if it will come.

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Oh, I know they failed on customization part, as I assume most of us were expecting attachemnts rly. Still that is kind of seperate to loot drops imho.
I was hoping for something more akin to Fallout New Vegas or even Necromunda Hired Gun.
So drops are one thing, customization a seperate system.
Apparently for FS customization is whatever we can do at Techpriest…

you have been punked by the emprah!

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“Oh you’re not satisfied with our service?”


“Maybe you should try playing another 40K horde shooter. Oh wait we’re the only one aren’t we.”



By advertised I mean pretty much all the officially released promotional material and dev blogs, along with devs being interviewed in articles or youtube videos, Twitch vods, etc.

Everything I picked up in terms of advertisement was taken with a bunch of skepticism (I started playing VT2 during it’s pre-release beta) but despite that I still had enough faith in FS to not refund the game on the day before the official release. I was really on the fence about it, and in retrospect I definitely made the wrong choice. What sticks out the most is probably a quote from this post. It’s on the topic of crafting and was made just a few days before official release.

The “re-worked” crafting system that was delivered in the last major patch is, to be fair, quite similar to what they describe in that post, but they hadn’t really given any details about the RNG fine print and it’s definitely contrary to the bold part of the quote.

In VT2 I got 1 or 2 reds per weapon type, re-rolled the properties and traits to make them suit my playstyle(s), re-rolled a whole bunch of trinkets and accessories and then I avoided interacting with the crafting system until a new weapon was released.

In DT you really have to interact with the crafting system since the gear is an imperative part in trying different playstyles (which standalone is a good thing). With it’s current system I see RNG and I see an inventory management game and that’s what’s stopping me from launching DT even if I know I enjoy the core gameplay. I don’t see any trace of player impact or player agency and I don’t see how I can select my preferred playstyle.


You missed the second part which makes the whole story hilarious

“repetitive actions (…) is something we are steering to avoid in the crafting system within Darktide.”

I truly must play a different game. The Darktide crafting system Iam forced to play with is the epiphany of repetitiveness. All we do is spend all our cash on gray stuff from Brunt, upgrade the meager few that are worth it to blue, and scrap the ones that didn’t make it.

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

There is no sense of progression. We built towards nothing. We don’t take “meaningful choices”. Its just random. Ranald decides.


I spend all my cash rerolling Melk’s, only to find out this week that some contracts are bugged and never appear.

High complexity monsters (8), missions (16) and kills (1000) never appear.


Well, that doesn’t mean that they managed to do it. They are steering to avoid it…

Please note that this is the simple future tense. This is their belief in a potential future. If they were certain or intended that to happen, it would have been “are going to be made”.

Also, again, note that it’s all in the future so who knows, if we don’t live to see it happen in 2666, it will be our fault for not having patience and doing what is necessary.


The Titanic tried to steer around the iceberg, but well, you know how that went.

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Its relatively easy to check if someones intentions are worth pixels they light up on a screen. You check if something gets done that leads to the intended situation. The quoted post is not a new one after all.

Nothing got done so far.

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Yeah, iceberg parable. It’s more like they steered to avoid the one iceberg, caught a glimpse of another iceberg with a similar shape, and decided to crash into the second iceberg instead.

I guess technically that would be steering away from the first iceberg, thus being totally trustworthy. It’s just an honest mistake, bro :lying_face:

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