I think we’ve all talked a bunch about what we all think the next new class should be, and well i don’t think it’s enough i wanna throw my hat in too!!
Personally i think it’d be cool to have some more abhumans bumming about the mourningstar, maybe some beastmen or ratlings (especially since the latter has been mentioned sm so im fingers crossed for my hungry little fellas) but also I saw a cool idea in the steam forums for a disgraced adeptus arbites that would be more of a support and shock/awe type suppression class, or some necromunda styled ganger recruits that specialize in more hit and run stuff
I’m pretty sure we’re not getting new characters, rather variations of the existing ones already. To use their terms, “archetype” and “class”. “Veteran” is the archetype, “Sharpshooter” is the class. Something like Veteran: Sergeant would probably be one of the more obvious ones, and also supposedly datamined already, but I don’t have any proof of that other than hearsay.
I feel like Arbites is a bit too specific, but Veteran: Enforcer might not be too far off the mark, especially since we waltz through Enforcer stations on more than one occasion.
If they did add a new character instead of a class i would like to see a tech priest acolyte.
The tech priest acolyte could be someone who pissed off the upper management and was assigned to the rejects as a penance, and was now forced to provide tech support for the team.
If you had him/her in the group you could make it so that all the events that had to do with hacking, or tech in general, would complete faster, reduce the amount of nodes you had to scan for scanning missions due to the acolytes familiarity with the tech, have one less symbol to hit for the mini hacking game, stuff like that. Maybe tie it to the talent system.
For weapons you could have the big ass cog shaped power axe (chain axe?), plasma pistols, maybe even an arc weapon that would function similar to the surge staff.
Heck, maybe even more advanced stuff like phospor weapons that would have an inherent fire dot, or radium weapons that would add a radiation dot on the target you shot that would then damage the enemies around it with radiation.
His class ability could be something like a shoulder mounted volkite gun, something like the bounty hunters ult from VT2, basically a 1 shot 1 kill ability. Although that might make him to poweful and make the character be a bit to versatile combined with his other benefits and weapons.
Could make for some fun banter between the character and the resident tech priest. As well as fun dialogue between the other characters trying to interact with someone who has a need to talk about tech the same way normal people has the need to breathe.
Edit: Watching a tech priest acolyte slide all around the place is probably gonna look really funny.
Well we already have sublcasses, like Guardsman going veteran which is a specials weapons as well. What eft for Guardsman subclass is Catchan Jungle Fighter.
But Skitarii is a whole new class that could go with subclasses of:
Ranger using Galvanic rifles, Plasma Caliver, Transuranic Arquebus
Vanguard using midrange weapons like Phosphor, Radium and Arch weapons.
Ruststalkers using basicly all melee robot
And also vary in traits
Or they will create a Commisar class only one that can deal friendly damage.
Likely a tech adept given subclasses and all the references mentioning them in portraits/penances. Probably won’t see it until 2024 since fatshark is gonna want to get a subclass out for the core 4 first.
Y’know Veterans do be talking about Rattling Snipers about how their the best shots in the guard and their thieving abilities a lot. Coincidence? I. THINK. NOT! Looking forward to the Ratling Sniper release in 2033 thanks Morbidly Obese Fish for these amazing hints
I really hate ratlings. The dialogue about them has been overplayed I can’t help but think it’s time for ratlings to be declared a mutant instead of an abhuman.
That said, been asking for Skitarii for 5th class for quite some time now. Dunno if it will ever happen, but it would be nice.
This form of racism is not acceptable on the Fatshark forums and I will have to report you to the highest authorities who will take this heinous crime seriously… The Tunnel Rattlings and they rule