New classes or sub classes?

While I’m sure we are a ways of from this happening, or if it ever even does happen, what are some cool new classes and sub classes you would like to see? Just curious to get the communitys consensus.


Archetypes usually fall on Admech, Tech Adept seem to be the most plausible.

Other than that, there are other candidates that either are already out or are very unlikely.
Squat and Ratling have PoV issues.
Enforcer/Arbites are redundant and already covered by cosmetics.
Servitor, it’s just a worse pick than Tech Adept
Xenos, thr game is set as Imperial vs Chaos

I’d say if we get a second archetype it would be something themed on the Sister of battles.

As for branches (What used to be the classes), I think the tree could grow to a 5 branch total (to keep the middle branch centred.

Psyker getting a melee centred Biomancer (Warp Speed Leap, Stasis Shell) and a Telepathy centred controller (Dominate, Hallucinations)

Zealot getting a mid ranged controller with an Enforcer (Cyber Mastiff, Concussion grenades), and a melee tank with a Crusader (Suppression field)

Ogryn getting a mid range buffer with Bodyguard (Toughness shout and something) and melee centred Pitfighter (Combat Drug, throwing axes)

Veteran getting a ranged controller with a Stormtrooper (Volleygun and Rad grenades), and something else


I want Ratling :rat:

Imagine the interactions between him and Ogryn, just to abhumans being
(Look at this, how small the guy is)

If they will add them, they will probably be more stealthy kind of dudes and more Ranged focused unit. Maybe the ult that will empower your ranged attack like “Empowered Psionics” or just AIM-bot kind of ult OR maybe some traps? That will be fun.

POV issue will probably be handled like they did in Vermintide by just setting your POV higher than you actually are, just want to add that here.

Overall, I just want any class, just whatever they feel like adding


Is Bardin’s PoV higher than his head ?

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I checked that like a year ago and I can not provide any evidence right now because I don’t have Vermintide installed :pensive:
(I will try to find it now)
But I am pretty sure that is true, he is pretty not-tall and yet he can reach the heads pretty easily

Found it. Yes, his POV is higher than his head

Here he is looking right at the lamp, and his eyes are around the red line:

And here is the POV the second he loaded in:

(Took these from this video

We can clearly see that his eye level should be around here, which is above his head:


Assassin class.

Tree split:

Chem Fueled brute archetype (Left side) focused on non-weakspot gameplay and murderous rampaging. Tough, deals a load of damage, have to be up front and personal.

  • Blitz: Instant Stim. Additional node grant stim every 1-2 min, and can select type (but not heal stim).
  • Aura: +50% stim duration in coherency.
  • Ultimate: Special Cocktail Grants +Attack speed, +DR, +Movement speed for ~10 seconds (some granted by additional nodes). Node that recovers health at the end of effect (up to the amount when effect started).
  • Keystone: Ravel in Blood, kills/attacking/taking hits gives you stacks that increase Damage, TDR. When on full stacks you gain Rending. With usual other nodes like +Maximum stacks, stack loss duration etc.

Other node ideas:

  • Can have +1-2 additional stim.
  • Using stim on an ally also grants effects to you.
  • Using stim recovers 50% toughness.
  • Ammo box also gives 1 stim.
  • Lower toughness means more TDR.
  • +Melee damage, +TDR, +Attack speed, +stamina, +HP.

Typical Ninja (Middle side) Weakspot, high mobility, High Damage, low survivability.

  • Blitz: Flash. Quick/Instant use stun ability (like knife) effecting enemies around user. Effect is similar to zealot’s stun grenade, but with much lower duration and area.
  • Aura: +10% Weakspot damage.
  • Ultimate: Handmaiden Kerillian inspired charge. Bleed enemies that you pass through, short stealth duration at the end (1-2 sec). Additional node might be additional damage on next strike, or crit chance for every enemy passed through etc.
  • Keystone: Perfect Focus grants stacks on melee weakspot hit/kills and successful dodge. Increases Finesse Power. On 10 stacks dodge distance increases (or can dodge through enemies), weakspot hits gain rending (possibly additional node). An additional node flips the ability where you gain stacks passively (stacks doesn’t drop off naturally), but you lose all stacks when you get hit with a melee attack, or when toughness breaks.

Other node ideas:

  • Weakspot hit grant extra damage on the next attack.
  • Sprinting counts as dodging against ranged attacks.
  • Extra toughness back on melee weakspot kill.
  • Extra dodge duration.
  • Extra dodge distance.
  • Dodge through enemies.
  • “Perfect Block” from VT2 where timed block doesn’t reduce stamina.
  • +Movement speed, +Toughness, +Melee damage, -sprint cost.

Sniper (right side) Slow shooting weapons, Opening salvo, Big ranged damage, Stealth.

  • Blitz: Proximity mine. Throws a small ball that sticks to surfaces and enemies, has a short arming time, it only explodes when enemy comes nearby. Causes damage and burn, great against hordes and single enemies creeping up on you. Additional node makes the explosion delayed and area larger (so it might catch more enemies at once). Other nodes disables burn and lowers radius but increases damage (ideal against middle sized elites and specials).
  • Aura: Overwatch +100% coherency radius (or more).
  • Ultimate: Perfect shot, ranged version of Zealot shrouding field. Grants stealth and huge bonuses to a single shot. Automatic crit, +100% finesse damage, rending etc… Additional node makes you re-enter stealth and grants you another empowered shot.
  • Keystone: Personal shield. Grants 50 yellow toughness/overshield passively. Especially resistant against ranged attacks (50%+ TDR against ranged attacks) and grants suppression immunity. Has a cooldown when it breaks (requires 5-10 seconds of not taking damage). Additional node makes shield explode when broken staggering enemies nearby. Others might lower cooldown, or increase TDR while it’s up.

Other node ideas:

  • First shot in a salvo gains extra damage/crit.
  • Ranged Weakspot/Finesse damage.
  • Toughness on ranged kill.
  • Additional ammo.
  • Aiming increases crit chance over time (basically built in Surgical with lower value).
  • Ranged weakspot kills grants extra damage on the next shot.
  • Increased weapon swap speed.
  • Reduced weapon sway.
  • +Ranged damage, TDR, +Suppression.

Class should have middling health and toughness balanced out by left side having a lot of TDR abilities and some extra +10% health nodes while right side has defensive keystone and stealth. Middle is super mobile and defense is based on avoiding damage.


Chain swords, Catachan, Knife, lasguns, pistols, headhunter autoguns. No dueling sword, automatic weapons, shotguns and axes.

Extra weapons: Sniper guns (hotshot lasgun, longlas, some armor busting stuff to one-shot crushers etc.) some shared with Vet, Needle weapons, Power sword (give it god damn power katana lol)… Phase Sword? Some Xenos tech.


we got them in patch 13, and they didn’t make the game this much better


I don’t see how they could integer sisters of battle successfully.

Enforcer/Arbites and Xenos. I agree with Heretical_Cactus

But I think it would be Tech adept… considering the radium weapons that have been evoked in Vox Intercept V.


I think the Tree update is widely considered one of the best update.

Might just be personal opinion ?

Here’s my take for it


By the God-Emperor, how much work went into this?

i wish i could go back to play the beta even alone with bots

Why do you consider pre-patch 13 game tone better ? Like any specific point ?

yes, before every class had its niche, now they feel all the same, weapon behaviors changed too much between the patches, and the original flavor is gone, everyone who was around during the beta need copious amount of copium to appreciate the game now

weapons have been normalized, and balanced more or less so they perform the same

before there was a progression, you would grind to unlock better weapon to be able to complete harder missions

most of balance problems are due to rending traits, like for the revolver for instance, or Oneslaught for the vet that makes small arms misbehave

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I know how you think they could integer them.
I just don’t feel that it would be good.
Especially with UGLY female models used by this game and the total lack of boobs

Sister of battle

what we have :-1:



yes, but GW has gone full woke now and hates women now so its a nono

this? BANNED

even this, there is no such thing as pretty in the new world order

Well the current problem with the female models in game is for the most part cause those cosmetics are just resized male cosmetics, which Sister Reject would have it’s own line of cosmetics, so they could be made for them instead of resized stuff.

And let them tap-into different arts, Sister of battle, Hospitalier, Silence (Shush), Esher gang (Normal and Death Maiden)…

And female Guardsmen don’t have Boob plates, so really that’s just being a weirdo in this case.
Look at Mira, Lensk or the Psyker in Witchbringer.

Most of their uniforms aren’t ‘sexualised’ or feature boob plate.


Mira looks like an actual female unlike what we got in darktide

I’m not talking about the faces, I’m talking about the uniforms.

look at her uniform

its small in the right parts, and big in the right parts, its called proportion, its poportional to a female body type


look how small her arms are compared to the gloves and the rest

but bugger that, there is no such thing as a female in 2024

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But it’s not boob plate. Which while you claim that GW has gone woke and banned has never been featured by the Imperial guard, while still being featured on the Sister of Battle miniature lines as well as Esher Gang.

Do the current cosmetics not work well on female, yes I’ve said that at the start. They’re just resized cosmetics.

Which wouldn’t be a problem for Sister Reject cause there wouldn’t be a male cosmetic that would be available to be resized. Where each cosmetics would be created for the female body type.