New classes or sub classes?

shes wearing flak, of course shes not getting boob plate, and even so they made it so that you could tell the difference

people that can imagine that there can be boob plate on flak are just disrespecting fans thinking they are a bunch of horny weirdos and they can’t wait to school them on how to think and behave

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i think that it would be better if vet got the dog tbh.

Idk much about w40k lore to have a say in what new classes we could get.

But if it’s a choice, I’d rather take a new class over subclasses. The talent overhaul was nothing short of ingenious, leaving us with so many different ways to build that I still haven’t run out. Especially given the synergies with our gear, all of which is about to change with the itemization overhaul and all the new blessings & increased agency that comes with it. Plus given how complex the talent trees are already, I shudder to even think of adding a 4:th subclass on top. Doing it right would be seriously challenging, and doing it wrong & easy would mean severely cutting down on our choices.

So all in all, I think a new class entirely would be the most interesting and least risky move giving us something genuinely new to play around with!

As for what that new class should be? I’d love either a ratling sneakysniper, or some mechanicus minion / trapmaster thing. :smiling_imp: A new “race” with its own customizations and vibe and all.


Still remain that you’re being ridiculous

Released this year, still has boob plates

This is why I’m mocking you.

For the current female cosmetics, the anwser I’ve given is still the one that I stand on:

the current problem with the female models in game is for the most part cause those cosmetics are just resized male cosmetics

Which wouldn’t matter for a Sister archetype.

I think it match more with the Zealot, as the Veteran are pretty much ‘Imperial Guard’ representative, and they don’t really use Cyber Mastiffs

But is also much less work, as they don’t require 6 new voice actors, a whole new line up of cosmetics, and mean only 1 new branch on each tree, which could also be released 1 by 1 instead of all at once.

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i think its ugly, no wonder it was released this year

so masks off then, you are one of those who belittle the fans and they are just overgrown kids that should man up grow up and fall in line with social norms, but still want to have a say on their hobby cause you can’t accept they are having fun outside the norm

you could have just said ‘‘i’m not into 40k lore so i wouldn’t mind boob armor on flak’’ but no, you had to fall for that instead

I must say, when I created this post, I did not expect it to devolve into a discussion of “our characters need bigger booba to be sororitas” lol.

Regardless I hope fatshark actually sees this post, some really juicy class and perk ideas for them to consider!


It comes up every now and then with varying arguments (I laughed at the idea of GW being ‘woke’; what a derailment of the topic). At this point I sort of wish Fatshark would just slap in another two more conventional faces for those who are uncomfortable with the lumpy bumpy face options, which I, frankly, really like and applaud.

Have no fear about FS seeing the topic. There has been much discussion about potential for a fifth archetype, and I am certain that at this point, if they are still intent on adding one, that they have it set down as to what they want to do. Who knows, maybe we’ll get news with the Itemisation update? As FS keep their cards to their chest alot to our chagrin, we can only guess.


Maybe in a couple years.

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I don’t have any particular ideas on what to add, just wanted to say I think new archetypes would be the right call, dunno how you’d add new classes without making the skill trees extremely messy and convoluted.

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I don’t think so…
See Vermintide 2 and how they did with DLC. I did not follow this game at all (I don’t like it, and I don’t know why) but, and I may be wrong, they did not announce them until the DLC was close to be released.
I guess the same will happen here.

And I am pretty sure it will be a DLC. I just hope that they don’t think that players will pay the DLC 40 € (50 $) cause they practice these prices on cosmetics.
I am not against a DLC, not again paying for content… but there’s a limit to anything…

VT2 is a false equivalency, like they never released new characters, which would be the equivalent of a Tech Adept.

If we follow VT2 we might see new branches as dlc, but seeing the prices they’ve put on VT2, I don’t think it’ll be more expensive than the cosmetics.

Me waiting for FatShark to start working on new subclasses since 2023 :

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Dont forget that darktide classes have their own 6 voice actors each (3 for ogryns), so i imagine the price for a new class in darktide will be higher then the price of a class in vermintide.
Not to mention they are far more expansive with the skill trees then it was in vermintide.
I wouldnt be surprised if the price was double that of vermintide.

That’s the false equivalency. Like the 3-10 euro dlc would be for new branches.

New character we don’t know the cost they would have put. But with the cosmetic system it might be better to have it be free while selling Premium Cosmetics for it (hence why archetypes would be for the most part decided by it’s ability to sell cosmetics)

oh no, not the aislop used as stand in for someone beautiful/pretty. I’d choose that crap we have now, over it, every time.

Besides, there are a few female faces that looks okayish with normal hair, given that none have any make-up IIRC.


I don’t think the servitor class is actually a bad idea. In fact i think its the most lore accurate class that could be added next. Because when it comes to the admech, i don’t think they have tech adept rejects or prisoners in general. If you have wronged the admech, you go straight to becoming a servitor or at least i think you do, i don’t know everything about admech society so correct me if im wrong. Also, would there really be a problem with the ratling and squats Pov? Couldn’t they just do the same thing they did with bardin gorekson’s pov in vermintide?

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These two faces are the most ‘normal’ for both male and female. They look youthful compared to the others, they don’t have lumpy–bumpy and creased facial features that the other options have. By the Imperium’s standards they would probably be considered two good-looking people!

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Can work the same way that the Psyker do, picked up on transit while being sent to specialised facilities.

Or writing Moebian specific lore.

Basically Servitor has much less potential than any other candidate.

  • No official arts to make cosmetics
  • No or very few unique weapons
  • No voice actors (lorewise)
  • Weapon switching animation limiting things further.
  • Melee attack movement limitation

As for Bardin vs Ratling or Squat.

The difference is that the enemies are more centred around the melee, and they don’t use cover systems.

It’s more complicated to make them work than human archetypes

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Not to mention servitors are most often made with crude, poorly fitted and half broken parts.
There is absolutely no way a servitor would be able to move anywhere close to what would be considered darktide level combat.
Also, theres no way any commander would send a rusty slow servitor to accompany a specialist kill team (us) thats supposed to do the job quickly and efficiently.
If a servitor was used for combat, they’d be sent as a meatshield in the front lines. Or as a distraction somewhere else to make things easier for the kill team.

If you look at rogue trader, even the rare combat specialized servitors there are slow as hell and clunky.

I honestly have no idea why are people so insistent on getting a servitor class…

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