What I would like to see from 2025

The Ratling voice lines have been there since launch, it’s just that there are way lot of voice lines (3.900 per character as for Q2 2024)


zealot tree rework.
most of zealot tree doesnt work well with itself. piety provides nothing to chastise, loner provides nothing to the team, middle tree beyond awful beacon of purity is counter intuitive with its own keystone


I know that I’ve said this previously today, but I genuinely haven’t used Stunstorm Grenades for over a year due to how the Zealot Skill Tree forces you to go down that weird “Disdain” four-Skill Point tax thingamajig just to grab them. That’s not okay and fixing that should be one of their top priorities when and if they do a Zealot Skill Tree Rework.

I REALLY don’t like being forced to include FOUR tax Nodes in my Build just to grab a certain Blitz, man… I’m just glad that Immolation Grenades don’t feel quite as taxing to grab, at least. I like fire a lot!


yeah thats also another issue with the tree. imo zealot and vet should have a singular point before and after blitzs

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I get what you are saying but im using a build that goes left and takes that blitz and it works really well. Not saying the tree needs some love but saying it is outright bad is wrong. That title should go to Ogryn.

Build i’m using for knife, Dueling Sword and Relic blade;

This is horrible


To untie login session being linked to a class but login by account.

So that you can change your class within mission start lobby.

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Ogryn needs love first. Some of ogryn’s keystones are genuinely worse than singular nodes on other characters.

But yeah, zealot also has issues. The middle tree has too much focus on ranged for a melee specialist, and then there is THY WRATH BE SWIFT, the single best QOL node in the game, which should in all reality be a passive for zealot. Also, loner.


As a Veteran main, I’ll provide an example of this.

Veteran’s “Shock Trooper” Passive paired with any Las Weapon is blatantly superior to Ogryn’s “Burst Limiter Override” Keystone paired with any Ogryn Weapon.

Pair Shock Trooper with Survivalist and your Las Weapon will never run dry again, I tell ya.


Not to mention the ENTIRE gunlugger tree only really works with the twin-linked stubbers, and kinda with the rippers…

Meanwhile, vet… exists.

I would like it if lugger ogryn got general ranged sustain: massive ammo reserves, lots of reload speed, high rate of fire, and maybe some accuracy. Give it some personality that differs from vet.


Rumbler Ammo buff when? :smiling_imp:

I’m serious, though. With 80% Ammo and the +25% Ammo Passive, you only get 34 Ammo TOTAL on Rumbler. Rumbler should have, like, AT LEAST 33 Ammo at 80% Ammo WITHOUT the +25% Ammo Passive.

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It shoulda been done at the same time as the kickback buff, it could even use a post #13 dmg buff to like KB.

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Strong agree.

Maybe, but mine already oneshots Reapers on Damnation! :joy:

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1 more edit, quick before I see it!

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Don’t mind me, just having some minor grammar OCD! :joy:

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FR tho and others mentioned it, almost all the OG Oggie weapons need a serious look, those can be the “new weapons”.
Before the last round of “buffs”, I had dared to hope the Power Maul would get the Crusher treatment, alas it was not meant to be; I was crushed.

IMHO these should be at the top of the list for whoever does the weapon tweak, after the power weapon fix obviously.

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They did take a step in the right direction, though.

In my opinion, Paul has two main issues:
• Its Heavy Attacks don’t Cleave through Hordes like they should.
• Its self-slow on Activation.

1-Handed Ogryn Weapons shouldn’t NEED to be slowed by Activation, it sort of defeats their purpose.

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yeah TWBS should in an easier to get to place. putting it and second wind and throwing knives in one area makes the treee a no brainer.

ogryn keystones are just zealot talents :laughing: heavy hitter is just a worse version of sustained assault hell even the upgrades are some of the worst in the game “10% attack speed on 5 stacks” bro thats sad by the time i get to 5 stacks the hoard is already dead.
i agree ogryn needs various fixes, maybe one could be changing that talent to 2% attack speed per stack

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Zealot has a node that passively gives 10% melee attack speed, no conditions.

And that node is mandatory for the martyrdom keystone, which for just three talent points gives +24% melee damage AND +12% attack speed (not including the 10% from faithful frenzy) AND 19.5% toughness damage reduction, passively, once you are missing three wounds. And marty can get BETTER beyond that.

Meanwhile, for three points, heavy hitter can give up to +25% damage at max stacks, +10% attack speed ONLY when stacks are maxxed, and you can refresh the duration on a light attack.

And heavy hitter is ogryn’s BEST keystone.


Darktide takes a lot from the Dark Heresy. In fact, it is its game embodiment in the genre of party action games. Actually, it is a great source of inspiration and ideas. Actually, there are also: Mechanicus, Arbiter, Sister of Battle, Crusader, and many others.