What players need the most in 2025

1 new class, and progress in story.


I’d prefer more weapons for the current ones.

And new enemies, either new faction (though too early for it I think), or completing the current ones (Dreg: Plaguebearers, Sorcerers, Plague Toads; Scab: Plasma Gunner, Psykers, Commissars, Sentinel)


Scab heavy weapon teams. Emplacement weapons that everyone can use and ogryns can take with them.


That I’ll be honest I’m not interested in seeing.

I’d like to see the Imperial Guard’s heavy weapon teams’s weapon in the hands of the Ogryn, but not like that.

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Scab Commissars would make more sense as a Lord. It’s not overtly common for Regiments to have more than one Commissar, let alone enough of them to be fought regularly as an Elite.

Scab Squad Leaders would make more sense to fill that role as an Elite. Give them a Lascarbine/Laspistol and a Garrison Cap. They’d buff nearby Scab Shooters and Scab Stalkers slightly or something to that effect.

Edit: I’m imagining something like this…


Fair, though I didn’t say what role I wanted any of the one mentioned, Sorcerer I would also see more as a Lord than a Special (or both)

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My bad, I misread what you were trying to say.

I’m definitely on board with those suggestions, though. Your previous idea for Plaguebearers as a Dreg analogue to Scab Ogryns? Genius.

I’d love that. Also give them a Vox Caster and ability to constantly summon reinforcements of Scap shooters/stalkers.

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I feel like it would look too close to the player (Which make sense, as it’s a player character), but there is the McFarlane miniature that I think would make sense as such

Being a Stormtrooper and such, maybe giving them a back standard to make them stand out more


Yeah, it’s definitely not perfect… but it was the closest thing I could find to a “Squad Leader” look with a quick Google search.

Laspistol, slight variation from a Scab Gunner… that could definitely work.

Yeah, to make them further stand out from Scab Gunners. Great idea!

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As FS love to take inspiration fro miniatures I could see them base it on the Arbites Vox Hailer from Kill Team


Yeah, that’s an awesome way to make them a priority target. You kill the Squad Leader; the Scabs are disoriented without their leadership and that’s how you can eliminate them!

The map selection menu rework.
The MTX shop rework.
More love to existing weapons non meta.

I think we have enough enemy type in this game, maybe 1 or 2 more could be good, just not something like that tox gas guy. What is more interesting the thing they tried to summon in dark communion, would be good to get a misson with a succesful summon and we have to kill a demon boss at the end of misson. And there is Rinda Karnak who is still alive, and Captain Wolfer the traitor boss, Fatshark must do something with them. And as a new class maybe a cyborg? with some robotics ability could be interesting.

And 1 more thing, remove the special assigment, nobody is playing that anymore, move the karnak twins(and secret hard mode) on the mission board.

I want Arbites cosmetics so badly lol.

Anyone know if Ogryns can be a part of the Arbites in any way? Lore-wise, is there a way for that to work? Can they provide muscle etc?

Enemy variation is good but could be much bigger imo. Dreg mauler (or whichever is the one that doesn’t exist…I can never remember which is which out of scabs and dregs).

And for starters we could do with waaaaay more monstrosities to fight. The same 3 are super stale. There should be a pool of 10 that the game randomises. 5 at the very minimum.

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Not that we know of, but seeing as we have Krieg uniformed Ogryn and Psyker, we can assume that the same thing could have happened with Arbites cosmetics, where they’ve picked Ogryn and Psyker as auxiliary, and were issued uniforms fitting their post.

Unless it get nerfed, I don’t think they will, or even should do so


New talent tree branches, not new classes.
New weapons. - gimme a darn sniper on Vet!
Ogryn melee weapon/damage buff.
New maps.

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  1. For Fetsharks to learn to listen to the players
  2. An analogue to the Chaos Wastes.
  3. the spires of the hive city, where the most powerful and wealthy people of the city sat, and the atmosphere is different from the typical city - decoration like in palaces, etc.
  4. Your own cabin on the ship, which you have to buy and furnish with trophies, weapons for resources.
  5. Global revision of Havoc, from real difficulty increase (considered) to rewards for max level.
  6. 1-2 Missions on our ship where heretics would risk boarding, or a sleeper cell was activated for capture.
  7. Yes remove the limit with 25kk gold already, how much can you AAAAAAAA!
  8. More individual weapons for classes that would emphasise their individuality. Psyker - staffs, Veteran - sniper/shooter, Zealot - Axes, Two-handed weapons/ Claws/ Possibility of combining two weapons but at the cost of lack of shooting weapons (2 knives at the same time, or on one slot knife, on the other hammer), Ogryn - Knuckles, Hammers, Two-handed weapons.