New Class: Sister Of Faith

Had the though that a sisters of battle class would be pretty cool to add and just like the ogryn being only male, obviously this would be only female. Similar class to the battle priest from vermintide, focusing on tanking and support. Some ideas that were floating around in my head were;

Health: 120
Toughness: 180

Ability: Undying Devotion. Press to cast on self or hold and look at ally to cast on them. The target negates damage received for 6 seconds
Grenade: Incendiary grenade, sets everyone in the AOE and the ground of fire.
Aura: Allies In coherency gain toughness damage reduction.
Iconic: (First one) Slaying enemies add stacks of 3% toughness reduction up to 4 stacks and lasts 20
(Second one) Staying in coherency boosts ability recharge and scales by number of allies allies

Feats could focus mainly on coherency buffs, buffs or effects to do with burning enemies or additons to the ability, like being able to use it to do a ranged revive.

Chainsword, Eviscerator, Power Mace, Power Mace and Shield, Thunder Hammer and Power Sword

Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Flame Pistol, Flamethrower, Meltagun, Plasma Pistol

Would love to hear peoples opinions, or changes they would make :slight_smile:


Yeah, the way I look at it though is the only thing that really gives them strength is their insane faith they have, they have no genetic modifications to them, they do wear power armour but its a “light” version of it, though they are strong enough to haul around heavy weapons like a heavy bolter r flamer, but thats just alot of gym days.

I like your idea of an ad mech skitari, I do think they will come in at some point in one way or another and would like to see what they do with it. :slight_smile:

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I did think a sister repentia might be a fitting class for the whole reject premise while still letting people play sisters of battle, the whole point of them being disgraced sisters fighting to redeem themselves minus the usual heavy equipment and armour.

Problem is I’m not entirely sure how to differentiate a dogmatically zealous angry chainsaw maniac with arsonist tendencies from the one we have currently to justify it as a new class, and the fact it would have to be gender locked might annoy people too. Zealot sub-class maybe?


No Space Marines and no Adeptus Sororitas. Fatshark has already clarified this… Many times.


We already have discount sisters of battle. Just make a female zealot.

Hair 28, Face tattoo 9. Run an evis and a bolter or flamer.


I understand Spacemarines but sad to ehar this about sisters, like I said they are just normal humans as far as genetics goes. Oh well :frowning:

I’ve been thinking on this subject for a bit, they have kind of hindered themselves massively because of the whole reject/criminal aspect of the story, though they could just get round this by making a new story for some new classes, wouldn’t be hard to do considering its 1 prologues and maybe 5 cutscenes which is all done in-game anyway, wouldn’t take long to put something together.

As it’s presented it’s way to close to the Zealot, heck the grenade is even most likely gonna be a Zealot grenade in the future (At least according to previous footage iirc)

And while we don’t truly know if we’re are gonna be able to change the class for our character (Like Ogryn Skullbreaker to Ogryn Gunlugger or something) i don’t think they would introduce a class that would block 50% of the character (Same way, I don’t think we will get a straight up Karskin, as not every character is from Cadia)

As an additional archetype, if it happen as an Admech inspired character is more likely to happen 1st, it would have to have mechanic that set it apart from the Zealot, where the Zealot cover the rightous fury of the Sister of Battle, the Sister of Faith, would instead take on a more Paladin like of their precept, having no grenade, and instead using the Blitz as a payer, having a peril like system of faith, that can either be kept to shield health, or used to power abilities

As for denial from FS, there hasn’t been one for the Sister of Battle (Or something inspired)

Fingers crossed then from me. I love to play religious/zealot styles of characters and for me personally, the preacher is missing something that i cant quite put my finger on it. I do think the preacher should have had a flame grenade though, that upsets me, but if they did a sisters character with one I would forgive them :stuck_out_tongue:

I get what you’re saying, but to be fair expanding the range to the full imperium doesn’t really add many more options that don’t mess with the power scaling.

I imagine the first new class we will get will be the Ratling abhuman, simply because they get mentioned in chatter a fair bit. They’ll likely get unique scoped rifles with high damage and penetration, hobbit-like stealth proficiencies and maybe with the ability to piggyback on Orgyns which would be a nice class synergy.

I think the mistake is people keep thinking of prestigious big name factions above the guard which is why class ideas keep running into this wall with the games premise when the imperial guard are most probably the most professional its going to get. Considering the every-man nature of the characters and the setting being a hive city, looking to Necromunda might be a better source of inspiration.

Dome runners - hivers who do business as local guides, could play the role of a more evasive and close ranged shooter proficient with braced autoguns and autopistols vs the vets proficiency at range with precision rifles.

Ammo-jacks - Crafters who usually make and supply ammo to hive gangers, sometimes mid fight, they could play a bit like a team fortress engineer with a few nifty gadgets to help support the team.

Rogue docs - Medical professionals(?) who provide medical services to hive gangers, again no stranger to doing it in a battle, who could provide healing and buffing abilities as doping on stim-cocktails are very much a thing in 40k.

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That would go very close to Bardin, and they have already have said they didn’t want to do a Squat because it would just be Bardin but in Space

Additionally, I think the Ratling has 3 other problems:

  • More difficult to make classes for it (Sniper, scout, fixer, cook ?)
  • Cover system would be a hindrance (Like in VT, Bardin is the same heigh as the other are when crouched, if it’s the same for the Ratling, that mean you wouldn’t be able to make it look over it
  • Anything that can be done with a Ratling could be done by the Veteran

As for Sniper/Scoped rifles, I think we need to wait to see the remaining missing weapons (Longlas)

Also, in VT1/2, there were plenty of banter that meant nothing else.

As for the Necromunda/Ganger inspiration, it could work, but I think Necromunda will most likely be inspiration for cosmetics, and possibly weapon and classes, like Zealot Redemptionist, or the Ogryn with Slave Ogryn and Goliath weapon (Like taking a Goliath Hand Cannon as revolver)

While something from the Admech is really requested, so I don’t think there is any way it’s not the 1st thing they’d do

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Don’t worry we got sisters of battle at home.

Also sisters would not just throw there recruits into inquisition jails they would strap them into penitent engines and sends them onto the frount lines

These are for Heretics, the 2nd picture even show a guys, the punished Sororitas are strapped in theses:

Mortifier (For Sister who fled)

And Anchorite (For Sister who betrayed)

Both are Penitent Engines, but these have ranged weapons too

But still, there are recruits that don’t make the cult, and those would be thrown away, maybe for the Guards, civies, or the Penal system

We already have Zealot Preacher. You’re not getting SoB. :laughing:

Alright, hear me out guys, I know we have Veteran already, but what if we had a “Commissar”.

Ability: Execute Teammate.
Feats: if a teammate leaves coherency, your ability is immediately restored for you to use on them.

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Ability… Execute teamates, revives all other teammates… gotta set an example :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there’s enough differentiation between a dwarf, a squat and a space hobbit to not call a Ratling class Bardin in space. Even calling them space hobbits is a bit of a stretch, and they actually have a surprising amount of traits for FS to formulate with imo.

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More difficult to make classes for it (Sniper, scout, fixer, cook ?)

Ratlings also lean heavily into professional infiltration and sabotage, but I actually think those are more than enough potential subclass specialisations for a base ratling class, assuming they get implemented similar to an Ogryn. Ogryns honestly have it worse considering all the lore variations are just flavour of big bullet and blunt force trauma which you can already make in game with the weapons we have.

Cover system would be a hindrance (Like in VT, Bardin is the same heigh as the other are when crouched, if it’s the same for the Ratling, that mean you wouldn’t be able to make it look over it

This is actually why I expect any ratling class to lean heavily into passive stealth traits like veterans camo expert but more integral to the class design, because almost all the cover you’re talking about is designed for vaulting over which means they’re actually also really good for standing on as a raised vantage point if you can avoid attracting ranged fire, which such traits would aid with.

Also there’s the option of skills that aid in vertical mobility to give them aditional positioning options to overcome the challenges of their height, like mounting ogryns or more generally a short climbing rope similar to one of their tabletop characters, Raus, could use to make free vertical movements.

Anything that can be done with a Ratling could be done by the Veteran

The same can be argued about the Veteran and any class to be fair, same as you could argue a Skitarii with a galvanic rifle and scanner ability would be too similar to the veteran seeing through walls with his bolter in hand. Every class has ranged and melee options for both crowd control and focusing down specialists and there’s a lot of overlap in capabilities. The key is that every class should specialise and excel in doing at least one of those differently, even if thats as trivial as flamethrowing with your mind instead of a flamer.

For ratlings that could be ranged AP and crit chance while being harder to detect and hit in return, with a grenade like a landmine or demolition charge suited for more strategic positioning and timing. Yes that has overlap with the sharpshooter but it also has advantages and differences in playstyle in the opposite direction the zealot takes it.

Honestly i probably wont every play anything seriously other than my plain old guardsman, I just like chatting class concepts lol

Why it’d basically be a gender locked zealot?

A novitiate would probably be the correct power scaling of a sister for darktide. effectively around a guard veteran in scale. they haven’t earned their power armor and bolter yet.

give her faith abilities and slot it somewhere in between the guardsman and zealot in terms of their role. a generalist would probably be best for them

background wise if they abandoned the whole prisoner thing novitiates are often employed by inquisitors. or hell could have just been on prison ship being escorted back to the nearest order shrine world

There is Bardin’s Veteran, who is somewhat in the same aesthetic/role

Sure, but Skitarii (Or Admech inspired class) are requested due to giving access to things that shouldn’t be accessible otherwise, both in aesthetic and in weapons, the Ratling core/lore weapon are usually just Snipers, either Las or ballistic (Usually ballistic)

Just have failed aspirant, those that are rejected from the Sister of Battle orders and were thrown in jail

Or have them be from a minor fallen order of Sister, centred around the Moebian Sector that were disbanded, that way you can even have a fully fledged Ex-Sister